《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 22: Dreams and Da Train



It had only been 30 minutes since we left Lilly to rot on the road and I can't say I feel bad about it, I mean she kept dogging Carley every step of the way and she almost killed her so she was a looney Tune. But that's when I hear even worse news.

Lee comes and sits in-between Clem and I and we lay against him.

Lee: Duck is bitten.

Clem: I don't feel so good...

Y/n: Me neither...

Lee then comforts us until we fall asleep.

-Dream Sequence?- (I know it's been done before but why not use it for impactful situations)

Y/n: Hello?

I asked that as I walk a field of sunflowers until I find a Big tree on top of a Hill

I started to inspect the tree and noticed a weird symbol carved on it, a heart with Clem and my name's inside.

Y/n: Where am I ?

???: Hey kiddo, been quite awhile.

I've heard that voice before...it can't be...

I turn around and see him...

Y/n: *Teary eyed* Dad!

I rushed to him as quick as I could and he hugged me like how he used to.

Y/n: I missed you so much...

Dad: I missed you too...

After we let go of our hug, I just stared at him for sec.

Dad: Geez son, looks like you've seen a ghost.

Y/n: Really Dad

I chuckle at the obvious and bad joke he was trying to say.

Y/n: So why are you here? I mean don't get me wrong I enjoy your company Dad but why?

Dad sits down in front and pats the ground next to him, so I sit

Dad: I'm here because you feel conflicted and you need extra advice, and who better to ask then me?

Y/n: True, to both of what you said.

Dad: So let me guess, it's about leaving that woman, right?


Y/n: Yeah, I know I've told myself it was the right call and that I don't feel bad about it but the truth is I do.

Dad put his hand on my shoulder.

Y/n: I mean she tried to kill Carley and she was a danger to the group, so we had to leave her right? But I Just feel so guilty about leaving her, even if it was the right call. What do you think?

Dad: What I think is that there sometimes isn't a right call in these scenarios, it's not really about what would be good or bad, it's about what needs to be done to protect those you care for.

Dad then continues on as we look over the valley of the Sunflowers.

Dad: Feeling guilty or bad is normal in the situations because it's what helps you know you're still a good person.

Y/n: It's funny, I heard Lee say something like that too.

Dad: Yeah, that Lee guy is cool in my book.

Y/n: Even if he killed a guy before the world ended, I mean I don't care what he did because it's in the past and I think of Lee and Clem like family but what's your opinion on it?

Dad: Well as you said it's in the past and people do make mistakes, plus from what I've seen he'd do anything in his power to keep you and that little girl safe.

Y/n: Yeah, he watches out for me and Clem. Like I know you would've.

Y/n: Hey Dad...

Dad: Yeah?

Y/n: Are you angry with me about what happened?

Dad just turns to me and smiles.

Dad: No, of course not. It's my job as your father to protect you and I don't regret anything.

Y/n: Even in the end, you faced death with smile and open arms, with no regrets.

Dad: Tell me son, are you angry with me, about what happened?


Y/n: I wasn't ever angry with you...I was just sad because you wouldn't be with me for a long time.

Dad: Thank you, that clears my mind. Time's almost up.

Y/n: Anymore advice for what's to come or future references?

Dad: Well for the advice part, make sure you do whatever you can to keep those you love safe, no matter the cost but try to keep your compassion and don't let anger clutter your mind.

Y/n: You got it!

Dad: What's the little girls name again?

Y/n: It's Clem.

Dad chuckles and starts to smile.

Dad: Your lives are forever entangled, you have a real keeper there, I know your Mom likes her.

My face started to go red a bit.

Y/n: W-We're j-just best friends o-okay.

Dad: You say that now but just give it a little bit and everything will sort itself out.

Y/n: So it's like destiny for us to be together?

Dad: You could say that but hey destiny is a funny thing, just promise me one thing.

Y/n: Of course.

Dad: Treat her good.

Y/n: Of course, I'll protect her with my life...no matter the cost!

Dad: That's my boy.

I hugged my dad but everywhere starts to light up.

Dad: Times up kiddo.

Y/n: Will...Will I see again?

Dad: Whenever you me I'll be there. Be good son, I love you.

Y/n: I will and I love you too.

-Dream over-


I just woke up from the craziest dream, I try to think back during it but I can't remember what remember what he said about Clem only the parts where he said mom likes her and she's a keeper and to make sure she's safe.

Y/n: That was a wild dream.

I notice as I was about to get up two small hands attached to my arm and a head brown hair on my shoulder, it was Clem resting peacefully.

I put my arm around her and she snuggles in closer, we stay like that for a few minutes until we finally, something blocked our path and it was a big-ass train.

Everybody was getting out, so I decided to wake up Clem.

Y/n: Clem, we stopped, it's time to get up.

Clem: c'mon five more minutes, pwease.

She unknowingly gives me the puppy dog eyes and I fold like a house of cards.

Y/n: O-Okay but only five.

Y/n: (Thoughts) I swear, her puppy dogs eyes are just a reflex but better them than the oh so famous death glare.

Five minutes pass.

Y/n: Okay Clem, time to get up.

Clem begrudgingly opens her eyes and gets up, too tired to be flustered but I still saw a hint of red on her cheeks.

I stand up do some stretches to make my body limber up and I get ready to go outside when I notice Clem still sitting.

Y/n: Clem, you coming?

She looks at me again, holds out her arms and asks in a cute sleepy voice.

Clem: Carry me?

Y/n: Oh alright, but only so you don't overuse your puppy dog eyes.

I pick up Clem bridal style and I walk her outside and I sit her on the Log that was there.

Clem: Thanks, my knight.

She said smugly, with a tint a red still on her cheeks.

Y/n: *Bows* *Jokingly* No problem my Queen.

We just look at each other and start to laugh.

Then I look at the train and I see how big it is.

Y/n: Cool.

A/n: Thank you for reading, how'd you like the whole the dream thing, I know I've read other stories like this where they've had it but I just liked it so I decided to use it. So until tomorrow.

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