《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 23: Railroads & Hobos


3rd POV.

Y/n just stands there admiring the train and how big it is, it's glorious to think that if we could get it working we could be safe, at least for awhile.

Lee goes and talks with Y/n.

Lee: Hey bud.

Y/n: Sup' Lee.

Lee: I'm sorry...

Y/n: For what?

Lee: For the pressure that was put on you back on the road, with Lilly and Ben...

Y/n: Look Lee, it's okay, I did what I had to do and said what I had to say, plus it made me feel like I was a bigger part of the group.

Lee: Well I just wanted to make sure your alright, okay?

Y/n: Yeah Lee.

They have a nice father and son type hug before letting go and going about their bussiness.

Then Lee walks over the train, Lee opens the boxcar door and enters. Inside is a mattress, a chair, and other miscellaneous items. Ben appears behind Lee and gets into the boxcar as well.

Ben: Whoa.

Lee: Somebody's been livin' in here.

Ben: Yeah, man. Shit. Think they're gone?

Lee: I hope so, but this looks recently used. Be on the lookout and have your guard up.

Lee picked up the map.

Lee: A map of where the train goes. I think these tracks might lead to the coast. Route 27, Savannah. That's where Kenny's got us headed.

Carley comes up to both Lee and Ben and taps their shoulders, which makes them jump.

Carley: Whoa, it's just me

She said while chuckling about them jumping.

Lee: Damn, need to put a bell around ya tiny.

He said playfully which earns him a little glare but she then starts laughing.

Carley: Oh, Haha...

She said sarcastically.

Carley: Listen, I..Uh..want to talk to you later...a-about something.

She said while her face became red and turned away but Lee still kind of notices something but he wasn't sure.

Lee: Sure Carley

Carley: (Thoughts) Okay...Just gotta tell him how I feel..easier said than done.


Carley then walks towards Clem and Y/n.

After Lee looks/prepares to open the cab door, he notices someone inside that appears to be a walker with his back turned.

Lee: Shit.

Ben joins Lee at the window.

Lee: We got one. Walker. Sitting in the chair. We got 'im.

Lee steps forward and smacks the walker in the head with the wrench he had picked up earlier.

But nothing.

The "Walker" was already dead and had been for awhile.

Lee: Suppose we ought to look him over.

Ben: Yeah.

Lee drags the engineer off the chair. He notices the missing chunk of his face and the bloody, cracked window at the front of the cab.

Ben: I don't think this guy came back

Lee: Christ... (notices orange button) That light is blinking.

Ben: Push it!

Lee: Push it?

Ben: Yeah, why not?

Lee: Are you fucking serious?

Ben: Here, look. (presses button)

The train squeals, and Kenny smiles, happy that it's still working.

Ben: It's just the brakes.

Lee: Okay, I'll give you that one.

Kenny enters the cab

Kenny: This fucker works?

Lee: Seems like it.

Kenny: (sits in front seat) I'll be damned. How the hell do we get it movin'?

Lee: I don't know, ask Mister Amtrak over here.

Ben: No clue.

Lee: We found this in the boxcar back here. (gives Kenny the map)

Kenny: Whoa, is this what it looks like?

Lee: I think so.

Kenny: This hoss will take us right to Savannah. A hundred tons of steel. Put a thousand walkers between us and the ocean and we don't have to give a shit! I can't believe it...

Kenny was overjoyed with news about the train and was finally feeling hopeful again.

Y/N Pov.

As I just got finished with my new and more strenuous workout routine to keep myself and to get stronger, I saw Clem watching me with a bit of a blush, until she saw me notice her and she turned her head.

Then I sit up and walk over to her.


Y/n: Heyyy Clem...

I said in a smug tone.

Clem: Y-Yes?

Y/n: Were you watching me?

Clem's face goes an even deeper shade of red as she stutters.


I laughed a little which earned me a playful punch in the arm so I pretend to be hurt.

Y/n: (Playful) Ouch Clemmy

I said while rubbing my arm, she then laid her head on said arm and just lays there in silence until Carley comes by.

Y/n: Hey Carley!

Carley: Hey Kiddo...C-Can I ask you both a question?

Y/n: Sure, what about?

Carley: I-It's about lee..

She said while whispering and she had...A BLUSH!

Clem and I both noticed and Clem started to Giggle.

Y/n: What about Lee?

I said with a smug smile, already knowing what it was going to be about.

Carley: Does he have any interests or hobbies, like what he likes to do?

Clem: You like'em don't you, Carley?

Her face goes bright red and she too stutters.

Carley: W-Well, I-uh- *Sighs* Yes...

Clem grabs me and starts smiling.

Clem: You should tell him how you feel!

Carley: Y-You think?

Y/n: Yeah Carley, I bet he likes you too, you're awesome!

Carley: Thanks kiddo, well that settles it, I'm going to definitely tell Lee my feelings later today.

Y/n: That's great!

Clem: Yeah, you and Lee will be so good together!

Carley: You guys think so?

Y/n/Clem: We know so!

Carley smiles and walks toward the train.

-A few minutes Later-

After that talk with, Carley, Clem and I talked about other things.

Y/n: Did you know I can Play instruments?

Clem: Wow! Really, which ones?

Y/n: Well I can play The Piano and the Guitar, My mom taught me, I wanted to Learn drums but all of this happened.

Clem: It's still super cool you can play both though! You're Mom must have been super talented!

Y/n: Yep, My dad said she used to be in a band and that's how they met. She was playing a concert as the opening act and afterwards they hit it off Great.

Clem: Awesome!

Just as we were about to continue talking rustling came from the bush, so I pulled out my 1911 and Clem got behind me.

???: Whoa there son, lower your gun.

Y/n: And how do I know you won't hurt me or Clem?

???: Here, I'll give you my gun.

He slowly pulls out his revolver and I watch as he empty's it and then throws it to me.

???: There, are we good now?

I hesitantly lower my gun after Clem puts her hand on my shoulder.

???: Thank ya.

Y/n: What's your name old timer?

???: Chuck, or Charles of your fancy.

He walks over and introduces himself to all of the people who were sitting around, including, Duck, Katjaa, Carley, and Ben.

He seemed alright, I'd usually get a gut feeling by now if he was bad.

Chuck: You kids want some candy?

We take the candy, but I check it first to make sure there isn't any funny business a foot and then I give the all clear for Clem.

Clem, Ben, and I start eating our Candy but I save a few pieces for Lee and Carley.

Y/n: Thanks Chuck.

Chuck: No problem Kid.

3rd Pov.

Chuck walks towards the train car and looks to see Lee and he introduces himself and all that Jazz, Lee seemed a little hesitant but found him to be alright, so they talk for a bit.

-Timeskip to Train uncoupled and ready to go-

Y/N Pov.

We walk onto the train and sit down, Clem and I sit together and Lee was about to sit with us until Carley came over and asked him away for few, which Clem and I both knew the reason why and It made us smile.

3rd Pov.

Lee: So, what did you want to talk about?

A/n: Boom, another chapter down and there will be one tomorrow, now worries. As always thanks for reading.

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