《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 21: Carley's Fate



We had just left the Motor Inn in the R.V after the Bandits broke in and destroyed our home we stayed in for the last few months.

Katjaa sits in the front seat, cradling Duck. Both of them are covered in walker blood.

I was sitting next to Clem, who was still scared, and I held her.

Kenny: KAT! Jesus, are you okay?!

Kat: I'm fine, I'm fine!

Ben: (holding head in his hands) Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, sh-- (looks up) I'm sorry.

Y/n: Shh,Shh, it's okay Clem.

I said to her as I rubbed her back and she was holding onto my chest like it was for dear life.

Carley: Everything's fine, Ben.

Lilly: Everything's not fine. We need to figure out how this happened.

Y/n: Look, we're fine, that's all that matters.

Lilly just shook her head and turned to look at the others.

Lilly: We just lost everything.

Kenny: Well, we're lucky as shit to have this RV!

Carley: And nobody died.

Kenny: Kat's head is split open!

Clem looked at me with red eyes from where she was crying into my chest.

Clem: Y/n..Are we gonna be okay?

Y/n: Of course, Lee will protect us and the others and no matter what I'll protect you.

That seemed to calm her down since she no longer held onto me as tight and softened her grip.

Kat: I'm fine!

Lilly: Somebody in here caused this.

Kenny: Settle down back there; the bandits have had our number for weeks!

Lilly: This is different. Somebody was working with them. Whoever it was was slipping them our meds. They didn't get their last package, so they attacked.

Kenny: Calm down back there! That's nuts!

Lilly: Lee found a bag of supplies hidden outside the wall!

Lee: It's true.

I was a little shocked, though it would make sense considering the bandits did attack and were yelling about supplies that we hadn't given them.

Lilly: So, Carley, is there something you wanna say?

Carley: Please.

Lilly: We have to get it out of you, then?

Carley: Back off!

Y/n: (Thoughts) Well, this isn't good.

Lilly: You're in no position to make demands.

Carley: Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're just pointing fingers.

Lilly: I didn't just come up with this, I've had my suspicions.

Kenny: Probably not the best time, Lilly!

Lilly: If not now, when? Look at what just happened!

Y/n: Everybody's just panicked, we should just calm down and be rational.

Lilly: No, we're doing this now.

Lee: Carley's trustworthy. She's not a traitor, Lilly.

Carley: Thank you, Lee.

Lilly: She can fight her own battles. Unless there's something going on here that implicates you both.

Carley: Don't be ridiculous.


Y/n: Lee wouldn't do anything like that.

Lee smiled at what I said.

Ben: Like, look, maybe we should, uh, vote or something like that.

Lilly: Vote? What?

Ben: Just, look, Carley's a stand-up gal and maybe this was all just a mistake.

Carley: We need to look at the facts. Let's calm down, we'll eat and we'll deal with it.

I look down at Clem who's listening but laying her head on my shoulder.

Ben: Yeah, let's do that.

Carley: Okay?

Lee: Lilly, stop waving the finger at everybody. We know something's going on and we can get to the bottom of it if we keep our heads.

Lee's the most rational one in the group in my opinion.

Lilly: I know what we found.

Lee: I know Lilly...I know.

Ben: Nobody was stealing ANYTHING!

Y/n: Ben, calm down.

He didn't, he was still shaking like a leaf in the wind as Lilly continued her outing.

Lilly: Was it both of you?

Ben: What?

Lilly: I've seen you two together. Was it both of you?!

Ben: Look, just let me out. I didn't do it, but I don't like this; I don't like where it's headed.

Lilly: Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't have anything to do with it.

Carley: Lilly, lay off of him.

Ben: I-

Ben was about to speak until Kenny hit something in the road.

Kenny: Shit!

Lilly: What's going on up there?

Kenny: I hit something, we gotta stop!

Lilly: Alright, well, we can deal with this now, then.

Kenny then pulled over to the side of the road.

Lee: Kenny, is it safe?

Kenny: Should be.

Lilly: Everybody out.

Lee: Lilly...

Lilly: Out.

Everyone but Katjaa and Duck exits the RV. Lilly crouches down and sees the walker caught beneath the RV, while Clem stays in the doorway of the R.V and I stand right outside towards the left.

Lilly: Kenny, the RV has some surface damage but there's a walker trapped underneath.

Kenny: Goddamnit. Everyone, keep your eyes peeled.

Kenny then starts to pull the walker out but it's taking a bit.

Lilly: You know what, we shouldn't just kick you out, we should hear what everybody thinks.

Y/n: I think you should take a breath okay?

She just gives me a look that said to be quiet.

Carley: I'm not gonna take this. You can push Ben around but you can't push me around.

Lilly: I'm really sorry you feel that way. I'm starting to think maybe it was both of you.

Ben: No!

Kenny: Gah, this dumb-fuck walker!

Lee: You good?

Kenny: Yeah Yeah.

Lilly: Ben, you have no other options here.

Carley: Leave him alone.

Lilly: You can tell me it was Carley and then everything will be right as rain.


Lilly: Don't you think so, Kenny?

Lee: There's no way it was Carley.

Lee: It was somebody else. It could've even been someone sneaking into our camp.

Lilly: That's ridiculous. That's what you think?

Lee: Yes.

Lilly: Well how about you, Y/n?

Lee: Lilly, don't put that pressure on him, he's just a boy.

Lee didn't want the weight or guilt of the decision on me, just trying to look out for both me and Clem.

Lilly: No Lee, he goes out on scavenging and he's knows how to carry himself, kid or not.

Clem grabs my shoulder softly as they all look at me.

Y/n: Well I know that Carley is innocent because she wouldn't do anything that would hurt us.

Carley: Thank you, Y/n.

Y/n: But for Ben, I'm not sure...

Ben's eyes widen and everyone looks at me, including Clem.

Y/n: I mean I don't have all the evidence to say it was him or that it wasn't, but he was freaking out on the R.V and he did say he was sorry. No one apologizes without having something to apologize for right?

They all look like they're thinking about it.

Y/n: But all I know for sure is that Carley is innocent since she's always around somebody or in sight but still I don't have evidence to go against Ben or to help.

Lilly: So what's your vote?

I look at them all looking at me, including Ben with fear in his eyes.

Y/n: I vote that Carley stays because she's Innocent, no doubt, and I vote that Ben stays until we know for sure if it was or wasn't.

I look back and see Clem smiling at my decision, I also see Carley smilies and Lee nodding, but Lilly looks tict off.

Lilly: Well fine, that's your vote.

Lilly: Okay, fine, then. Kenny?

Kenny: I don't know! Fuck! Just stop, would ya?!

Lilly: Well, your vote counts for you and Katjaa.

Ben: We don't need all these VOTES! What do I have to do for you to TRUST me? I'll do ANYTHING! I'll--I'll do watches for months!

Lilly: Ha, the HELL you will.

Ben: I'll get more food, more medicine, anything, just--

Lilly: You think any of that is good now?!


Lilly: You're pathetic. Look at you.

Lee: Stop panicking. Seriously, Ben, you need to stop and just take a breath.

Lilly: Do we need anymore evidence than this?!

Y/n: Ben I'm giving you benefit of the doubt and Lee is right, calm down.

Carley: Fuck EVIDENCE! Stop treating him like this!

Lilly: Shut up, Carley--ugh, I've heard enough out of you!

Lilly: Kenny! What's it gonna be?!

Kenny: Just gimme a damn minute!

Lilly: Ben, you have until that walker is dealt with to tell me it was her and not you.

Carley: Stop this. You're torturing him!

Ben: No...

Lilly: BEN!

Carley: STOP!

Kenny: There we go, you ugly shit.

Lilly: This is about trust, and I've never trusted you.

Y/n: Lee, I don't like where this is going...

Lee: It'll be okay buddy, I promise.

I simply just nodded.

Lee: Lay off, Lilly.

Lilly: You know I can't Lee.

Carley: Thank you, Lee. Please, listen to him.

Ben: Please don't kick me out of the group.

Lee: We won't.

Y/n: Unless you give us a reason.

I finished and they just nod and look back towards him.

Lilly: Tell me. NOW!

Kenny: There I got'em

Ben: Let's just get back in the R.V

Lilly: That's not happening.

Carley: You think you're some tough bitch, don't you? Like nothing can hurt you, but you're just a scared little girl. Get the fuck over it. Take a page from Lee's book and try helping somebody for once.

As she said that I saw Lilly's hand going for her gun.

Kenny: THERE, I got 'im.

Kenny: Now, what the fuck's the problem?

Clem noticed too.

Clem: NO!

I jumped and pulled her hand down right as she pulled the trigger and made the bullet hit the ground, I then shoved her away while Lee pushed her against the R.V making her not be able to move.

Lee: Drop it!

Lilly did.

Carley: Holy shit! Thanks Y/n.

Kenny: Good job kid, holy fuck.

Lilly: She's the traitor you gotta believe me.

Kenny: Let's leave this crazy bitch, I mean, how long until she tries to kill me next!

Lilly then tries to turn people on Lee by talking about his past but it doesn't work because he told them all before hand and even if he didn't Clem and I would be on his side still.

Lee: We're leaving and you're not coming with us.

Lilly: I'll die out here!

Lee: I don't care.

We all hopped back into the R.V, the only one who was no longer with us was Lilly.

Clem: You did good Y/n! You saved Carley!

Y/n: No problem, I'd do it anytime for anyone of us, especially you Clem.

That made her Blush.

Lee: Good going Y/n, you protected Carley.

He said with a smile as we drove off leaving Lilly in dust.

A/N: SO BOOM, Carley's alive and kicking, how do you like it? I'm going to make sure she and Lee get together real soon. So until tomorrow, thanks for reading and everything.

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