《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 9: The St.John's Dairy



So we've just arrived at The St.John's Dairy and it looks pretty great actually, I thought it might've been a trap or a set-up but looks good for now.

Mark: The fence keeps them out?

Andy: You betcha. They fry like bugs in a zapper. We're pushing 4,000 volts through that thing, with generators and amps.

Carley: I'm going to assume that's a lot...

Y/n: Seems like it, I mean four thousand is a big number

Carley only nods and chuckles at what I had to say.

Lee: Ever have any accidents?

Danny: Nah.

Andy: It's safer here than out there.

Carley: This place looks untouched! You'd never know the rest of the world is in ruins.

Y/n: Who'd a thought that a place like this would still even be around, it's pretty awesome!

I say that but I'm still around to making sure nothing fishy is going on, because I just can't shake this feeling in my gut that some dirty deeds are afoot.

Andy: It's worth protecting, hence all the juice.

As we were talking a red headed big lady comes walking down the houses steps towards us with a basket of something.

Old Lady: I thought I saw y'all with company comin' down the drive!

Andy: Guys, this is our mama.

Old Lady: I'm Brenda St. John, and welcome to the St. John Dairy!

I walk up to her and until I see anything actually fishy, I'll be nice...

Y/n: Hello I'm Y/n, we brought you some gasoline for your generators!

Brenda: Well ain't you a nice little boy.

I smile to give her a false sense of security. (A/n: We smart ain't we)

Andy: (Gestures to Lee) This here's Lee.

Andy: He's from Macon.

Brenda: A couple of our old farm hands were from Macon. They grow 'em good there.

Danny: They got a few more friends staying at the old motel.

Brenda: Oh, my goodness, that place is pretty vulnerable. Have you got someone with survival experience to lead your group?

Lee: We all work together. Plus, we've got plenty of people with military experience.

Brenda: Well, that's good to hear. That motel ain't the safest place.

Brenda: Now that y'all are here, we'll make sure you're safe and comfortable.

When I was looking around I noticed a red barn, their white house, and a gazebo.


Lee: We're awful hungry.

Brenda: These are for y'all. Baked fresh this morning.

The old lady Brenda then handed a basket full of biscuits and to be honest they smelled heavenly.

Carley: Amazing!

Danny: Can't get stuff like that anymore, not without a cow for milk and butter, that's for sure.

Brenda: That's right. Hopefully Maybelle will make it through this bout of whatever she's got and be with us for a good long while.

Lee: Your cow is sick? What's she--

Lee was abruptly cut off by Mark.

Mark: We have a vet! We could bring her here! We can help you folks out.

Brenda: A vet? Oh, my! Our prayers have been answered!

Mark: Maybe our whole GROUP could come...for the day...

Brenda: Well, how about this, y'all go get your veterinary friend, and I prepare some dinner. A BIG feast for all you hungry souls. It'll be nice to have some folks to help out around here again. Danny, why don't you come help me out in the kitchen?

After she said that Danny and her leave to go fix dinner.

Carley: Why don't I head back with the food and round up everyone for the trip over here?

Andy: You might wanna take someone with you. Remember, those roads can be dangerous.

Carley: I can handle myself.

Mark: Take this.

Mark hands Carley his rifle.

Mark: Why don't you go ahead and take Ben along anyway?

Carley: Take care of yourself, Lee. That goes for you to Y/n. See ya in a while.

Ben and Carley then leave to go gather the others.

Andy: Mark, Lee, why don't ya take a look around? Once ya get settled in, I could use some help securin' the perimeter.

Lee: Is there a problem?

Andy: Sometimes, the dead get tangled up in the fence before they fry and end up knocking over a post. It'd be a BIG help if you could walk the perimeter. You can learn a li'l something about our fence. I'm gonna go top off the generators before they run dry. Come get me when you're ready.

Mark: You betcha!

Andy then left.

Mark: This place is INCREDIBLE! It's got food! And that fence...oh, man, that fence! If we play our cards right, this might turn out to be a place we can stay. So how do you want to play this?


Y/n: I say we walk around to make sure this place is safe before Clem and the others get here.

Lee: I agree.

Mark: Right. Obviously, THEY think it's safe, but is it safe enough for the kids? I noticed a broken swing over there. Not a big deal, but maybe there's other things not working that we just can't see yet.

Lee: And checking the fence perimeter sounds like a decent way to get a good look at their defenses.

Mark: Alright, I'll keep my eyes open and you find out what you can from Andy.

With that I started to walk with Lee and Look around for things that could be dangerous to Clem and the others.

Y/n: Hey Lee, look!

I pointed to the swing that appeared to be broken.

Lee: Too bad it's broken. I'll bet Clementine and Duck would have loved something like this to play on.

Andy: Kids used to like that old swing even more than the tour sometimes!

Lee: I'll bet.

Lee: Mind if I fix it?

Andy: Sure! That'd be great! Momma sure does appreciate you all helping out.

I looked at Lee

Y/n: Well looks like we got a mini task to do.

Lee: Looks like it just needs a new board for the seat and some rope. Make it safe for Clem, You, and Duck, and let the St. Johns know we can pull our weight around here.

We ended up fixing up the swing real quick and we get back to looking around for more stuff.

(Time-Skip to fixing the Fence)

So we offered to help with more stuff and Andy asked us to help the fence in the north-west section of the perimeter, meanwhile he'd turn off the power to it so we could pull off fried walkers without the risk of us getting hurt.

Mark: There's one. Eughh.

I nudged the walkers shin with my foot.

Mark: Relax, it's dead kid.

Y/n: Better to be safe then sorry.

Lee: Come on lets push it off.

Lee tried to push off the walker but it wouldn't budge.

Lee: Look likes it's stuck.

The arrow has gone through the walker's neck and into a fence post, so Lee pulls the arrow out of the corpse.

Y/n: Gross dude.

Lee: Disgusting.

Lee then used his axe to push the dead walker off the fence.

Lee: Come on, I'm sure there's still a few more.

We continued to walk the fence and the perimeter.

Mark: Once this fence is patched up, this place'll be a fortress! God, can you imagine not having to worry about the walkers anymore?

Lee: It's useless without gas. We might need food, but the St. Johns need gas too.

Mark: Not many drivers these days, Lee. We could scrounge up a year's worth of gas, easy.

Y/n: Well so long as Clem is safe that's the most important thing.

Mark and Lee have smirks on their faces.

Mark: Does someone have a crush.

I immediately went red and they both noticed.

Y/n: I..Uh...

I just kept stuttering because I couldn't think straight after thinking about me and Clem together.

Lee: Relax, we won't tell her.

Mark: Yeah, your secrets safe with us kid.

Y/n: Thank you

I said with a sigh of thank fullness.

Mark: So, what's your take on the brothers? They seem to have this place tied down pretty well.

Y/n: Personally, I think Danny is a little creepy.

Mark: Yeah...he's something.

Lee: What do you mean by that?

Mark: I don't know. They seem decent enough. I just want you to know that I've got your back if anything goes down. That's all.

Lee: Thanks.

Lee: There's another one.

Mark: I see it.

Mark and Lee approach another walker caught in the fence. Lee pushes it away with his axe, but its hands remain caught on the fence.

Y/n: It just can't seem to let go, huh?

I said sarcastically.

They both just let out a chuckle.

Lee: Man, the fence burnt right into its hands. I think they fused together.

Lee severs the zombie's wrists, and its body falls while its hands remain fused to the fence.

Mark: You never get used to the smell, do ya?

Lee: (Chuckles) Nope.

We continued walking.

Mark: Christ, I can't stop thinking about dinner.

A/N: That's it for today, I hoped you enjoyed it and thank you all for reading even if the chapter was kinda slow and not action pact. Lots of love from ya boi.

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