《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 8: The St.Johns



Carley: Hey, you both okay?

Lee: Yeah, thanks.

Y/n: Yep, thanks Carley.

Carley: No problem, kiddo.

After the whole dead guy incident a few minutes ago everyone seems to be more one edge then they all ready were.

I walked over to Clem who had walked away from the group for a bit and we started to talk.

Y/n: What's up Clem?

Clem: Nothing much I'm making a big picture using my chalk, wanna see?

Y/n: Sure.

She shows me a flower she was drawing in pink chalk.

Clem: How does it look?!

I just smiled at her and her cuteness and said...

Y/n: It's amazing Clem

That comment made her smile and I've gotta say...her smile makes me feel warm, she just radiates sunshine in my opinion. But after what Ben told us I'm surprised she can still put a smile on her face.

Clem: Thanks Y/n!

Y/n: Uh..Clem..How do you feel after hearing what Ben told us?

Clem looked down for a second then back up to me.

Clem: I don't know...I feel sad that all those people became those monsters and that eventually it'll happen me...

When she said that I thought about that scenario and it broke my heart, I couldn't handle seeing Clem like that..but I made a vow to always protect her and I will.

I grabbed Clem into a hug right after she said that and I did it so fast that it kinda surprised her but she then hugged onto me too, and I then I gently made her head tilt up.

Y/n: Clem I promise that so long as I still got blood in body and air in my lungs, I promise you WILL stay alive!

Clem: I know you'll protect me but...

Y/n: Remember what I said Clem...No buts.

We then broke the Hug and then we heard Carley yelling at what I assume is people.

Carley: Back off!

Carley pointed her gun at two men outside the fence and they put their hands up. One of them holds a gas can.


???1: Whoa, lady, relax! Me and my brother, we...we just wanna know if y'all can help us out.

Carley: I said back off!

Lilly: Carley...

Lee: We don't want any trouble...

???1: Of course. Neither do we. I'm Andy St. John. This here's my brother Danny. We're just out looking for gasoline. Looks like you folks got the motel locked down, which is fine, but if you could spare any gas we'd be much obliged.

Carley: Why do you need gas?

Danny: Our place is protected by an electric fence. Generators provide the electricity...

Andy: Our generators run on gas. Look, we own a dairy farm a few miles up the road. If y'all be willing to lower your guns, we can talk about some kinda trade.

Danny: How y'all doing on food? We got plenty at the dairy.

Lilly: Lee, why don't you and Mark check the place out? See if it's legit.

Carley then put her gun away.

Carley: I'm going with you. I got your back if anything seems fishy.

Andy: So, what do y'all think?

Lee: You've got a deal. We'll bring SOME gas to your dairy. In exchange, you give us some food to bring back. We'll see how it goes from there.

Andy: Sounds fair. A couple of gallons should power one of our generators for a while.

Y/n: Yo Lee!

Lee looked back at me as I approached him

Lee: Yeah Y/n?

Y/n: I'm going with you guys.

Lee: I'm not sure, it could be dangerous...

Y/n: Come on Lee, power in numbers

Lee: Okay, but stick close.

Y/n: Okay!

As we were about to go I went to talk to Clem real quick.

Y/n: Hey Clem

Clem: Yeah Y/n?

Y/n: I'm going with Lee, Mark, Carley, and Ben to that Dairy to make sure it's safe for the rest of you.

Clem looked a little worried about me and I could tell.

Clem: W..Well Okay but you better be safe!

Y/n: You got it.

I hugged her and Left with the others to head to the St.Johns Dairy but not before Leaving her my knife to make sure she's safer.


(The Woods)

So now we're walking through the woods on the way to the dairy and it's been decently quite.

Mark: So, this dairy...you guys really have food?

Andy: Sure do. We lost most of the cattle, but we still have lots of milk, butter, and cheese stocked up.

Danny: And with the vegetables we grow, we got plenty of food.

Carley: It's nice to get away from that motel for a while. This Lilly/Kenny thing is starting to get ridiculous. Personally, I'd be happier if you started to take charge more.

I walked up to Carley and Lee as they talked, kinda eavesdropping.

Lee: You think they'd want me for a leader?

Carley: Sure. Everybody looks up to you.

Lee: Well...not everyone thinks I'm so trustworthy.

Carley: Because of your past? Does anyone else know?

Lee: Larry knows.

Carley: Great, that can't be easy.

Lee: Clementine and Y/n know. They were there when we were talking in the drugstore and asked me about it. I couldn't lie to them.

Carley: What exactly DID happen with the senator?

Lee: You know what happened...

Carley: I only know what the press was told. I don't know your story.

Lee: Sometimes I wonder if I should talk to the group about it...

Carley: You don't have to. Whatever happened before things went to hell doesn't matter anymore.

Lee: Not sure everyone would see it that way.

Carley: Maybe you're right... Listen, over the years I've reported on some pretty messed up shit. I've seen situations like yours a hundred times, it doesn't have to make you a bad man...

Lee: I really appreciate that.

I decided to pitch into the conversation.

Y/n: Well in my opinion I think Lee's a great guy!

They both look at me and smile at my words.

Lee: Thanks

Carley: Yes he is.

We then catch up to the rest of the group that had gotten ahead of us as we talked about Lee's hold situation.

Mark: I mean, thank god Lee showed up when he did! Right, Lee?

Andy: Yeah, why don't you tell us a little more about yourself, Lee?

Danny: Where are ya from?

Lee: I grew up in Macon.

Andy: Right here in the heart of Georgia, that's what I like to hear!

He then looked at me, which to be honest he kinda gave me creepy vibes but I decided to shake it off as paranoia.

Andy: How bout' you kid?

Y/n: When I was about 4 I lived in Atlanta but then I moved away, still lived in Georgia just not in Atlanta.

Andy: Good to hear.

Andy: Y'all seem pretty settled in at that motor inn. Who's running things over there?

Lee: We work as a group, all of us looking out for each other.

Andy: I hear that! There are so many dumbasses out there fighting each other these days...it's just stupid.

Danny: How many ya got over there anyway?

Lee: Ten. Including the kids.

Y/n: Why do you want to know how many people we have if you don't mind me asking?

I was getting even bigger No no signs from that creep Danny.

Danny: Oh, nothing. Just wanted to know so we can give you the right amount of food!

I felt his response to be a bit to rushed but I'm not gonna call him out, at least not yet.

( Time-Skip to Dairy)

After we had a little run with bandits we finally made it to the Dairy.

Andy: Here it is. St. John's family dairy. (gestures to electric fence) Y'all can see how we've kept this place so safe.

A/N: AND that's enough for now, sorry for the sorta short chapter it'll probably be longer but still same question should I make Clem go a little yandere for Y/n in the later seasons like 3 and 4?

Well as always thanks for reading and giving me suggestions that I will think about so until tomorrow.

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