《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 7: Starved for Help



Three Months later...

A zombie is eating a rabbit. I walk up behind it and axe it in the back of the head. Mark walks up behind him.

Mark: Damn. What'd they get this time?

Me: Looks like a rabbit.

Mark: Well, that's another meal lost.

We started to walk to look for more animals and food.

Mark: I still can't believe we went through all that commissary food in three months! It seemed like so much at the time.

Me: Maybe you shouldn't have opened that door.

Mark: Yeah, except then I'd probably BE food right now. Trust me, I have no regrets!

Me: A rabbit's hardly a meal, Mark, but...I'd take it. We're all hungry.

Mark: No kidding.

Mark: When I accidentally grabbed for Carley's rations the other night, I thought she was gonna take off my hand!

Me: We're all on edge. Just cut her some slack.

Mark: Yeah, you're right. I wish I knew for sure how much food we have left.

Me: We'll manage.

Mark: Maybe. You know some people aren't too happy about the way Lilly is handling rations.

Me: Lilly knows it's important to keep the adults fed and functioning. Sometimes that means someone's gotta miss a meal.

Mark: You think Kenny's having any more luck than we are out here?

Me: I sure hope so.

Y/N POV. ( Meanwhile)

Lee was out with Mark and Kenny to go hunting, meanwhile the rest of us are stuck here for the time being. Ever since we got here at the motel I've been keeping up my training, I've been getting stronger and faster even if just barely but any progress is good.

Y/n: Okay..*huff*...* huff* That's eighty push ups, squats, sit ups and fifteen pull ups and a one mile run.

I've been training to get stronger so I can protect Clem better if she ever needs saving and Lee isn't around. Sure I'm a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu and I'm a really good boxer but I'm still a child so I need to get stronger, I even run drills to make sure I don't get rusty on either.

Clem: Hey Y/n!

Clem said as she runs over to me after I got done and we hug.

Y/n: Yeah Clem?

Clem: Look at my picture!

She shows me a picture that she made of cat.

Y/n: That's really cool Clem!

She smiles at my comment.

Clem: Hey, wanna play some soccer

Y/n: I thought you didn't like it?

I said with a smug grin

Clem: Well I don't have anything else to do...

Y/n: Alright Clemmy, let's do it!

She smiled and ran to get the soccer ball we had found around the motel. Over the last three months, Clem and I have gotten even closer and to be honest I feel like I'd do anything anything for her...even at the cost of my own life and I don't know what this feeling is but it's like I want to be more than just best friends...


As I was running to get the soccer ball that Y/n and I were gonna use I started to think about Y/n. I don't know why but whenever I'm around him he always makes me feel like I have butterflies in my tummy. I grabbed the soccer ball and started to walk back when I saw his cute..smile. What is this feeling...


Y/n: So finally got the soccer ball slow-poke

I playfully punch his arm and he pretends to be hurt in an over-dramatic way.

Me: I'm not slow you dork...

Y/n: ( Over-dramatically) Oh, my feelings...

We then started to laugh and duck came over and we started to play a match of soccer/football

A/n:(If your from the U.K it's called football right, in america it's called soccer)


Mark: Yeah, between the lack of food and Kenny and Lilly fighting all the time, things are getting pretty tense back at the motor inn. You know Kenny's been talking about taking off if he can get that RV running.

Me: Kenny won't abandon us. He's a good man.

Mark: I guess we'll see...

Mark: Can't blame him, though--did you hear Larry going off on him last night? What's the old guy's deal, anyway? Seems like he's got a problem with you in particular.

A bird then flies by and Caws.

Me: He's just an old racist asshole, that's his deal.

Mark: Well, he needs to get over that and start finding a way to pull his weight. Heart problems or not, we should all be out here trying to find food.

Mark: And I know Lilly thinks he's getting weaker, but the guy's all muscle! He's a walking piledriver! I know I wouldn't want to be stuck in a room with him! And didn't he punch you in the face one time?

Me: Knocked me flat.

The bird that had just flown by then lands on a tree and Mark and I are thinking about getting it.

Lee: Don't. Gunshot'll bring walkers. One bird's not worth it.

Mark lowered his gun

Mark: Yeah, I know... I'm just...really frickin' hungry.

We then both hear a far off scream.

Mark: Shit! Was that Kenny?!

Me: I don't know! Come on!

We then ran off to where the scream had came from and when we got there we found to what looks to be high school students and their teacher whose leg is caught in a bear trap, with the students trying to get him out.

Mark: Jesus Christ...

The two teens turn around, one looks like shaggy from Scooby-Doo and the other has long black hair and both are wearing letter man jackets.

Teen 1: Oh, shit! No. No, please don't kill us! We just want to help our teacher! We'll leave, I swear!

Kenny finally arrives on scene

Kenny: Lee! You guys okay?

Teacher: Get it off! Get it off, goddamn it, get it off me!

Teen 2: Travis, maybe they can help!

So the first teen is Travis...

Travis: These might be the same guys that raided our camp and... We barely got away from that!

Mark: What guys?

Kenny: Why the fuck is there a bear trap out HERE?!

Teen 2: I don't know, man...

Me: What the hell happened?

Teen 2: Mr. Parker said we should stay off the streets! We were trying to be careful but--

Mr.Parker: Rrrrrrrgghhh!

Mark: Lee, this is fucked up. We've gotta help 'em.

Teen 2: PLEASE!!

Travis: Ben, shut up! My dad was Special Forces, I know what I'm doing!

Ben: Just see if you can get him out! After that you can leave us or whatever, I don't care! Please!


Me: We gotta get him out of there.

Mr.Parker: Oh, god, thank you!

Kenny: Fine, but you gotta hurry!

Mark then bent down to inspect the trap.

Mr.Parker: Hurry...please, hurry...

Walkers start to show up...

Mr.Parker: Ggnnnnrrrnnn!

Mark: Lee, this trap's been altered. There's no release latch.

Travis: ...Oh, no.

Two walkers are heading towards them.

Kenny: Shit! Walkers! It's now or never, Lee.

Mr.Parker: Please...get me out of this!

Me: Mark, get the boys back!

I bend down to look at the trap.

Me: Kenny, keep those walkers off of me!

The others start to yell as the walkers start to pour in, the Ben kid is freaking out, Travis is stood paralyzed with fear, Kenny and Mark are holding back the walkers. Since I found that there was no other way.. I made a decision...

I stand up...

Mr.Parker: Oh God...

Me: I'm gonna have to cut you out!

Mr.Parker: No, no, no! Try the trap again! Anything, please!

I started to chop

Mr.Parker: Rrrrrrrrrgh!!

Another chop

Mr.Parker: Awwwghhhh!!

Another chop

Mr.Parker: Fwaaaaaghh!

Another chop

Mr.Parker: Gggggggrrragh!!!

He then passed out right after...

Travis: Oh, God...

Travis then threw up at the sight of his teachers cut off leg.

Mark: Shit. Is he?!

Me: He passed out.

Kenny: If he's alive, grab him and let's go!

The herd of walkers is closing in. Mark picks David up over his shoulders and carries him away with Kenny going, too. Ben starts to walk, but turns back to wait for Travis.


Travis wiped his mouth from the vomit


I hold him back

Me: Come on, come on! We gotta go!

Travis: AHH! (turns around and backs up slowly but falls and is devoured by walkers) HEELLP---AHHHH--ahhhgggrkkk!

Ben: NO!


Clem and I have been messing around with the soccer ball for a bit and it has been just us for a bit because Duck got tired and started to draw. Larry was fortifying the fence, Katjaa was by Duck watching him draw, and Lilly was on lookout.

Y/n: So Clemmy having fun!

Clem: Yes! but mainly because I'm with you!...

Clem: I MEAN..UH

Clem then turned super red and so did I...she looked down at her feet because she was embarrassed at what she had just said. I then surprise her and give her hug and she buried her head in my chest.

Y/n: I have fun when I'm with you too...

We then let go and I smile at her which makes her smile.

Then we hear rustling outside the bush and Lilly aims her gun as I step in front of Clem. Then Lee was heard yelling.

Lee: Get the gates open! We've got wounded.

Lilly lowered her guns and I run over and help open the gate as Clem watches me.

Lilly: Shit. What the hell are they doing?

The rest of the motel group runs to the gates as Lee and the others approach.

Kenny: Come on, come on!

Katjaa: Oh, my god!

I then looked in shock at the guy with a chopped off leg and Clem sees it so she holds my hand.

Lee pushes open one of the dumpsters blocking the gate and the group enters. Everyone begins talking at the same time, speaking over each other.

Katjaa: What happened!?

Mark: Where should I put him?

Larry: Who the HELL are these people?

Duck: Who's that

Carley: What's going on?

Lee: I don't have time to explain.

Me and Clem run over to Lee

Clem: Lee are you okay!?

Katjaa: Get him into the truck, I'll see what I can do, okay?

Katjaa briefly hugs Duck, and Mark and some shaggy looking kid put the guy with a beard into the truck bed.

Kenny: Kat, can you fix him?

Katjaa: Jesus, Ken! I...I don't know!

Clem looks at them but I decide to take her to the other side of the R.V. because I didn't want her to see it.

Clem: I..Is he gonna be Okay?!

Y/n: Clem...I...I don't know.

(Time-skip by a few minutes)

After I calm her down, we both walk back to see Lilly yelling at Lee and Kenny and Lee sides with Kenny. Then Lilly hands Lee the rations that we could spare for the day, Half an apple, A piece of jerky, Cracker n' Cheese.

Clem looks at me and then Ben.

Clem: Let's have him come over here.

Y/n: Okay Clem...

We grab Ben and pull him over to us as we start to talk and Clem and Duck draw.

Lee walks over to us and gives Me a half an apple, Clem a piece of jerky, and Duck gets the crackers n' cheese, we thanked Lee and I saw Clem looking at my apple. And I knew it was because she loved apples so...

Y/n: Hey Clem?

Clem: Yeah Y/n?

Y/n: Wanna trade?

I point to my apple and her jerky.

Clem: Really!

Y/n: Yeah, I know how much you love them

She had a big smile on her face as we traded which I couldn't help but chuckle at.

Clem: Thanks Y/n!

We hugged

Y/n: No problem Clem

I then heard Kenny and Lee talk about the rations and Kenny wasn't mad because he said that it was a "Tough decision" and that he took care of us kids which is what a real man does.

I decided to split mine in half, I walked up to Lee but he said he was fine and had already eaten like a day or two ago. So I went over to Kenny and I practically made him take it when I had told him I had already half but I split it before I did.

Kenny: Thanks Y/n.

Y/n: No problem Kenny.


The beard guy dies, comes back and attacks Katjaa but Lee pulled him off and started wrestling with him and he was about to get bit until he fell off the back off the truck and I kicked the walker away from him and Carley shoots it. Then Kenny gets mad at Ben and Ben tells us were all infected so that if don't destroy the brain it doesn't matter how you die you'd come back.

Clem holds both Lee and I's hand...

A/N: There we go first part of episode two all good and done, just as always thanks for reading an there shall be more.

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