《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 10: Attack of the Bandits



Mark: Would've been nice to get some of those rations. I get hungry too, ya know.

He said to Lee because he was the one who took and handed out the rations, It kinda made me feel bad because I feel like I should've given him some.

Lee: We'll go ask for more to eat after this is done.

Mark: Alright I can suck it up!

I saw a section of fence had fallen down with a walker tangled in it. Nearby, outside the fence, is a silo and tractor.

Mark: Come on, I think I see where they're getting in. This one must've knocked it over trying to get through. He's tangled up in there pretty good. Come on, help me get this thing back in place so we can get Mr. Crispy off of here.

Y/n: Whoa, the fence got'em good...

I said that to Lee and Mark.

Lee: I think we'd get better leverage from the other side.

I simply just nodded.

Mark: Good Idea.

Mark jumps over the fallen fence to the other side. He crouches down and holds onto one of the fence posts and I join him.

Mark noticed that Lee was staring at the walker that got fried.

Mark: If you're waiting for that guy to help, it ain't gonna happen. Come on.

Y/n: Yeah Lee, no worries.

Lee steps over the fence and holds the other fence post and I push on the same on as Mark. We push the fence back up. Just as they let go, the electric fence turns on.

Mark: Holy fuck! What just happened?

Lee: The fences are on!

Y/n: What!

Mark: Why the hell would he turn the fence on?! He knows we're out here!

An arrow pierces Mark's shoulder and he cries out in pain, grabbing his shoulder. Arrows continue flying at Mark, Lee, and Me. One almost hits me but I dodge it by pure luck.

Bandit: I told you what would happen, you son of a bitch!

Mark: What the--?

Lee pulls me close to him to be a kind of protective shield.

Lee: Get to the Gate!


Mark, Lee, and Me try to run along the fence to reach the gate, but arrows are fired in front of their path, narrowly missing them. Lee looks over at the tractor.

Lee: Get down!

Bandit: You assholes!

Mark: JESUS!

We take cover behind the tractor. Lee peeks over, ducking as an arrow flies at him.

Y/n: Lee! What do we do?!

Bandit: We had an agreement! Now you're fucked!

Mark: Who the fuck is that?

Lee: No idea!

Y/n: Well whoever it is must be pretty angry with us!

Mark: Fuck! Now what?

Lee: With the fence on, that gate is our only way out!

Mark started to get super worried and who could blame him, Lee tried to push the tractor but it wouldn't budge.


Lee and I started to look around to see what the problem was, and when we look toward the back and I notice the plow stuck into the ground.

Y/n: Lee! The plow's blades are stuck in the dirt!

Y/n: Get it unstuck and I'll cover you.

I pulled out my dad's 1911 and check to see how many bullets I have.

Y/n: Full clip plus one ready to fire, eight all together!

Lee: Alright, but be careful!

I nod.

Lee goes to pull the plow lever, which raises the spikes stuck into the dirt and while he did it I shot a bandit in the stomach and he fell. Lee and I quickly take cover again as the bandits fire an arrow at us. Lee takes away the chock blocking the front wheel as he does I shoot two more,one in the chest and the other in groin, and the tractor starts rolling forward; Lee, Mark, and I move along with it.

Lee: Thanks for the cover!

Y/n: No problem! I got 5 shots left.

Lee: Come on, if we can reach the gate, we can get through this fence and back to the house.

Bandit: Over there!

Mark: Aghh! Shit, that hurts!

Bandit: They're on the move!

I came from behind cover and shot the same bandit in the throat before quickly ducking behind the tractor again.


Y/n: ( Thoughts) I got 4 bullets left.

The tractor stops as it runs into a dead walker.

Y/n: Yo, what gives? Why did the tractor stop moving?

Mark: What happened?

Lee: Shit. It's one of the dead we pushed down earlier. I'm gonna have to move it.

Lee pulls the zombie out of the tractor's path; it continues to roll along as Mark, Lee, and I follow it.

Bandit: Where do you think you're going?

The tractor rolled into another walker body.

Mark: Another one? How many of those things did we push down?

Y/n: Not sure! but i'm a bit more worried about the bandits!

As I say that I popped two in the chest and they dropped like sacks of potatoes.

Y/n: ( Thoughts) One shot left before I'm out.

Lee grabs onto one of the zombie's arms and tries to pull him away, but the walker is still alive. It grabs onto Lee's hand with both hands and pulls him toward itself.

Lee: Shit!

Y/n: LEE!

Lee kept moving around so it was hard to get a shot on the walkers head without hitting his arm. Lee stomps on the zombie's head twice, then pulls backward until the top half of its body is torn from its legs. Lee drags and throws it aside. They continue moving along with the tractor, the zombie still crawling along behind them.

Mark: You okay?

Lee: Yeah. Barely.

Mark: How bout' you Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm good Mark.

Mark: Come on, the gate's right there!

The tractor stops in front of the silo, I shoot the zombie chasing us in the eye my last bullet.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Darn! I'm out!

Bandit: They're getting away!

Lee: Let's get outta here!

Y/n: Right behind ya Lee!

Lee kicks open the gate and we run away.

Y/n: Good lord, that was a bit to close for my comfort.

Bandit: You lucky sons of bitches! Go ahead and run! We ain't goin' nowhere!

We run back to the house, and Andy runs toward them. Danny stands on the porch.

Andy: Lee, what's wrong?

Lee: The electric fence came on! Some people started attacking from the woods and we got trapped between them and the fence!

Danny ran up to us as Lee said it.

Danny: Holy shit! Are you okay?

Lee: My boy was out there with us! He could've been hurt or worse!

Andy: I...I heard Mark yell and thought y'all were giving me the all clear! Guys, I am real sorry.

Brenda is standing on the porch.

Brenda: Oh, my Lord! What happened to you, sweetheart?!

Andy: It was those bastards in the woods, Mama...

Mark: Yeah... I'll be alright once it's out, but, goddamn, it hurts!

The rest of the motel group approaches the others. Kenny waves.

Kenny: Hey, y'all!

Kat: Mark! Oh, my god, what happened?!

Lee: He got shot with an arrow.

Lilly: Christ! Are you gonna be okay?

Mark: Yeah, I'm fine. I should just...pull it out...

Clem then ran to me with a worried and scared look on her face, still holding my knife I gave her to keep her safe while Lee and I were gone.

Clem: Oh my gosh Y/n! Are you okay?! What about Lee?!

She said as she hugged me tight, then we broke the hug and I looked at her.

Y/n: We went to the fix the fence perimeter and we got stuck on the other side as the electric gate came on and I had to shoot eight but other then that we're fine.

Clem still looked worried, so I held her hand to help calm her down.

Brenda goes over to Mark.

Brenda: Oh, no, honey, c'mon, Brenda's got you. C'mon inside now. We'll have you all sorted out.

Brenda, Katjaa, and Mark walked toward the house.

A/N: That's all for today my readers, as always thank you so much for reading, voting, and etc. It really helps keep me motivated, I'm always open to new idea's to tweak the story a bit to make it better so don't be shy to tell me your idea's and of course if I can I might do it but as I said thank you and until tomorrow.

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