《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 4: The Pharmacy


3rd Pov.

The group is in Kenny's truck until it sputters to a dead stop.


I looked outside of the window to see if there was anything around, then I opened my door and got out of Kenny's truck with Clem,Lee, and the others.

Kenny: Well, this is as far as we're going.

Lee: Then it's far enough.

I looked around at all the stores while Clem was beside me holding my hand, there was broken windows, abandoned cars, and a bunch of knocked over things.

Y/n: Man, this place looks like it got hit really bad.

Lee briefly stops in front of his family's pharmacy.

Duck: Look!

Duck points to what appears to be a person near a car in the distance. Kenny waves his arms to try to get their attention.

Kenny: Hey there! You friendly? Truck's run out of gas.

The person looks up, revealing that it's actually a zombie eating a dead survivor.

Kenny: FUCK!

Many zombies start approaching the group, surrounding them. I notice a walker was coming from behind me to get to Clem.

Y/n: CLEM!

She screams but before it could grab her I pulled her away, swept it's legs and stabbed it in the head with my knife as it hits the ground. Then Lee came over to us and made sure we were okay.

Lee: Are you both okay?!

Y/n: Yes, I got Clem out of the way before it could do harm to her.

Lee: Nice going Y/n!

Meanwhile Clem latched onto Lee and I.

Katjaa: We're TRAPPED!

Duck: AW!

A zombie knocks Duck over and tries to attack him.

Duck: AHHH! NO! NO!

I pulled out my 1911 but someone shoots the walker, who collapses on Duck. Duck, now covered in walker Juice, returns to the group and is hugged by his parents. The woman who saved Duck continues to shoot the walkers. Another survivor stands at the entrance of the pharmacy.

??? #1: RUN!

The woman fires a few more shots at the zombies and everyone runs into the building behind the other survivor. He closes and padlocks the metal gate in front of the building and joins the others inside as zombies pound on the gate. Inside the pharmacy there are three additional survivors.

When we got in I immediately saw a few new faces that are different from the ones outside. The first was an angry lady in a black tank top, the next was an old man who looked like a prick. Then I saw the woman who saved duck outside and she was wearing a white shirt, and finally the last face I saw was the guy who helped the lady outside and he looked to be a young Asian man.

Tank-Top: We can't take risks like this!

White-shirt lady: And we can't just let people die, either.


Tank-Top: When I SAY "that door stays shut no matter what" I fucking MEAN it. We don't know who these people are; they could be dangerous!

Old prick: Worse, they could've led 'em right to us!

W/S Lady: Where the hell is your humanity?! They would've died out the

Old prick: Then we let 'em!

Lee then begins to talk back to them, trying to get them to calm down.

Lee: We have kids with us...

Old prick: I only see one little girl and one little boy.

He said that while looking at Clem and I, to be quite frank I wanted to punch him in his big nose right then.

Clementine holds Lee's hand and looks up at him.

Lee: What is it?

Clem: I...I have to pee...

Lee: In a minute, Clem

Clementine lets go of Lee's hand and then intertwines her fingers with mine.

Y/n: Don't worry Clem, I'll escort you to the bathroom.

Clem smiles at me and we start to head off to the lavatory.

Clementine and I head in the direction where we assume the bathroom would be and during this time everyone else is still arguing.

Asian Guy: They've got kids Lilly.

So Tank-Top's name is Lilly, aye?

Lilly: Those things outside don't care.

Kenny: Maybe you should go join 'em, then. You'll have something in common!

Old prick: Goddamn it, Lilly, you have to control these people!

Lilly: Carley and Glenn just ran out there!

I looked back to see her pointing at the white shirt lady and the Asian man. So I'm guessing white shirt is Carley and Asian dude is Glenn.

Old prick: I don't give a flying fuck! We're in a war zone!

Then Clem and I finally reach the door that leads to the bathroom and we noticed it was locked.

Lee: She's not wrong. They took a risk.

Lilly: Yes, we did.

Lee: And we appreciate it. Now let's settle down.

Then I hear the Old prick pipe up.

Old prick: Ho-ly SHIT.

Old prick looks behind him. Duck is sitting on one of the chairs near the bar and Katjaa is attending to him.

Old prick: Son of a bitch, one of them is bitten!

Lee: He wasn't bitten!

Old prick: Hell he wasn't!

Old prick: We have to end this, now.

Old prick walks over to Duck but Kenny stands in front of him, blocking his way.

Kenny: Over my dead body.

Old prick: We'll dig one hole.

Katjaa: No! I'm cleaning him up! There's no bite! He's fine!

Katjaa hurriedly tries to wipe away the blood on Duck, searching for a bite.

Old prick: Don't you fucking people get it? We've already SEEN this happen. We let someone with a bite stay and--and WE all end up bitten!

Kenny: Shut UP!

Old prick: We gotta throw him out! Or smash his head in!



Kenny: Lee, what do we do about this guy?

Lilly: Dad, it's just a boy, it's--

Old prick: Lilly, I'll handle this

Lilly: But your heart, Dad. You need to calm down. We'll get this kid out of here.

Lee: We kick his ass.

I looked back and saw Lee crossing his arms and Kenny nodding.

Kenny: That's what I'm thinking.

Carley: Everyone CHILL THE FUCK OUT!

Lilly: Nobody is doing ANYTHING.

Old prick Shut up, Lilly! (turns to Carley) And YOU. Shut the fuck up. (turns back to the group) They will find us and they will get in here, and none of this will fucking matter. But right now we're about to be TRAPPED in here with one of those things.

Kenny: What the hell are you talkin' about?

Old prick: He's bitten! That's how you TURN.

Katjaa: He's not bitten! Lee, stop this! It's upsetting him!

Old prick: Oh, I'm "upsetting" him? Upsetting is getting eaten alive!

Lilly: Dad, we get it, it's a big deal.

Old prick: Do you? You're not fucking acting like it!

Lee: Sit down or that's IT.

Old prick: You gonna whoop me? You and what homo parade?

Kenny: This one.

Old prick: HA, that's good! Little boy! Before you EAT your mommy, you can watch your dad get his nose broken.

Kenny: I'm gonna kill him, KAT. Just worry about Duck!

Me and Clem then decided to tell Lee that the bathroom door is locked.

Y/n: Yo!

Clem: Lee?

We're both standing in front of the bathroom door.

Lee: Yeah?

Clem: There's someone in there.

Y/n: Yeah, I tried pulling opening it but it won't budge.

Lee: It's just locked. Key's behind the counter. Probably.

I looked at Clem.

Y/n: I'll go get the key you wait here, okay?

Clem: O...Okay

We smile at each other and I go to get the key.

Old prick: Hey, I'm not the bad guy here, I'm just looking out for my daughter!

Kenny: No, you're just the guy arguing for killing a kid!

Old prick: He's covered in muck! She'll find the bite. WATCH.

Kenny: SHE WON'T!

Larry: And if she DOES? The first thing he'll do is sink his teeth into his mom's face. Then once she's dead, he'll probably pounce on YOUR kids! they'll turn fast and then they'll be more. And that, boy, is the ballgame.

Lee: Then we deal with it then. But right now we're just freaking everybody out.

Kenny nodded saying he agrees with Lee.

Old prick: Then get ready to deal with it because that boy is BITTEN!

Kenny: It's not gonna happen!

Old prick: it is and we're tossing him out now!

Lee then picks up his voice and I now have the key and I'm giving it to Clem and then I begin to walk away and let her do her "business".

Lee: NO! You don't touch that boy, you don't TOUCH anybody!

Lee: I've got a little girl and boy I'm trying to protect in here too. You want to get violent, you old fuck?! Well, COME ON. You better have a plan to kill me, though, because it's ME before anyone else in here!

Then right as he says that Clem screams and we all look over to see a walker that got out of the bathroom and started to go towards her.

Lee/Y/n: CLEM!

I then dashed over to her and pushed her out of the way, and as I did the walker falls on me and tries to bite me but before it could I threw a right jab in it's face hitting it in the cheek making its head fall back, and with that small time frame Lee runs over and pushes it off and Carley shoots it.

Old prick: JESUS!

Lee: Man...

Lee: Clem, Y/n are you okay?

Y/n/Clem: Yeah.

Y/n: Thanks Lee, you saved me!

Lee: Of course.

Then the walkers started to bang against the walls of the pharmacy as Clem rushed over to me and Lee and hides behind us while I hug her.

Lilly: (whispering) Everybody DOWN! Stay QUIET!

Kenny: ( whispering ) SHUT UP!

Noises and gunfire is heard outside.

Lee: Is that the military?

Lilly: I don't know.

Glenn: Thank God for whatever it is.

Old prick gets up and marches across the room. Everyone leaves their hiding positions.

Old prick: We almost DIED because of this bitch and her itchy trigger finger!


Everyone was shocked by my outburst.


Clem puts her hands in mine and looks into my eyes and I calm down and Lee has his hand on my shoulder.

Old prick: That was stupid! That was--

Larry groans and grabs his chest, falling to the floor.

Lilly: DAD!

Old prick: (whispering) Shit. Fuck.

Lilly runs over to her dad, who is lying on his side on the floor.

Lee: What's wrong with him?!

Lilly: It's his heart!

Old prick: My pills!

Katjaa: Uh--um... Nitroglycerin pills?

Lilly: YES. We're out. We've been trying to get into the pharmacy since we got here! Please, try to get in there! Behind the counter, where the pills are!

A/N: Sorry for ending this chapter right here, the pharmacy is just soooo long but don't worry tomorrow I shall finish it. So until then thank you to those who read and vote and even if you do neither thanks for considering my story as something you might read.

And before I forget Big shout out to

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