《Clementine x Male reader season 1》The Farm



I had just nodded and thanked lee for him saying he'd take care of us for the time being or until we find Clem's parents.

Clem: What should we do now?

Lee: We need to find help before it gets dark.

Y/n: I agree it would be harder to see the monsters in the dark.

Clem: Yeah, it's not safe at night.

Clem and I start holding hands so I can make sure she stays safe.

Y/n: Well I suggest we get a move on, we're burning daylight.

Lee: Let's go. Stay close to me.

We leave Clem's house and I close the door behind us. We then walk a bit ahead of Lee and he follows us. Lee approaches the gate and notices two men in the street trying to push a car.

??? #1: Man... I ain't never getting home to Mama at this rate.

??? #2: This sucks.

??? #1: It's hot dish night.

Lee is about to open the gate, but turns and kneels in front of Clementine, who looks conflicted.

Lee: What's the matter?

Clem: Should I stay?

Lee/Y/n: What?

Clem: I don't want to sleep in the tree house tonight, but I don't know if I should leave. What if my parents come home?

Y/n: Well no matter what I won't leave you alone.

Clem smiles at what I had said and I grip her hand softly but firm to show I'm serious.

Clem: Let's go somewhere safe that's close, okay?

Lee: That's a good idea.

Y/n: I agree, so let's get moving

Lee and Clem nod and we open the gate to walk onto the street to approach the two men.

Lee: Hey, man!

They both turned around startled.

??? #2: HOLY SHIT!

??? #1: DON'T EAT US!

Lee: We're not gonna hurt you.

??? #2: Phew, thought for a second you and the little ones were gonna give us the chomp.

Lee: What are you doing?

??? #2: Trying to get home, this neighborhood's a disaster. Are you trying to get outta here? Because you should be. Those things are all over the damn place. I haven't seen anything as gnarly as this neighborhood since downtown Atlanta, fifteen miles back.

??? #2: I'm Shawn, Shawn Green.

Lee: Lee. This is Clementine and Y/n

I waved at him and he waved back.

??? #1 kneels down and waves at Clementine and me.

??? #1: I'm Chet.

Clementine and I smile at him and Chet gets up.

Shawn: We shouldn't be out in the open like this. How about you help us clear the way and we'll take you and your kids out of here, and down to my family's farm. It should be safer there.

Lee: I'm not their dad. I'm just some guy.

Shawn: Just some guy?

Lee: Yeah.

Shawn: They're alone?

Y/n: She's not alone because she has me, her best friend and Lee.

Lee, Clem, and Shawn smile at what I had said.

Shawn: Lets get going. Staying put for to long is a mistake.

Lee nods and turns to us both

Lee: What do you both want to do?

Y/n: As I told Clem, I stick by her side no matter what.

Clem smiles.

Clem: I...

Clementine looks at her house, then back at Lee. Walkers start growling in the background.

Y/n: Uh...GUYS!

I had noticed all the monsters that were coming towards us.

Chet: Them monsters comin'! WE GOTTA GO!

Shawn starts trying to push the car.

Shawn: Lee, quick! Let's go

Lee,Shawn, and I push the car, and Clementine joins in helping them a few moments later. Chet crouches behind the truck, hiding from the approaching zombies. Once the car is out of the way, Shawn gets into the driver's seat of the truck.


Lee: Get in!

Chet jumps in the truckbed, Lee gets in the other front seat,Clementine and I sits in the middle looking out the back window. They drive away from the ensuing herd.

Shawn: For just "some guy," it seems like you've saved a bunch of lives today.

I looked at Clem and pulled her into a side hug, she rested her head on my shoulder.

(Time-Skip to Farm)

It was night time when we had finally arrived at Shawn's family's farm, Clem and I were still close as she laid her head on my shoulder and I laid my head on hers.

Everyone gets out of the truck. Chet stretches his arms and I let go of but stay close to Clem.

Chet: Hey, Shawn... I'm'a run on home. My mama's gonna be in a snit.

Shawn: No sweat, man. I'll catch you tomorrow night.

Chet turns to Lee and the both of us.

Chet: Well it was nice to meet you guys.

I waved and smiled

Y/n: You too Chet.

Lee waves goodbye and Chet left.

Then the front door to Shawn's house opens and a man of about average build and gray hair walks out.

???: Thank God you're Okay.

Shawn: I was worried it'd be bad here, too.

Shawn hugged who I assumed was his dad.

???: Been quiet as usual the past couple days. Ol' Breckon down the way thinks his mare's gone lame but that ain't nothing new.

Shawn: I wouldn't have made it back without Chet.

???: Well, I'm glad you took him with you then.

The old guy then turned to us and put his hands on his hips.

???: I see you've brought a couple guests.

Lee: Your boy's a life saver.

???: Glad he could be of help to somebody.

The old dude notices Clem and I.

???: So it's just you and your kids then.

Shawn: Oh, not his kids, he's...well... Just some guy who found them alone.

The old farmer kneels down in front of us.

???: Kids, do you know this man

Clem: Yes.

He then looked at me.

Y/n: Of course

???: Okay, then.

He then stood back up.

???: Well, looks like you hurt your leg pretty bad there.

Lee: Yeah, it's not doing so good.

???: I can help you out. Shawn, run on in and check on your sister. You, take a seat up on the porch and I'll go see what I have.

Shawn and Hershel enter the house, Lee takes a seat on the bench on the porch, and Clementine stands near the top of the stairs. Hershel returns shortly, holding a roll of bandages. He kneels down and inspects Lee's leg.

???: Let's have a look. Yeah, this is swollen to hell.

Lee: It HURTS like hell.

???: I bet it does.

???: What'd you say your name was?

Lee: It's Lee.

???: Nice to meet you, Lee. I'm Hershel Greene.

Hershel bandages Lee's wound and he winces in pain.

Hershel: How'd this happen?

Lee: Car accident.

Hershel: That so? So where were you headed? Before the car accident?

Lee: I was getting out of Atlanta.

Hershel: The news says stay.

Lee: Yeah, well, that's a mistake.

Lee: We hit a guy. One of those things you've been hearing about, on the road.

Hershel: Who were you with, the kids?

Lee: I was with a police officer. He was giving me a ride.

Hershel seemed to believe Lee

Hershel: Awful nice of him.

Lee: I'm an awful nice guy.

Hershel: House is full up with mine. We've got another displaced family of three sleeping in the barn. You and your kids are welcome to rest there, when we're done here.


Hershel turned to us

Hershel: I didn't catch your names.

Clem: Clem--Clementine.

Y/n: I'm Y/n L/n, nice to meet ya.

Hershel: Can't imagine what you both have been through.

Lee: I'm looking after her until we find her parents and as for Y/n I imagine he'll just stick with me.

Y/n: Yep, but I'm hoping that when we find Clem's parents will make a bigger group than just Lee, Clem, and myself.

I looked at Hershel and then back at Clem and he notices.

Y/n: We're best friends and I've promised to never leave her and make sure she's safe no matter what.

I said with a smile and Clem holds my hand and we both blush.

Shawn walked onto the porch.

Shawn: Hey, Dad, so I'm thinking, first thing tomorrow, we gotta reinforce the fence around the farm.

Hershel: That doesn't seem necessary.

Shawn: I don't know what you saw on TV, or heard on the radio, but there's some serious...(looks at Clementine and Me) SHIT hitting the fan. I don't think anyone knows how big it is yet.

Lee: Your son's right. You're gonna wanna fortify this place.

Hershel: Stuff like that doesn't happen around here, Shawn.

Shawn: Dad, I'm serious. Lee, come on, tell him what you saw out there, man.

Lee: Teenage girl with her guts spilled out on the floor stood up from the dead and tried to bite me.

Y/n: Yeah it's awful

I said with a sad look and they all noticed.

Hershel: Well, do what you think you should. We've got plenty of chores as it is.

Shawn: Lee and those folks in the barn can help out in the morning. We gotta do it, really.

Hershel: I already said okay.

Shawn headed back inside.

Hershel: Well, I'm all done here. It should start to feel better tomorrow.

Lee: Thanks.

Hershel gets up and looks at Lee.

Hershel: If your leg gets hot or the swelling doesn't go down, you're probably dealing with an infection.

Lee: What do we do then?

Hershel: We'll probably just have to shoot you.

Lee and I looked surprised

Hershel: We'll clean it, re-dress it and you'll be fine.

Lee: Okay, that'd be preferable

Hershel: There's blankets and such in the barn. We'll be seeing you bright and early. Come tomorrow, which way you think you're headed?

Lee: To Macon, I suppose.

Hershel nods. He turns to Clementine and Me and smiles at her before going back inside.

Lee: Alright then.

Lee, Clem, and I head inside the barn but we only see two make-shift beds in the bay.

Y/n: Hmm, only two beds. You two should take them.

Lee: No, you should...

Before he could say anymore I interrupt him..

Y/n: Lee your hurt, so please I insist.

Lee seemed to have finally given in.

Lee: Well okay, thanks Y/n

I nodded and notice Clem still standing.

Y/n: Clem it's okay, you can take it.

Clem then looks down with a blush and says...

Clem: O...Or we c...could share it.

I looked at her with a deep blush.

Y/n: A...Are you s...sure.

Clem nods.

Y/n: O...Okay.

I then proceed to lay down next to her but leave respectable room.

Clem: It smells like...

Lee: Shit...

Clementine gasps and glares at Lee.

Lee: I'm sorry; shouldn't talk like that.

I chuckled at Lee and Clem gives me a bit of her death glare.

Y/n: Uh..Sorry Clem.

I said nervously.

Clem: That was a swear.

Y/n: Well my dad use to swear a lot, I think it was because he was in the Marines.

Lee looked at me and chuckled while Clem looked surprised by the fact I was use to hearing swears.

Clem: I miss my mom and dad.

Y/n: So do I...

I looked at ceiling, thinking about what happened. Until Lee snapped me out of it.

Lee: I bet, guys.

Clem: How far is Savannah?

Lee: Pretty far.

Clem: Oh. Okay...

Y/n: Don't worry Clem, we'll get there no matter what and find your parents.

Clem looks and smiles at me and I pull her closer to me so I could hug her and she melts into the hug.

Then we let go and fall to sleep.

Clementine, Y/n and Lee fall asleep. Lee begins dreaming.

Lee POV.

Lee's Ex Wife: I love you, baby.

Lee's wife laughs. Something shatters, and she screams. Lee is disturbed by the dream, and wakes up suddenly. He breathes heavily for a few moments before falling back asleep. When he wakes up the next morning, he sees a man with a mustache speaking to him.

???: Hey get up.

Lee gets up. Clementine and Y/n are already awake and standing nearby.

Clem: (scratching her arm) I'm itchy.

Y/n: I feel fine.

???: Well, you slept in a barn, little lady. Lucky you don't have spiders in your hair.

Clementine gasps and looks up at her hair.


I laughed when the mustached man said that to Clem and she got spooked but the then she turns to me gives me a death glare and playfully punches my arm.

Clem: It wasn't that funny.

She said playfully pouting.

Y/n: I'm sorry Clem

I said and I pull her into a hug and she hugged back and we had a red tint to our face, meanwhile the mustache man and Lee were watching.

Clem: Okay I forgive you.

Y/n: Thanks Clem

I said as I let go of her.

???: But I bet your daddy and boyfriend here scared 'em all away, huh?

Me and Clem looked at each other with our faces redder than cherry's and said...


Lee and the mustached man laughed while we were embarrassed.

Lee: I'm not her dad. Name's Lee

???: I'm Kenny.

Then a little boy around Clem and I's age ran up to the barn door.

???: Dad! We're gonna build a fence! There's a tractor and everything!

He then ran off

Kenny: We better get going or we won't hear the end of it.

Kenny and Lee walk out of the barn, and Clementine walks along with them, holding Y/n's hand.

Kenny: That's my boy, Ken Junior. We call him Duck, though.

Y/n: Dodging or Quacking?

Kenny: Quacking


Kenny: See?

Lee: Duck?

Kenny: Yeah. Nothing bothers him. Like water off a duck's back, y'know.

Lee: That's a valuable trait lately.

Kenny: No kidding. But frankly, I think it's because he's dumb as a bag of hammers.


Kenny: But he makes up for it with enthusiasm.

Lee, Kenny, Y/n and Clementine walk up to Duck and his mom , the latter of which is sitting on some bales of hay in front of the porch.

Kenny: The word is you were on your way to Macon.

Lee: My family is from there.

Kenny: Well, Macon's on the way and, personally, I'd appreciate the company of a guy who can knock a couple of heads together if he has to.

Lee: Sure...We'll tag along.

Kenny: It's a plan, then.

Kenny turns to his wife and son.

Kenny: Honey, Duck, this is Lee and, uh, what are the kid's names?

Clementine hides behind Lee while holding my hand.

Lee: Clementine and Y/n

Kenny: Clementine and Y/n

Katjaa: That is a very pretty name Clementine.

Clem: Thanks.

Katjaa: And your name is handsome.

Y/n: Thank you ma'am.

Shawn approaches the group.

Shawn: Well, we should get to work. We've all seen what those things can do out there so the faster we get this fence up, the better.

Duck: I wanna build a fence.

Shawn: Yeah? Well, I need a good foreman. You can sit on the tractor and yell at me whenever I take a water break.

Duck: On the tractor? Cool!

Shawn: Duck and I will hop to it.

Shawn and Duck leave.

Katjaa: I can keep an eye on your little girl and boy here on the porch. We can visit.

Clementine sits on a bale of hay next to Katjaa while I stand and Kenny begins working on his truck nearby.

Katjaa: You have such pretty hair!

She said to Clem.

Clementine: It gets a lot of tangles.

Y/n: Well I find your hair to be cute.

Clem blushes and realizing what I just said I do the same while Katjaa just smiles at our little conversation. She then turns to me.

Katjaa: You have really beautiful eyes Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks I got them from my mom.

Katjaa: Did your daddy give you that hat?

Clem: Mm-hmm

Y/n: I got this knife from my dad.

They both looked.

Katjaa: That's super cool.

Y/n: Yep, my dad was a marine.

Katjaa: Do you have any pets?

Clem: I have a goldfish named . Mom doesn't like dogs.

Katjaa turns to me

Katjaa: How about you Y/n.

Y/n: Well I had a German-Sheppard named Charlie

Clem: Really?!

Y/n: Yep he was my dads and he was a good boy.

Katjaa: Cool, Oh well, we have a lab named back in Fort Lauderdale.

Kat: What's your favorite color?

Clem: Purple

Y/n: Blue



Shawn had just yelled for help and I heard an engine.

Hershel runs to retrieve his weapon, Katjaa leaves the house, and Lee runs toward the noise. The screaming continues, along with the growling of zombies. Lee reaches the fence, where Shawn's leg is trapped under the tractor driven by Duck. Zombies claw through the fence trying to reach Shawn, and Clementine stands nearby, looking on. A zombie grabs Duck's leg and pulls him down, then grabs his shoulders as Duck holds onto the wheel to avoid being eaten. Both Duck and Shawn scream.


Lee went for duck and I stayed back and pulled out my pistol and shot off all the dead from getting to Shawn, after Lee had pulled duck away with Kenny's helped they all looked at where the shots came from and saw me and my pistol with smoke coming from it. Then Hershel comes out and looks at what has happened and looks at Shawn.

Shawn: Dad, Y/n here saved my life.

Hershel: Thank you for saving my boy.

Lee: Wait, you had a gun this whole time.

Y/n: Yep, It was my dad's.

Lee: Well good shooting.

Hershel: You're welcome to come back any time.

With that I walked over to Clem and Lee, I hugged them and we got into Kenny's truck and we drove away from Hershel's Farm.

A/N: Thanks for reading and yes I know I kinda changed the story but it might come in play into later seasons.

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