《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 5: The Pharmacy Pt.2



After the Old prick collapsed to the ground he started grabbing his heart which, for a second I thought he had gotten bit but turns out it was just him having heart problems. I looked at Clem and I felt bad that I had yelled, even if it was at the Old guy was being a prick.

Y/n: Clem I'm sorry I yelled at him, it's just he was being so rude and...

Before I could say anything she hugged me, then pulled out of the hug and look at me.

Clem: Y/n it's okay, he was being mean anyway...

I looked at her and we both smiled then we went next to Lee.

Lee: We'll get in there somehow.

Lilly: Thank you so much. We need nitroglycerin pills. Please get in there. I'll keep an eye on my dad.

I pulled on Lee's shirt and he looked at me and Clem.

Lee: Yeah Y/n?

Y/n: So what are we doing?

Lee: Well I need to get into the backroom.

Y/n: Okay, well we can help can't we Clem?

Clem: Yes!

Kenny: Everyone else should get comfy and look for anything useful. We could be in here a while.

Glenn: I'm starting to think this drugstore isn't a permanent solution.

Kenny: You're right, this ain't exactly Fort Knox.

Lee: What do you suggest?

Glenn: We need as much gas as possible so we can ALL get out of downtown Macon. Fast.

Lee: Agreed.

Glenn: Then I'll head out and get gas. There's a motel not too far from here, out towards the end of Peachtree. I'll work my way towards it and then loop back, siphoning what I can.

Lee: You know your way around? Local?

Glenn: Born and raised.

Lee: If you're gonna do that, here's a walkie-talkie if you get in a tight spot. Hopefully you won't need it.

Lee gives his walkie-talkie to Glenn.

Glenn: Cool.

Lee: Clementine's got the other one. Check in with her and get back here as soon as you can.

Kenny: And, you, what's your name?

Lilly: It's Lilly. My dad's Larry.

Hmm so the old pricks name is Larry, I swear he has a very punch-able face. I thought.

Kenny: Keep a good eye on him. These boys will work on getting you your medicine.

Lee: That's right.

Kenny: And you, you keep an eye on that front door. You're our lookout.

???: It's Doug, you got it.

Carley: And I'm Carley

Kenny: Okay, Carley, you'll shift in with Doug when he needs it. For now, get some rest--you're a good shot and I'd like to keep it that way.


Carley: (nods) You got it, boss.

Kenny: Now get him those pills.

Kenny stands next to Katjaa and Duck. Lilly kneels next to Larry, who is now propped up on the shelves behind him. Doug looks out the window near the entrance. Carley works on a radio and Clementine sits on a cardboard boxes nearby, holding her radio. I decide that that I wanna go and talk to Clem and make sure she's okay.

Y/n: Hey Clem.

Clem: Hey Y/n...

I could hear something in her voice, maybe guilt or sadness or both but all I know is that it was there.

Y/n: Are you okay? Because you seem sad.

Clem started to tear up which broke my heart because she means so much to me...

Clem: Y...You al...almost got hurt b...because of m...ME, You could've died because of me...

I walk over to Clem grab her hand and wipe away her tears.

Y/n: Clem look at me.

She looks up to meet my eyes.

Y/n: Look Clem, I did what I did because I wanted to it's not your fault. I did it because I wanted to make sure you're okay and you are.

Clem: But what if...

I cut her off.

Y/n: Clem it's okay nothing happened I'm fine and plus Lee and Carley saved me so it's Okay, So do not feel guilty or bad.

Clem: I just don't want to lose you...

Y/n: And you never will.

Clem looks at me and smiles before burying her head in my chest and hugging me which I gladly accept and I hold her for a minute.

Y/n: Feel better

I said with a bright smile and a red tint on my face.

Clem blushes and stutters.

Clem: Y...Yes

Then Lee walks over and hands us each a candy bar.

Lee: It's not much, but here you go.

Y/n: Thanks Lee

Clem: Yeah Lee thank you

Lee: Of course.


After I leave and give them there candy bars I went over to Kenny and gave duck one.

Me: It's not much, but here. For the boy.

I hand him the candy bar.

Kenny: Aw, thanks, Lee. He appreciates it.

Katjaa: That's sweet, Lee.

After that I go and speak to Carley.

Me: You're a pretty good shot.

Carley: Well, you don't fuck with a reporter, especially one that's three days out from her last cup of coffee.

Me: You seem to handle yourself pretty well.

Carley: Ha, really? I'm a disaster.

Me: I can't tell.

Carley: My news editor was eaten about five feet away from me, and I would've joined her if it wasn't for that dorky guy on watch over there


Me: I'm sorry.

Carley: She was an asshole, but, you know.

Me: Yeah.

I then leave to go speak with Doug, though I'll be honest he seemed kind of weird.

Me: Heard or seen anything?

Doug: Nothing, luckily. Wanna step outside, have a look around?

Me: Ha, I'm not suicidal yet.

Doug: No, the gate out there is closed. We can hang out in front of the store and be fine.

Me: Oh, Huh.

I decided it would be a good idea to see what was happening outside.

Me: Sure, let's go have a look around.

Doug: Cool, and...we'll keep it down. Don't need to bring 'em back with any unnecessary noises.

Me: Agreed.

Me and Doug leave the store.

Me: Jesus

There are many zombies loitering outside, some eating dead bodies. Doug covers his mouth with his hand.

Doug: I think I'm gonna be sick

Me: They just...

Doug: Eat. As far as I can tell, that's all they care about.

Me: And if one gets you..

Doug: They eat you, and whatever is left comes back as one of them.

Me: How the fuck...

Doug: I think it might be more than a couple days before all this gets sorted out.

Me: Yeah, I think so too. We better keep it down out here.

I turned to Doug and asked him where the pharmacy keys were or if he had any idea.

Me: Any idea where the pharmacy keys might be?

Doug: We searched high and low inside before you guys got here. And they weren't on the old couple we took out of the office.

I looked down sad because the couple the pulled out were my parents.

Doug: Are you okay?

Me: I'm fine. If the keys aren't in the drugstore, think they could be out here?

Doug: We now live in a world where "getting up and walking away" is an actual possibility, so...

Me: Right.

I then decided to go back inside and look around, I looked over and saw Kenny and Katjaa talking.

Kenny: Hey, Lee. You really gave that old man hell.

Me: Yeah. We got pushed, you know?

Kenny: You don't have to tell me; I was ready to tear the man's head off. Anyway, we, Kat and I, appreciate your support.

Katjaa: Thank you, Lee.

Me: So, how's Duck doing?

Kat: He's okay, it was just a shock.

Kenny: We're lucky as hell nobody got nabbed on the way in here.

Me: No kidding.

Kat: How are they doing?

She points over to Clementine and Y/n, who are sitting side by side hugging with her head on his shoulders.

Me: They're good I think...

Kenny: They're tough ones right there.

Kat: They're just little kids Ken.

Kenny: The boy fought off walkers at the barn with a pistol and protected Clementine just using a knife.

Kenny: And the girl,What were you sayin', Lee, she spent days surviving on her own?

Me: That's right.

Kenny: Not just any kids can do what they did.

Kenny: And they both really like each other, I think we have a future a couple on our hands.

Kenny says with a smile and Katjaa and I chuckle.

I then walked off to give Kenny some alone time with his family.

I walked over towards Clem and Y/n and kneel down in front of them.

Me: Hey there.

Y/n: Yo!

Clem: Hi.

Me: So...Uh

Clem: Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah Lee, you look nervous?

Me: What? Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just, uhh...I'm good.

Clem: That's good.

Y/n: Of course it is!

Me: Yeah, I think so. Being good is good. Despite the circumstances.

Clem: Yep.

I opened the door to the back to see a large blood puddle in here.

Me: I can't...I can't think about them in here.

I looked at Y/n and Clem and decided to ask if they were okay.

Me: How are you both doing?

Clem: Okay.

Y/n: Fine because I got you and Clem.

I see Clem blush and she holds his hand which made him blush and after I heard him say that I felt a smile creep onto my face.

Me: Good

I then saw a picture of my family and it made me feel a little sad knowing that I wasn't here when they needed me and I tore myself out of the photo and put the part that has my face in my pocket.

I then looked at the desk and decided to move it since it was blocking my path to getting to the pharmacy.

A/N: And I'm leaving it there... Believe me I'm not trying to keep it long it just takes forever to right since the game is mostly talking but no worries because I should finish it within a chapter or two. Thank you all to who have given my story a chance and to those who have read or voted or both. Many thanks... until tomorrow.

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