《Claws and Lightning (Male Zeraora Reader x Boku no Hero Academia)》CH 10: Sports Festival Part 1: Striking Words, Striking Tiger
Zeraora was training within the mountainous region owned by the Pussy Cats, honing his speed reflexes and agility for the upcoming sports festival. However, he knew full well that he cannot simply rely on those attributes alone. Plasma Surge, while an effective quirk on its own, it doesn't quite have overwelming raw power, not taking Zeraora's outburst into account. Even then, Zeraora knew that he shouldn't place his faith entirely on raw power anyway. So he shifted his focus to refining his techniques.
His Thunder Fangs were meant to help him condense and focus his electricity. Although since hero course students have already receive training with their quirks and the sports festival involves all classes. It's likely that he won't be allow to use his weapons, in order to make things slightly less one-sided, in favor of the hero course students.
Zeraora runs in his mind the list of moves he's crafted without his beam sabers.
'Yep, I'm kinda lacking. Those three won't be enough'. He assures himself.
Zeraora thinks back during the USJ attack for any ideas.
'Lets see, that time when I saved Midoriya and company from that mutant and the creep with the hand fetish, I was able to move so quickly that none of them noticed me. Also I kicked the creep back with my foot charged with electricity'. He recollects.
Zeraora then readies himself, as he aims to recreate those maneuvers.
First, the speed feat: He picks up a medium size stone and walks to the nearest mountain. With all his might, he tosses the stone upwards then immediately ran electricity across his body enhancing his physical prowess. In one blindly motion he quickly scales the mountain then while maintaining that same speed runs back down, catching the stone he threw before it touched the ground.
'Alright, that was definitely faster than how I was during the quirk assessment test'. He comments to himself with a smile present on his face.
Next, a new melee technique: Zeraora has been proficient in focusing his electricity to his hands and claws, but now he'll have to try something else. With a single breath, he focuses his electricity, only this time he directs it to his legs. With his legs now enveloped, he looks to a nearby tree and performs a roundhouse kick. The resulting kick completely severed the tree from its stump and topples to its side.
'Okay, that worked out great. But I might have to dial it back just a tad. I mean I'm not aiming to dismember people at the sports fests'. The development of Zeraora's new moves is progressing smoothly as he jots down the names for his moves in mind.
Finally he will need to craft a new mid to long range technique. Normally his Thunder Fangs would assist in serving that role, but of course he likely won't be allowed to use them.
Unfortunately, this is where Zeraora got stumped (As he sits on the tree stump he created, Lol). His Thunderbolt was already a sufficient mid to range attack but the overall power output would get stale.
He folds his arms and thinks to himself, 'What could I do'? As he ponders he vaguely recalls how he slayed the nomu creature. An enormous amount of electrical concentrated into a single point. He wonders if he could recreate that similar effect.
Zeraora leaps from the stump and brings his hand together, focusing his electricity and tries to condense it. However, all attempts at recreating that effect ended with a small electrical discharge. He was beginning to get slightly aggravated and was considering in calling it a day.
But then, he took one more look at hands and decided to give it one more go. He brings his hand together again only this time in a more spherical shape. And instead of channeling electricity solely to his hands, he exerted an electrical aura across his body. Eventually, a small electrical orb began forming in between his hands, then almost instinctually he threw the orb at the mountain he scaled previously creating a sizeable dent.
Zeraora was panting as well as gasping at the resulting effect.
'Ok, it wasn't as powerful as it was from my outburst but still effective. I think I'm all set for the sports fest. Now I just need to get these new technique polished up'. Zeraora smiles as he was ready to call in a break for now. And right on cue, he received a message from Ryuko telling him dinner was ready. It was Crispy Tuna Steaks with Stir-Fried Green Beans, upon seeing that Zeraora immediately activated his new speed increasing technique and rushed back home in a flash of lightning. The young tiger is eating well tonight.
Zeraora's alarm blares and he awakens from bed. Sunlight beams through his room as he performs some light stretches. He steps into the bathroom, brushing his teeth and fur, and sharpens his claws. Today, begins the Sports Festival. He stares at his refection as electricity flows within his eyes, a small grin slowly appears onto his face, like a predator eagerly waiting to hunt.
After having himself cleaned up and donning his UA uniform, he makes his way to the dining room and is greeted by the Pussy Cats.
"Morning Little Kitten"! Tomoko leaps in, pulling the young tiger into a hug.
"Excited for the Sports Festival are we"?! She asked rhetorically.
"Nah, of course you are! I can see it in your face"! She calms while Zeraora currently dons a deadpan expression.
"Now Now Tomoko, give (Y/N) some space, he's likely still mentally preparing himself". Yawara tells his teammate/colleague.
"HHHHUUUUUHHH?! But I haven't hugged him like this in what fells like forever! I am not letting go til I. Am. Satisfied"! Ragdoll then proceeded to start thrashing about with Zeraora still in her arms.
Zeraora still maintained his deadpan expression, and after what felt like hours he decided, enough was enough. The young tiger gave the eccentric feline themed-pro a little "shock therapy" so to speak. The resulting discharge caused Ragdoll to finally release the young tiger and she drops to the ground, all while maintaining her trademark smile.
"Somethings don't ever change". Shino speaks up, witnessing Tomoko's comically charred body, with some residual sparks emanating from her.
Yawara lifts his teammates from the ground and places her on a seat near the table. Ryuko having finished preparing breakfast sets up the table with Kota's help.
"So (Y/N), you feel all prepped for the Sports Festival"? Shino asks. Zeraora replies with a simple and neutral nod. Not overconfident and not too doubtful.
"C'mon Shino, we all know the little my brother will just fine. He's training since the announcement." Ryuko reaffirms her teammates.
"I second that". Tomoko awoke immediately and agreed with Ryuko.
"True, but so have the other students most likely". Shino reminds.
The Pussy Cats continued conversing while Kota and Zeraora ate in silence. Until Kota decided to speak up.
"Zeraora-nii's classmates and the other first years don't stand a chance." Kota spoke boldly, dismissing the notion that Zeraora would struggle at all.
The group chuckled with each other as they figured it'd be better to wait and see what happens.
After finishing breakfast, Zeraora grabbed his things ready to leave. The Pussy Cats all wished him good luck and Kota gave a fist bump to send him off.
"(Y/N), try not to seriously hurt anyone alright". Ryuko says jokingly.
'No promises'. Zeraora replied calmly.
The instant Zeraora got to UA, he was required to wear his PE uniform and place himself in the bus. The UA staff wanted every participant to be at the stadium immediately.
Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, the bus ride to the stadium was rather quiet, the atmosphere was filled with an odd blend of nervousness and seriousness. Wanting to keep his mind steady and to avoid the atmosphere from affecting him, Zeraora proceeded to blast music into ears, with some other students following the same action.
Class 1A was escorted to the waiting room provided to them, awaiting the final preparations to begin the Sports Festival. In standard Zeraora fashion, he kept his mind to himself while some of the others were conversing each other. Until...
"Midoriya". Todoroki called to the green-haired boy, causing the classes' attention to be directed at the two.
"Oh hey Todoroki, is something up"? Midoriya responded to the heterochromatic male, clearly nervous from Todoroki's approach.
"Objectively speaking, I think it's pretty clear that I'm stronger than you". Todoroki boldly states.
"Uh. Well, y-yeah". Midoriya agrees.
"However, All Might has eyes on you, doesn't he"?
Midoriya trembles, and Todoroki maintains his cold, stern glare.
"I'm not gonna pry on what's going on between you, but just so you know, I am going to beat you today".
"This is my Declaration of War to you". Todoroki announces surprising his classmates. Midoriya was left in shock, Bakugo seemed agitated, and Zeraora wasn't sure of what to make of this.
"Sheesh, what's with all the war declaration"? Kaminari spoke up.
"Yeah man, why you gotta act like this, Midoriya is our classmate". Kirishima spoke up, placing his hand on Todoroki's shoulder. Only for him to slap it away.
"We're not here to be friendly each other, and keep in mind this isn't a team effort". Todoroki replied with a slight change in tone. After setting Midoriya as a target Todoroki turned his gaze to another.
"This applies to you too, Zeraora". The tone in Todoroki's voice changed even more as he look to the young tiger. Zeraora did not react, he only shifted his eyes to the heterochromatic male.
"I don't know what the nature of your power is, or what secrets you're hiding, but you took out that monster that was meant to kill All Might. On top of that you also invoked an extreme degree of fear onto the ringleader. Although you claimed that you don't know how did it, but it doesn't change the fact that you did it anyways. Just like that guy with the indigo hair said before because of your actions that day you're the prime target".
"So keep this in mind,". Todoroki words to Zeraora held more weight and pressure than they did with Midoriya.
Oddly enough, Todoroki seems to have neglected to mention the fact that he had already suffered a defeat at Zeraora's hand during the battle trials.
Zeraora stood from his seat and walked towards Todoroki unfazed by his words. The pressure in the atmosphere was so immense as the two stood before each. It felt as if time halted, the other students could do nothing watch as Zeraora and Todoroki maintained their piecing glares. But then...
'No. You won't'. Zeraora broke the silence, clearly unimpressed and unfazed by Todoroki's words, the Class was visibly shocked.
"What"? Todoroki's calm stern expression turned to confusion.
'I can see it in your eyes, you're not besting me'. Zeraora's calm retort left Todoroki visibly shocked. Bakugo agitation only grew more upon hear young tiger's word, as if his words were also directed at him.
Class 1A walked onto the field, the roaring cheers of the crowd had struck many of them with nervousness. Zeraora of course, paid no mind to it, though with his ears picking up a lot of the noise, it was making him uncomfortable.
The students of Class 1B walked proudly onto the a field. Some filled with the drive of not having Class 1A up stage this time. Zeraora's senses picked up on the presence of the girl he encountered previously. She is seen smiling brightly, but his senses warn him to be cautious of her.
The indigo-haired male who confronted Class 1A and called out Zeraora, is seen bearing a neutral expression on his face, however Zeraora detected a hint of confidence in his eyes. The other general studies didn't seem to be excited at all. Some of them commented that it is as if they were only there to make the hero course students look better at their own dismay.
The support course specialized in crafting weapons or better known as "support items", much like Zeraora's Thunder Fangs. One particular girl from the support who had distinctly pink hair was fully armed with various support item.
Zeraora pondered why include the business classes. The likelihood of any of them being able to out perform the other classes is quite low, or rather nonexistent.
All first year students have finally reached the center of the area. The crowd continued their roaring cheers.
"Now for the introductory speech"! Standing on top of the podium was the R-rated Hero: Midnight. Predictably, many of the adult males were ogling at her rather provocative attire. Zeraora was not entranced, having already seen it once from the hologram device from his entrance exam test results.
"Someone should talk with Miss Midnight about that". Kirishima said somewhat flustered.
"Yeah that outfit should come with a warning or something". Kaminari added on.
"Is that really appropriate apparel for a highschool"? Tokoyami asked sternly.
'I heard her previous costume design was a lot more extreme'. Zeraora responded to Tokoyami.
"Really? How so"? He asked somewhat curious.
'She might as well have been 90 percent nude'. Zeraora answered.
"Unbelievable". Tokoyami was appalled.
'Yep'. Zeraora said nonchalantly.
The young tiger looks down and finds Mineta giving an aggresive thumps up, approving the attire. Zeraora was not the least bit amused.
"Silence everyone! For the student pledge we have (Y/N) Zeraora from Class 1A"! Having said that, all attention was instantly directed at Zeraora. Many were surprised, some were resentful and others didn't know him thus they had no opinion.
The young tiger begrudgingly made his way to the top of the podium.
"Zerachan's the first year rep"? Midoriya asked surprised.
"I guess he finished first in the entrance exams". Sero believes.
"Hmph. Only for the hero course exams". Another first year female scoffed, disdain was very evident in her voice.
Zeraora made it to the podium and Midnight smiles.
"Try not to be so nervous little kitty". She says while winking seductively at him, something Ryuko caught while watching back home and she is not at all pleased in the slightest.
Zeraora stood in front of the microphone, slightly tapping it with his claw to ensure it works. All eyes were fixed on him, his classmates wondered to themselves on what exactly he intends to say.
After taking a breath, the young tiger spoke...
'Normally, I wouldn't be bothered to step up here and talk, I would've just ignored it and probably had someone else speak or prepared some words for the overseer to read out loud'. His voice rings across the stadium, his classmates seemed concern.
'However, thanks to few chains of events and a few thoughts persisting in my head, I feel as though I have to speak my mind strictly out of obligation. So I'm just gonna it out of my system before it starts gnawing at me and drives me crazy'.
'Firstly, some time after the announcement of the UA Sport Festival many you other first years confronted and antagonized me and my classmates. Assuming that because we have experienced and walked away from an actual villain attack, we view ourselves to be superior to the rest of you. I don't think you all realize how inexcusably childish and selfish you all were'.
'For one, we were attacked by actual villains, who keep in mind were actually trying to kill us. Most of us likely never have experienced a villain attack before, and less likely have had to fend them off before. The attack left our homeroom teacher in his current mummified state, so really, a lot of us could've suffered serious injuries, long-term trauma or . And yet, instead of showing concern for you fellow UA attendants, you all ignored that possibility, and some of you even went as far as to label us as things equivalent to pretentious brats'.
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