《Claws and Lightning (Male Zeraora Reader x Boku no Hero Academia)》[Season 2] CH 9: Recovery, Secrets and War
Emerging out from the warp gate into a bar, Shigaraki falls to his knees the shock and fear from Zeraora's outburst persists within him.
"That was wrong! That was all wrong"! The veins in Shigaraki's eyes look as if they going to burst. "The plan would've work, but that-that brat, that monster"! He was unable to keep his mind steady, until a voice halted his train of thought.
"Clearly, it seems that plan failed and something has you shook, Tomura". A gentlemanly yet ominous voice filled the room.
"Not something, some-ONE". Kurogiri corrected seeing as Shigaraki couldn't immediately respond.
"OH? I take it that All Might defeated Nomu". The Mystery Man infers.
"No". Shigaraki answered, having finally composed himself. "It was one of the students".
"Excuse me"?! Shock and confusion present in the Mystery Man's voice. "That nomu was designed to fight and kill All Might! And a student was able to defeat it"?!
"That's right Master". Shigaraki calmly confirmed.
"We were unprepared for such an event, the students of UA did show such promise however, that boy was beyond any normal child. As result of the power he unleashed we couldn't retrieve nomu's body ". Kurogiri elaborated.
Shigaraki stood from the floor regaining his menacing glare.
"Zeraora! One of these days I'm going to kill you for embarrassing me". He declared with new found vigor.
"Wait. The child's name is 'Zeraora'"? The Mystery Man inquired.
"Yeah, at least that was name one of the student called him".
"Did he bear a tiger-like appearance"?
"Yeah"? Shigaraki rose an eyebrow.
"Did he also possess an electric-based quirk".
"Master how do you all this? Is there something we should be aware of about this kid?"
The Mystery Man began chuckling malevolently. "If this boy is who I believe he is, then perhaps killing him would be unwise, in fact he could prove useful to us".
(UA: Nurses Office)
Zeraora was resting in the nurses office, his snores resembling that of a kitten's purrs. Voices and images began flashing through his mind and a small shock slowly jolts him awake.
'Ugh-ugh'. He lets out a low growl as the room's bright light hits his eyes forcing him to leave them narrowed. Now seated up Zeraora slowly scans his surroundings.
'Where... am I'? He asked himself.
"You're in the nurse's office young man". An elderly voice suddenly catches his ears and quickly turns its direction. The instant movement caused a slight sting to his body and lightly growls in pain.
"Take it easy young man. You haven't fully recovered yet, I advise making any extreme movement for the time being". She said.
"Though frankly, seeing as you could do that in your current state is a surprise in and of itself".
"Huh?" Zeraora looks to right arm and finds it connected to a small generator.
"Since you got here I examined your body and lets just say your injuries were quite severe, although I discovered something interesting". She said.
'And what's that'? He asked.
"Under normal circumstances, injuries like yours would require a few days to heal. However, when unconscious and connected to something producing electricity your body seems to passively absorb it and uses the energy to heal your body". She surmises.
"Though I'm not sure if this comes with any side-effects, so for now you should avoid using your quirk". She advises.
Some time afterwards Recovery Girl explained to Zeraora what happened after he went unconscious. Shigaraki and Kurogiri escaped, him, Aizawa and Thirteen being the only ones with any serious injuries and that Midoriya, Tsuyu, Kirishima, All Might and Detective Tsukauchi all came to check up on him before leaving.
Zeraora got up from his bed, doing some light stretching after lying in bed for a while.
'Anything else I should know about'? He asked.
"Well, before he left that Midoriya fellow asked me to apologize to you on his behalf, though he didn't explain why".
'Oh, probably cuz' he ignored my direct order as class deputy and tried and help me'.
"Did he now? Honestly, it's bad enough the boy suffers extreme recoil damage from his own quirk, but he's also quite reckless to boot".
"All Might really ought to be careful with him". She muttered to herself, however Zeraora slightly caught her words, raising an eyebrow in question.
"Something wrong, young man"? She asked.
'No. It's nothing'. Zeraora grabs his things, thanking Recovery girl before leaving.
Recovery Girl noticed Zeraora's pause and wonders to herself.
"Hmmmm. Is it possible that he knows his secret"?
Zeraora made his way back to the Pussy Cats residence and was immediately greeted with a tackling hug from Ryuko.
Ryuko proceeds to barrage him with question after question, concern made very obvious.
Ryuko will you take it easy, (Y/N) has had a long day. Mandalay speaks up from behind her teammate.
"But-I, *Sigh* you're right. Sorry about that (Y/N), I was just so worried". She lets go of her little brother.
'I know I know, and despite what happened, I'm fine, I'm just a little tired'.
'I take it Ragdoll and Tiger are still out'? He asked.
"Yeah, it's been pretty busy these days". Ryuko responds.
'And Kota'?
"He's already asleep". Mandalay answers.
Zeraora had placed his things his room, then bathe in the hot spring, while there he focused thoughts recalling a few events, namely Midoriya's quirk.
'Midoriya said that his power was 'given' to him, which could explain why it seems so unnatural to him. During the battle trials All Might was hesitant in stopping Midoriya and Bakugo's fight. and recovery girl said something about All Might needing to be careful with him'. He thinks to himself.
During the time when Zeraora was unconscious he vaguely recalls the conversation between Midoriya, All Might and Tsukauchi. Something about All Might's secret and "One for All". He then thinks back to the USJ and remembered Midoriya stumbling over his words after he save him, Tsuyu and Mineta from Nomu and Shigaraki. Clearly there's a secret between him and All Might.
That aside, he also wonders about his outburst.
'What was that all about, the last thing I could remember was pushing Bakugo out of the way of that monsters attack, but after that all I remember was thunder and a roar'. Questions continued to plague his mind, but afterwards he exited the hot spring, washed himself, ate dinner and went to bed.
'Hopefully the next day won't be so taxing'. He thinks to himself and drifts to sleep.
Zeraora's alarm blares somewhat louder than normal. He groans/growls as he pulls himself out of bed.
He performs some light stretches checking on his body's physical condition. Then runs electricity through his claws to see if any unusual effects comes from it.
Thankfully no side-effects present from his faster than normal recovery.
Standard morning routine, he brushes his teeth and fur, dresses himself, greets his sister, Mandalay and Kota. Overhears the news, unsurprisingly the attack on the USJ and the existence of the League of Villains was the big thing.
Questions were brewing left and right, although Zeraora wasn't paying much attention as he was already tried of hearing it.
After finishing breakfast Ryuko pulls him in for a hug before leaving as usual.
"Have fun (Y/N)! And try take to it easy for a bit alright". She says smiling.
Zeraora nods and waves off the three before leaving for UA.
Zeraora stood before the class door wondering how everyone is doing after the whole USJ incident, however the instant he stepped in, he immediately got his answer.
"HEY ZERAORA, DUDE"! Kaminari was first to call him out.
"HOW DID YOU DO IT"?! Sero steps in.
"WHAT'S YOUR QUIRK"?! Kirishima steps in.
"HOW STRONG WAS IT"?! Mina steps in.
Zeraora was besieged with questions after question, and he wasn't even given the chance to answer one of them. The only good he could take from this is that everyone is more or less just fine. Though the same could not be said for his ears.
During the onslaught of questions the Class Rep intervenes.
"SILENCE EVERYONE"! Iida's voice roars within the classroom, somehow surpassing the volume of the handful who were barraging Zeraora.
"You know Iida your yelling isn't helping much either". Tsuyu calmly spoke.
"What"? Iida turns to Zeraora who was now firmly gripping his ears trying to block out the noise."
Iida power walks.
'Don't. Say. Another. Word'! Zeraora's patience was nonexistent, and his usual silence, shattered.
'Look I appreciate the concern and you trying to help me. And for the record, I'm just fine, if I wasn't I wouldn't be attending class right after the incident'.
'And as for what happened, I'm really not in the mood to talk about it at all currently. The one thing I will say is that I have no idea what happened or how I did it, okay'.
'And really, the only thing that matters is that we're all still here and kicking, so can we please drop it'?
'Thank you'.
With that said, his classmates gave him his space as he walked to his desk. On the way he noticed Bakugo and Todoroki giving him an odd glare, while Midoriya looked nervous.
Right as he took his seat, Aizawa walks in bandaged up like a mummy. Most of the class shared a collective gasp seeing their teacher already up and about.
"Before any of you say anything, my well being shouldn't be your concern. Instead your concern should be directed to your next fight".
Fear gripped the class, until he elaborated on what he meant.
"The UA Sport Festival is approaching". The Class sighed in relief and then turned to excitement.
A handful questioned why they're still holding the festival even after the attack. Aizawa explained that it's way of telling everyone that UA handled it, and security has been reinforced to ensure no disturbances.
That said, class proceeded as normal a nice little change of pace from all the action. Lunch period came around and Zeraora was called to Principal Nezu's office, much to his dismay. Everyone gave off different expressions as they watched Zeraora leave the class.
He reached the office door and knocked, Nezu responded allowing him entry. Zeraora steps in and is met with Nezu, Aizawa and All Might.
"Greetings Zeraora-Shounen! I take it that you are well recovered"? All Might speaks up first.
Zeraora nods to All Might's question.
"Excellent! Come take a seat". Zeraora sat down across from his teachers.
"I'm sure you can already infer why you were called here today, and judging from your facial expression you're clearly not in the mood, so I'll get straight to the point". All Might donned a more serious look.
"Your actions in the USJ while undoubtedly courageous and commendable, they were also extremely reckless". He said sternly.
"Granted, given the circumstances and options that were present to you, I cannot reprimand you too much. After all you did save your classmates and your teacher from further harm".
Aizawa takes over.
"Also, even though I was mostly unconscious, I overheard your words to your classmates. Looks like you're taking your position as class deputy seriously". He said somewhat smiling to himself.
'First off, me mentioning my position as class deputy was mostly done to get Midoriya to shut up. Secondly, you were the one who threw that role onto me anyways'. Zeraora finally decided to speak.
"True". Aizawa admits nonchalantly.
"That aside, Zeraora is it possible that explain the details of your outburst"? Nezu inquires, seeing as that is the big thing they would like to know.
"We are aware that you currently live among the Wild Wild Pussy Cats and given you performance so far it is very likely that you have trained with them".
"However, the damage done to the creature was described to have required an extreme amount of energy and power". Nezu adds on.
'I don't know'.
'It was like another part of me took over, all I remember was thunder and a roar'.
"Perhaps another aspect of your quirk"? Nezu suggests.
'Doubt it'. Zeraora dismisses it.
"Zeraora tell me, is it possible that this could happen again, like say during the Sports Festival"? Aizawa asked somewhat concerned.
'No'. Zeraora replied sternly, surprising his superiors.
"How can you be certain? You said yourself that it felt as if something else took over". All Might steps in.
'I did, but the trigger was too situational, It was brought about by the urgency of the USJ attack and my own desperation. Factors that frankly, I don't think the Sport Festival would be enough to cause the outburst again'. Zeraora explains.
'There was also the fact that I couldn't trust backup to show up when things got extreme'. He adds on.
"I see". Nezu responds, seeing the validity in Zeraora's reasoning.
"Zeraora-Shounen one final question". All Might speaks up, his face became more stern and serious.
"The incident involving the sludge villain, Bakugo-Shounen was captured, Midoriya-Shounen rushed in trying to help him and then you jumped in releasing and saving the two. Had I not intervened would you have fought the villain yourself"? He asked.
'Yes'. Zeraora replied without hesitation.
"Even knowing it was against the law for uncertified individuals to use their quirks to cause harm". All Might persists.
'Yes'. He replied, again with no hesitation.
'I just happened to be close enough to catch wind of what was going on. Before then I had no interest in being a hero, by then there were multiple pros present already and even after they escorted the civilians out of harms way, they all just stood there stating that I would be better to wait for another pro to step in. Bakugo was struggling for his life and those pros decide to wait and pray'.
'I was disgusted and border-line infuriated, then there was Midoriya running in trying to save him even though at that time he couldn't really do anything. I snapped after seeing that, and as you know I stepped in myself'.
'And would do it again, as many times as it took'. Zeraora's eyes bore a fearsome and unyielding gaze, his determination was made very clear and it held a sort of pressure that his superiors vaguely flinched.
There was a brief moment of silence, until Principal Nezu finally spoke up. He thanks Zeraora for his time and patience, and dismisses him. The two teachers and principal soon realized that Zeraora had only brought himself to UA due to him witnessing the inadequacy of the today's pro heroes.
There was still some time remaining so Zeraora went UA's gym to do some light exercises, making sure he was still in shape. On his way there he bumped into another student who was seemed to be in a rush.
"OH NO! I am so sorry"! The female apologized as she picked her books from the ground.
Zeraora assisted her but then for some reason, his senses began acting up. An eyebrow rose in confusion, so he turned gaze to the female student. Upon closer inspection Zeraora notices the female's rather unique traits.
She had long brown ears, akin to a rabbit somewhat. A bushy tail that looked similar to a fox, only much smaller.
Her overall appearance gave off an innocent and harmless vibe, and yet Zeraora's acted up as if warning him to be cautious of her.
"I am so sorry. I rushing all over the place, I didn't watch where I was going". She apologized again picking the last of her books from the ground.
Zeraora shrugs telling her it's no big deal and hands her the books he picked up.
"Thank you so much"! She bows slightly and speed walks away.
Zeraora continues to the gym snapping himself out of his thoughts.
Aizawa gave the final lecture for the day while also notifying the class that the Sports Festival will be in two weeks and that they will be using their Hero Course time to train.
"I want you all to keep in mind that whatever happened yesterday should not affect your training at all". Aizawa said.
"Right". The class responded.
Zeraora was back to his usual quiet self. He was packing his things to leave, then was approached by Tokoyami.
"Zeraora-san, you seem to be back to your usual". Tokoyami said, able to discern his friend's mood.
'Yeah. More or less'. Zeraora speaks up.
"Am I right to assume that you hold no nervousness for that upcoming event". Tokoyami asked.
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