《Claws and Lightning (Male Zeraora Reader x Boku no Hero Academia)》CH 8: USJ Part 2: Roar of the Thunder Beast
"That brat. He was able to move so fast that I couldn't even notice him". Shigaraki clutching his chest from Zeraora's attack.
"Zerachan?! When did you get here?!" Midoriya questioned. Zeraora didn't respond, instead he focused his gaze on the monstrosity and the puppet master.
'You three, take Aizawa and get out of here. I'll handle this'. He calmly spoke while his classmates quickly turned to him, with extreme shock present on their faces.
"HUH"?! Mineta shrieks.
"Kero"?! Tsuyu lets out a shocked ribbit.
"WHAT?! Zerachan you can't! That monster was able to withstand One F-... uuuhhh, one of my punches and didn't even flinch. Your Plasma Surge won't be enough to take it out-
'Shut... Up'. Growing annoyed, Zeraora silences Midoriya paying no mind to him voicing his concerns.
'In case you haven't realized Midoriya, your obnoxious pessimism isn't helping anyone. Unless you have a better idea on how to deal with our current dilemma then let me hear it'.
Midoriya pauses for a moment.
'There, see you got nothing. None of you will be handle that monster and the creep with the hand fetish. And with Aizawa out of commission, I'm the only one here who can at the very least hold them back'.
"Bu-but". Midoriya stammers.
'No objections Midoriya! You three are taking Aizawa and leaving the USJ, and whatever happens, do not turn back for me'!
'This isn't a request and I'm not speaking to you as your classmate'.
Midoriya was at a loss for words. Unable to concoct an adequate alternative suggestion for the situation.
"Midoriya-kun let's go". Tsuyu speaks up.
"But Asui".
"He's right, we can't fight that thing and we're only going to hold back Zeraora-chan".
"Remember what Thirteen said saving people is a hero's priority".
Midoriya quickly thinks over the situation then assist Asui in carrying Aizawa out of the USJ with Mineta following after wiping off the beads of sweat from his face.
Along the way Midoriya has a brief flashback to when Zeraora saved him and Bakugo from the sludge villain before All Might stepped in. He needed to come to terms that Zeraora is more capable then he realizes.
As the trio leaves the area, Shigaraki who was still relapsing from Zeraora's attack looks on as the young tiger maintains his current placement.
"You really think that you can take on Nomu by yourself"? He questions while laughing slightly.
"His Shock Absorption is capable of withstanding blows from the number one hero himself, he was made for the sole purpose of killing All Might. A bioengineered force of terror, the Anti Symbol of Peace"!
Shigaraki excessively hyping up Nomu's power and abilities made it very clear to Zeraora that he was not only overconfident but also extremely childish. Regardless, he needed to keep his guard up. Seeing as these two were able to overwhelm an experienced and skilled pro like Aizawa.
Zeraroa grips his beam saber and electricity begins to crackle from it.
Zeraora unleashes a crescent-shaped slash towards Shigaraki. Being unable to dodge Shigaraki had Nomu quickly step in to tank and absorb the attack.
'Well, despite it's hulking frame, that thing can move pretty quickly'. Zeraora assess.
"That attack could've killed me. Not only that you attacked knowing that I still couldn't move. Aren't you supposed a student aspiring to be a hero. Well that isn't not very hero-like..." Shigaraki was interrupted when Zeraora suddenly appeared to his side, his beam saber crackling as he aims for a direct slash onto the ringleader.
However, in that same instant, Nomu quickly steps in and guards its master from the attack with its right arm. Then with its free hand it throws a punch at Zeraora, but with his incredible reaction and reflexes, he narrowly avoids the attack and quickly jumps away from the two. Shigaraki looks on seemingly impressed but also concerned, with Zeraora noticing the latter.
"Well I'll give credit tiger boy, you're pretty impressive for a brat training to be hero. However at your level, you can't beat Nomu with just speed". Shigaraki smiles proudly to himself acting as if he knows Zeraora's full abilities.
Zeraora almost felt insulted by Shigaraki's claims, but then he similes to himself.
'You really think speed is all I got'? Zeraora speaks up, and Shigaraki raises an eyebrow in confusion.
'Then you really are an amateur'. Zeraora's earlier assaults wasn't meant for Shigaraki. They were to test Nomu's physical capabilities and its Shock Absorption.
Having gained enough insight, Zeraora now believed that it was time that actually fought seriously. And since Nomu isn't human, he can strike to kill if needed.
Lightning began radiating from his body with his costume helping in containing the energy to maintain maximum effect. With blinding speed he rushes towards Nomu, both beam sabers activated aiming for an overhead slash. Nomu defends and attempts to throw counterattack however, the electricity from Zeraora's attack momentarily stunned it prevented from moving immediately, due to a slight delay in movement from it requiring to use its quirk to absorb the shock from his attack. A delay that Zeraora, with his speed, reaction and reflexes, is more than capable of capitalizing on.
In that same instant Zeraora sheathes his sabers and followed up with a point-blank plasma fist. The force of the attack was enough to send Nomu flying backwards, much to Shigaraki shock and dismay.
"This can't be happening! This brat is pushing back Nomu?! NO NO NO, this can't be possible this shouldn't be possible"! Shigaraki starts scratching himself frantically while also internally panicking.
Zeraora runs in aiming for a direct cross-slash onto Nomu however...
A portal, the same kind as the one from which the villains appeared, suddenly emerged in front of him. Forcing him to halt his charge and quickly jump away.
"It would seem that we have greatly underestimated your abilities. I didn't expect that there would be a student who could actually fight Nomu". Kurogiri says appearing before Zeraora.
"Kurogiri, Nomu... Kill this kid. He can't be allowed to live past this day". Shigaraki commands bearing a much more sinister gaze and aura.
'That doesn't look good. He went from some childish amateur to a straight psychopath. Guess that means he actually considers me a threat'. Zeraora thinks to himself.
"With pleasure". Kurogiri responds with glee, and Nomu lets out a bellowing roar, as it charged at Zeraora with greater speed than it previously displayed.
It leaps into the air and slams both hands toward Zeraora, however he evades its attack causing it to impact the ground creating a large crater.
'It caused that much damage just from physical strength?! It's no wonder Aizawa got heavily injured by this thing.' While Zeraora was witnessing the results of Nomu's strength Kurogiri appeared behind him creating a portal with Nomu's fist emerging from it.
Zeraora let out a pained growl as the attack caused him to briefly stagger, but then Nomu quickly wrap its arms around him, griping him in a vice-like bearhug, and proceeded to squeeze the life out of him. A pained roar/scream echoes through the USJ catching the ears of Midoriya, Tsuyu and Mineta.
"Kero! What was that"? Tsuyu questioned first.
"Maybe Zeraora took down that monster"! Mineta responds seemingly excited.
"No". Midoriya objects. For a moment he could vaguely hear Zeraora's voice from that roar.
"That was Zerachan"! Midoriya turns and runs back but Asui stops him.
"Wait Midoriya-Kun! You can't go back!"
"But he needs our help"!
"Our class deputy gave us a direct order, he told us not turn back regardless of what happens". Tsuyu reminds him.
Midoriya tightens his fist and thinks to himself as past words echoes in his mind.
"You're worthless if you can only throw a single punch and break down". Said Aizawa.
"Young Man, you too can be a Hero". Said All Might.
And there's also what Zeraora once told him.
"If you want to be a hero, then don't lose that spirit". Said Zeraora.
Midoriya looks back at Tsuyu and Mineta with his mind made up. He turns and runs back to the fight without hesitation.
"MIDORIYA, WAIT!!" Tsuyu and Mineta called out to him, but it was no use.
Zeraora struggles to break loose from Nomu's grasp, however its physical strength exceeds his own. He even attempts to envelop his entire body in electricity, but even then Nomu absorbs the discharge and firmly maintains its grip. Seeing that his opponent has been subdued Shigaraki steps up to deliver the killing blow.
"You had me worried for moment. I'll attempt it, you are pretty strong so to make you don't become a nuisance later, I'll kill you myself". Shigaraki slowly brings his hand to Zeraora's face ready to disintegrate him.
"GET AWAY FROM HIM". Midoriya screams out catching their attention.
"Kurogiri". Shigaraki calls Kurogiri and intercepts Midoriya, but then...
"OUTTA MY WAY DEKU"! Bakugo lunges toward Kurogiri and fired an explosion at the amourous villain causing him to back off. Having caught a glimpse of Kurogiri's metal vest Bakugo aimed his attack to it and managed to subdue the villain.
"Kurogiri"! With Shigaraki distracted Zeraora, using the electromagnets on his palms calls his beam saber to his hand. Shigaraki noticed this and jumped away. With his beam saber in hand Zeraora channeled his electricity through the saber further enhancing its power and stabs Nomu in the abdomen, causing the beast to release its grip on him.
"No". Shigaraki muttered to himself when from these chain of events, Kirishima appears and attacks him, only for his attack to be evaded.
"Darn. I couldn't get him". Kirishima said to himself and returned to Bakugo's side.
"Try anything funny and I'm gonna blast you so bad the pros will retrieving you in pieces". Bakugo threated with a malicious grin.
"Bro that's not very hero-like". Kirishima jokingly commented, but then he noticed Zeraora and his injuries.
"Whoa! Hey, Zeraora you alright man". He questioned with concern.
Zeraora gave no answer as he was panting trying the catch his breath. He looks towards Nomu seeing his saber still imbedded in its abdomen. After finally composing himself he rushed towards the beast faster than Kirishima could register and gripped his saber. With a mighty roar he swiftly bisected the abomination from the waist down, and Nomu falls.
Kirishima having witnessed this runs to inquiry Zeraora on his action.
"Dude that was crazy! How did you do that?! Was that your quirk?!" Kirishima barrages Zeraora with questions as he walks away, but didn't answer them, his injuries were slowly catching up with him.
Seeing what has transpired Shigaraki lunges toward Zeraora, the intent to kill made clearly visible, but he was intercepted by a sudden wave of ice.
"Looks like I got here in time". Todoroki calmly spoke exhaling cold air.
"The villains mentioned something about killing All Might". He reminds himself as looks about and noticed the mutants bisected body.
"Who or what could've done that"? He questioned to himself, as he noticed Zeraora seemingly out of breath with one of sabers in his right hand.
"Zeraora did that"? He thought to himself breaking his usually calm demeanor.
"Zerachan"! Midoriya called out breaking Todoroki from his train of thought.
"You okay, you alright"?! Midoriya asked, the concern in his voice made apparent.
Zeraora looks up at the green-haired boy, annoyance present in his gaze.
'I thought I...'
He struggles to stand straight.
'I thought, I told you...'
His words made Midoriya and Kirishima flinch for a moment.
"I, I". Midoriya attempts to respond but Zeraora cuts him off.
'Whatever.' Zeraora gathers his bearings and gets back up on his feet. His electricity looking dim.
'The big threat is out of the way, and Bakugo has their escape cut off'.
'All that's left is you'. He says as he turns and points to Shigaraki.
Shigaraki looking on, seeing Kurogiri subdued and himself outnumbered. Frustration grows within him.
'Your get-out-of-jail free-card is pinned down and your so called Anti Symbol of Peace is dead. This is your last chance to surrender'. Zeraora speaks out the hopelessness of the ringleader's situation, but notices a simile slowly crawling onto Shigaraki's face.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"! Out of nowhere. Shigaraki begins laughing maniacally Zeraora and company were unable to discern the meaning behind it.
"What's so funny"? Todoroki questions.
Shigaraki looks to the heterochromatic male then back to the young tiger.
"You really think you've won do you"? His question confused the group unsure of it he's hinting at.
When suddenly Zeraora's senses began acting up and caught glimpse of the worst possible sight.
Nomu, whom he was certain that slayed, began Regenerating.
"What"! Midoriya said with fear.
"No way". Kirishima said utterly dumbfound.
Bakugo and Todoroki gave off worrying and shocked looks.
'Regeneration?! You said its quirk was Shock Absorption'?! Zeraora yelled out.
"Yes I did. But, I never said, that was all he could do". He responded with a grin so malicious, so sinister, it was as if you were .
Zeraora attempts to ready himself to attack but his injuries resurfaced, making it so that even trying to use his quirk started to injure.
Todoroki launched another wave of ice trapping the monster by legs restricting its movement. But, it simply tore off its own legs and quickly had them restored.
"Nomu, free Kurogiri". Responding to its master command, turned its gaze to Bakugo. Zeraora eyes widen as his body had begun moving instinctually.
"ZERACHAN"!! Midoriya cried out for his friend as the force of the attack caused Zeraora's body to brutally impact the ground. Rendering the young tiger unconscious.
"YOU BASTARD". Bakugo yelled out enraged, as he, Kirishima and Todoroki engaged the villains. Midoriya was left to panic.
"What do we do?! What do we do?! That thing took a punch from One for All and didn't flinch. Even after all the work Zerachan put, it can still keep going. We can't defeat it". Midoriya was lost in thought, couldn't think of any possible means to escape from the situation.
Everything is dark and cold, Zeraora's mind was slipping, his consciousness fading, it almost felt as if Death had him in his grip. Or so it seemed, his heard a vague sound. It wasn't human, it was a roar. A roar accompanied by...
Back to the Fight
Bakugo and company's assault proved useless against Nomu. Either the force of their attacks were absorbed, or the monster would simply regenerate, undoing any damage done.
The trio nearly out of breath while Nomu was virtually untouched.
"It's shame All Might isn't here to see his precious students stuffer. I wonder how much his spirit will be broken when he sees your broken bodies". Shigaraki speaks as if victory has been achieved.
"I'M JUST GETTING WARMED UP". Bakugo attempts to put on a confident face, but Shigaraki sees through his façade.
"Whatever, it's time to wipe the slate clean".
The grotesque mutant charged with muderous intent as the trio stood their guard ready to fight back. But then...
Nomu was struck by powerful thunderbolt and sends the beast recoiling.
Midoriya and company stared wide eyed as they looked behind them to find...
"ZERA- chan" Midoriya's excitement turned to confusion.
Zeraora's body was up but he wasn't the same. Electricity violently flared from his body, his claws were sharp enough to cleave metal like paper. And his eyes...
Were glowing, pupil-less and yet Piercing.
Like a...
"HAHAHAHAHA! You are one stubborn brat"! Shigaraki broke the silence.
"Back up for more aren't you?! Well that's fine Nomu still has more to throw at you"!
No response.
Zeraora turned his gaze to the ringleader, no reaction.
Then seconds later...
(Play at time 0:16.)
He unleashed a blood-curdling roar. Shigaraki lost his cocky grin as he finds himself stepping back...
"NOMU KILL THAT BRAT! KILL HIM DEAD"! Shigaraki commanded visible terrified.
Nomu raises once again and stares down its opponent.
The two fix their gaze on each other, and with inhuman speed...
- In Serial167 Chapters
Binary Soul
So let's say there's this girl. A young girl who happens to be a highly-trained, psionically-gifted, nanite-infused, genetically-enhanced and emotionally unstable assassin that doesn't know the concept of 'mercy' or 'holding back.' Let's say she and her imaginary friend miraculously pass through the borders of reality into an alternate universe, crash landing into a world of swords and magic aboard a starship full of high-tech wonders. Now, let's also say the first person this borderline psychopath meets happens to be her doppelganger - a highly gifted mage who happens to have a few problems of her own, like a bad temper or a bad habit of chronic self-delusion. With me so far? Good. Now, what's the on the agenda for these two different people who happen to be the same person? Settle down, start a family and thoroughly enjoy life. Maybe get married and have some kids. How about befriending a violent alcoholic or defeating an ancient evil being? Perhaps kill a few dragons and wreck a city along the way. Anything can happen around the city of Runetap, after all. It's a place where bizarre and strange things occur on an almost weekly basis. The people living there have long abandoned silly things like common sense or minding the details. A giant flaming UFO streaks above the city in broad daylight? That's just another Tuesday. The City Guard even had the form for that, so believe me when I say this. It's your loss if you mind it. This is the light-hearted and fluffy tale of Ellie and Kira as they forge their own path of absurdity and crazyness across a world that often makes little sense. Loosely inspired by the Discworld series of books by Terry Pratchett, even though the author hasn't actually read any of them. Contains yuri, mature themes and the author's personal views on several subjects. Explicit content is kept to a minimum.Does NOT contain slavery, rape, drugs or any other similarly heavy themes.
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