《Claws and Lightning (Male Zeraora Reader x Boku no Hero Academia)》CH 7: USJ Part 1: Handling Disasters
'After Aizawa revealed our next lesson, we were told to change into our hero costumes, or P.E uniform in Midoriya's case. I was still pretty pissed that Aizawa basically threw me into the position as deputy, but I said whatever and moved on'.
'The whole fiasco with the media and the alarm being triggered still bugged me though. I mean, I know the media can be annoyingly persistent, but would they really try anything stupid enough to trigger the alarm. I kept wondering to myself till a certain loudmouth derailed my train of thought'.
'I am immediately regretting suggesting Iida for class rep '. Zeraora sweat dropped.
"The buses open layout ruined my boarding strategy"! Iida said denied.
"Iida you really need to chill". Mina says
Zeraora seated next to the window blasting "Come And Get Your Love", trying to lighten his mood.
He overhears his classmates chattering about several topics. Leading to them comparing quirks, Zeraora wasn't paying any attention until one particular comment...
"You know Midoriya, your quirk is almost the same as All Might". Asui inquires.
Zeraora looks up from his phone, noticing how Midoriya's is taken back from the comment.
"Hu-huh, you really think so"? Midoriya stutters.
"Hey hold Asui, your forgetting something there, All Might doesn't get hurt from his power they just look similar". Kirishima debunks.
'Apparently Kirishima isn't one for common sense, or proper reasoning for that matter. But still, Midoriya's lack of control with his power, the similarities to All Might, and how he claims that his quirk was "given" to him. Not to mention how during the battle trials All Might was very hesitant on stopping Midoriya and Bakugo's match for some reason'. Zeraora thinks to himself.
"But you know if any of our classmates have pro quirks, it's Bakugo and Todoroki". Kirishima calms.
"Sure, but Bakugo is always angry so he'll never be popular". Asui calmly retorts.
Zeraora snickers and Bakugo violently reacts.
"Ya know we've only known you for a bit, but we already know that your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage". Kaminari roasts.
"YOU'RE GONNA TO REGRET THE DAY YOU APPLIED TO THIS SCHOOL YOU LOSER"! Bakugo's threats fell on deaf ears as Kaminari laughs it off.
"Hey by the way Kirishima, don't you think you forget to put Zeraora on that list? He placed third on the quirk assessment test and he did beat Todoroki in the battle trial". Hagakure says.
"Well I would, except I don't know what his quirk even is"? Kirishima replies.
"Well obviously it's got something to do with his cat-like looks right"? Hagakure believes.
"Hey I know, why don't we ask him"? Uraraka cheeringly suggests. "Hey Zeraora what's your quirk"? She asked excitingly.
Zeraora looked back to his phone giving no response.
"Helllllooow, earth to tiger boy". Uraraka keeps egging on the question really wanting an answer.
Getting slightly annoyed she tries to reach for Zeraora's ear to get his attention, but the only thing she got was a small shock.
"OUCH"! She yelps shaking her hand.
Zeraora types out a little message.
*Don't touch the ears😠*. Uraraka reads out.
"Well, you keep ignoring my question"! She pouts.
"Hey Midoriya, you and he went to same junior high right? So maybe you know." Kirishima suggests.
Before Midoriya could say anything Aizawa interrupts.
"We here, we don't have any time waste, so get moving". Aizawa demands.
Class 1A exits the bus and is greeted by someone wearing what looks to be a space suit.
"Hello everyone! I'm Thirteen, I will be one of your instructors today". The female Pro greeted.
Most of the class was in awe witnessing another pro in person. Midoriya and Uraraka were going on that Thirteen is one of their favorite heroes.
Zeraora had no real opinion to give, granted he doesn't pay attention to most "Pros".
"So where's All Might, chatting up with the media again or something"? Aizawa asked.
Thirteen gesture for him to come closer and whispers into his ear. He sighs with annoyance and moves on.
"Why am I not surprised, whatever you and I can handle them till he decides to show".
"Okay". Thirteen agrees.
"Today I have many different zones for your rescue exercise today. To name a few, there's the Landslide zone, Ruins zone, Conflagration zone, Flood zone and so on. I created this training facility to put all through the various disasters you will encounter in the future. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or the "U.S.J" for short"
"Just like Universal Studios Japan". The class catching the similarities.
"Before we begin, I have one more thing to say, maybe two, or three, or..."Thirteen went on and Zeraora rolls his eyes.
"Some of you may already know I have a powerful quirk, called Black Hole. I can suck up things and turn them to dust. However, today we will focusing more on improving your ability to use your quirks to save to people. You won't be fighting anyone or yourselves. Today's exercise is strictly to save people, because saving the lives of others is what a hero should prioritize". She bows to the class and they applaud her for the wonderful speech.
"Well then, let's get started". Aizawa said leading the class inside the USJ
Everyone was excited, but that excitement soon turned to confusion as the lights across the dome disabled.
Zeraora's senses started acting up violently as he looks towards the fountain in the middle of area noticing a few flickers. Soon a black and purple gate suddenly appeared with multiple people emerging from it.
"Thirteen! Protect the students"! Aizawa ordered.
The class turned their attention to the center of the USJ, with the arrival of many unexpected visitors via the mysterious warp gate .
Zeraora quickly grasped the situation and realized that was not part of the exercise, however some of his classmates were too slow to catch on.
"Hey did the training start already? I thought we weren't fighting anyone today"? Kirishima walks up closer.
"STOP! Those are real villains! No one move from where you are". Aizawa demanded.
"Wait, so they don't belong here"? Sero asked.
"Something isn't right, the alarms didn't go off. Which means that someone here is able conceal their presence". Aizawa analyzing the situation.
"They chose in this area, which could mean that the school itself might not be in danger, regardless they're fools for even coming here". Todoroki calmly spoke up.
'They must have used the media swarm from this morning to slip in and gain whatever information on the schedule for us. No wonder why my senses were acting up since then'. Zeraora recollects.
"Kaminari, use your quirk to try and contact the school". Aizawa advised.
'Don't bother'. Zeraora speaks up, catching his classmates by surprise.
'If the alarm didn't trigger then we won't be able to contact the school from within the USJ. We're going to have to make the call from outside'. Zeraora's perceptiveness left the class in shock.
Aizawa is visibly impressed with Zeraora quickly catching on to the situation.
"Right then, Thirteen get everyone out of here, I'll hold then off until backup arrives". Aizawa commanded while sliding his goggles on.
"Wait! Your quirk isn't suitable for this encounter. Your style is sneak attacks and one-on-one fights. There's too many enemies"! Midoriya attempts to stop Aizawa.
Aizawa, unperturbed by his student's worries step forward.
"You can't be a pro with only one trick". He says as he leaps towards the villains.
"Alright, everyone let's go! We need to get out of here!" Thirteen commanded.
Everyone proceeded to run towards the exit, Zeraora looks back and noticed Midoriya just standing there observing Aizawa's movements.
Without saying a word, Zeraora quickly grabs Midoriya snapping him out of his thoughts and continues to run for the exit.
But then, his ears twitched as he looks ahead, seeing an amorphous figure resembling the warp gate emerging from ground. Only this time, a voice was heard from it.
"Greetings everyone. It is pleasure to meet you all. We are the League of Villains." The amorphous figure began speaking with sinister and gentlemanly voice.
"We are aware that it is impolite, but we allowed ourselves entry into the famed home for heroes. A fitting place for the Symbol of Peace to perish, wouldn't you agree". His last few words caused most of the class to shake in fear.
Zeraora observes the figure before him and catches glimpse of a peculiar metal vast, while noticing that Bakugo and Kirishima were preparing to make a move.
"However it doesn't seem like he's present at the moment, perhaps an unfortunate miscalculation, nevertheless I have may role to play"- the amorphous figure was interrupted when Bakugo and Kirishima attempted to attack him. But then, a sudden thunderbolt struck the ground in front of them and cause them to fly back to the group.
Everyone looks back and saw Zeraora with the claws on his left hand out and with blue sparks emanating from it.
"What the hell are you doing Fur-Face". Bakugo yelled.
"Yeah! We can't just stand here and do nothing. We've got to fight back! Kirishima adds on.
'Shut. Up'. Zeraora said silencing the two while also snarling in annoyance.
'You morons don't know what you're doing and for the record I basically saved you from that thing. You can't just jump in and attack, especially when you don't have plan'. Zeraora retorts.
Thirteen took the opportunity and released the caps on her suit to use her quirk against the villain.
"Hmm, it seems the tiger boy is much wiser than I would expect from beginner students. Regardless, you will not escape. I will scatter you to the various regions of this facility where you will meet your demise at the hands of my comrades". The amorphous figure expands himself surrounding the class forming a large sphere.
Iida attempted to get as many people out of the sphere, but he couldn't get them all. As the sphere died down about half the class remained including Thirteen. The other half were sent across the USJ.
"Thirteen we need get through and call for backup". Iida turned to Thirteen.
"Iida! It has to be you. You're the only one fast enough to do it". Uraraka spoke up.
"What! But, I am the class rep, I cannot leave my classmates behind". Iida combats the suggestion.
"Think about the situation, remember you're to use your quirk to save others". Thirteen said.
Iida takes a moment to think over the current situation, fully resolving himself as the group faces the villain before them.
Falling out from the warp gate, Zeraora found himself seemingly alone in an extremely windy region.
'Great, and Thirteen was all like, "You will not be fighting anyone today". Talk about a textbook example of a jinx.' Zeraora thought to himself as he began traversing through the zone.
"Hey guys, look at what we have here. A stray cat!"
Zeraora turns to direction of the voice, and spots multiple villains.
"Aww, what's wrong little kitty are you lost"? A female villain teased.
Ignoring the villain's comment, Zeraora narrowed his eyes at the group noticing that most of them don't seem too dangerous or impressive.
"Hey kid what's the matter you choked on a hairball or something"? Another villain taunted.
Zeraora was unperturbed and maintained a neutral expression indicating his lack of fear for the villains before him.
The villains began to grow agitated by Zeraora's behavior. Until one of them stepped up and spoke. He was taller than the rest, bald, incredibly muscular, had sharp teeth and his arms had bone-like protrusions . (Think Baraka from Mortal Kombat).
"Hey guys, first one to kill this kid gets to keep his fur as prize".
"YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH"! They said in unison as they charged straight towards Zeraora.
'Amateurs'. Zeraora muttered to himself as he grasped one of his Thunder Fangs ready to strike.
"Oh? Fancy toys you got there. I'll taking those off your corpse"!
Zeraora activated his beam saber with electricity crackling from it.
Zeraora swings his saber in a horizontal motion, unleashing a crescent-shaped slash. Instantly disabling three of the villains who charged him.
The group stopped their advance, visible shocked at what as occurred .
'Hey what's the matter? Cat got your tongue?' Zeraora taunted the villains.
"Don't just stand there! He's just a kid"! The muscular villain commanded.
The villain resumed their advance and Zeraora charges in as well.
He takes his second beam saber and links the two by the end creating a dual-bladed saber.
Zeraora jumps and lands between two villains, performing circular motion swipe and paralyzes them.
Another villain who using her quirk, turns her hair into needles and fires an unrelenting swarm.
Zeraora repels the oncoming barrage and leaps into air, unlinking his sabers and launches another attack.
With both sabers Zeraora unleashed a cross-crescent slice incapacitating his attacker while impacting any others who were in range of the slash. One of the villains was able to barley move out of the way and used his quirk to camouflage blending in with the surrounding area, aiming to land a sneak attack.
Due to the extreme wind of the region Zeraora's natural sensing capabilities were being impaired, so he slides on his Visor Glasses with thermal mode activated in order to see his movements. He briefly caught the villains movement via subtle footstep and rushed towards him, striking with an electric force palm. The shock of the attack knocked the villain out.
'That should be all of them. Except I don't I see the bald one anywhere'.
Zeraora quickly jumps as the ground beneath him breaks apart.
"I gotcha now hairball"! The villain says while ejecting bone-like blades from his arm, aiming for a fatal slash. Zeraora defends with his Thunder Fangs and the two repel each other.
They land and immediately charge towards each other, their blades clash rapidly with incredible speed. The villain goes for a leg swipe but Zeraora leaps over him and aims for a back slash. Only for the villain to eject bones from his back and slightly grazes Zeraora.
*Grrrr* Zeraora growls from the pain and villain proceeds to taunt him.
"Hahahahah. Seems like you're having a bit of trouble over there. My quirk allows me to control the bones in my body. Not only that but my bones density rivals even the strongest metals. How do you plan to beat that hairball? The villain boasted proudly as he charged in again.
Zeraora deactivates his Thunder Fangs and channels lightning through his hands.
Zeraora slams his claws into the ground as he discharges a powerful wave of lightning. The villain tries to block it but the attack struck the nerves in his bones causing him to scream out in pain. The shock of the attack rendering him unable to move and Zeraora slowly approaches him with his Thunder Fangs aimed at his throat.
'Since you have the unfortunate luck of still being conscious against me, you're going to tell everything you know about the plan to kill All Might. Delay the answers and I'll make sure that the only thing the you'll be moving, 'Zeraora threatens as electricity crackles from his saber.
The villain laughs off Zeraora's threat claiming that he's bluffing. Zeraora stabs the villains' arm paralyzing it and causes him to scream out.
'Strike one scumbag, I'd cooperate if I were you'. He says giving a predatory glare to the villain to displaying how serious he is.
"OKAY OKAY! I'LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING I KNOW"! The villain said panicking.
'Good'. Zeraora said calmly.
After subduing the villains in the shipwreck zone, Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta were watching in absolute fear as their teacher was getting savagely manhandled by the grotesques mutant called "Nomu".
Midoriya contemplates on what course of action he should take as he and his classmates were trying to hear what the guy with light blue hair with multiple hands on his body was talking about. The villain touched Aizawa's elbow causing the skin to decay exposing the muscle.
"I have a really bad feeling about this Midoriya." Asui whispers.
"What gives?! I thought they said they were leaving, so why are they taking so long?!" Mineta said panicking.
"Guys! We have to keep quiet before-" Midoriya stopped as he saw the hand of the villain with light blue hair appear in front of Asui's face. He eyes widen from the fear of losing his classmate.
"What do ya know, you really are cool Eraserhead".
Looking back to Aizawa who, even after the brutal assault was able erase the villain's quirk, saving Asui from certain death.
The mental image of Asui disintegrating caused Midoriya to panic, he jumped out of water preparing to launch a full on attack with One for All. He thrusted his right arm foward and the collision caused plums of dust to fly about.
Before the dust died down Midoriya realized something.
"Huh. My arm isn't broken? I was finally able control! He said, but he looked up and saw that "Nomu" had absorbed the force of Midoriya's punch.
"That was a pretty impressive smash. Are you one of All Might Disciples? Well, it doesn't matter. Nomu "
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