《Claws and Lightning (Male Zeraora Reader x Boku no Hero Academia)》CH 11: Sports Festival Part 2: Survival of the Fittest and the Fiercest
Midoriya panics frantically, as he pushes he self to accelerate and outrun the approaching tiger.
The end of the obstacle course is in sight Midoriya ran as beads of nervous sweat poured uncontrollably. While Zeraora ran calmly with no real concern.
The victor stepped through the gate.
The crowd cheers loudly praising Midoriya for his achievements. The pro heroes and UA staff applaud the boy, as he looks on completely awestruck but also proud.
Zeraora stepped through immediately after Midoriya, witnessing his classmate shedding tears of joy. Not bothered being placed second, Zeraora shrugs and casually brushes himself off.
Unbeknownst to him, Aizawa looks on from the spectators seat with a confused expression.
"Weird, Zeraora's default physical prowess is much greater than Midoriya's. He could've easily overtaken him, and yet he didn't. Did that new move take a lot out of him? Or did he willingly let Midoriya have the victory? I swear, the kid's enigma". Aizawa ponders, trying to make sense of what had transpired.
Shortly afterwards, Todoroki came in claiming third place, then came Bakugo taking forth place. The two were panting heavily, after having pushed themselves to speed up after being blitzed by Zeraora's sudden burst of speed.
"What the hell was that? First thing I noticed was Midoriya flying through the air, next thing I realize is Zeraora effortlessly passed me". Todoroki collected his thoughts.
Zeraora's response to Todoroki's declaration of war echoed in his mind, causing him to grow irritated.
Bakugo was seen grasping his knees, clenching his teeth in rage.
"Damn it! DAMN IT"!!
"It's always them! IT'S ALWAYS... THEM"!!! Bakugo's inner thoughts raged. Seeing how not just Midoriya, but also Zeraora out did him in the event.
Todoroki and Bakugo in unintentional unison, fixed their respective glares at Midoriya and Zeraora. Though the latter two weren't aware of it.
Some time later...
All first year participants have finally completed the obstacle course. Some of the students looked on at Zeraora, likely due to his words from the student pledge, and his current performance.
Some were glaring at him, though the young tiger payed no attention to them.
"That concludes the first event for the first years' sport festival! And may oh my, what a spectacle it was"! Midnight spoke from the top of podium expressing her excitement.
"Now let's have a quick look at the standings"! She points to the direction of the monitor as the placements of all the students were shown.
"Only Forty-two of you will advance to next round. What that is, we shall see..."
"In a moment"! On cue, the roulette began cycling through multiple events again. This time it landed onto...
"Look alive children! It's a Cavalry Battle"! Midnight confirms.
'Great. We went from something that complemented my skill sets, to something that kinda limits it. Evens things out, I guess'. Zeraora thought to himself in slight annoyance.
"Here are the rules and steps for this event: You will form a team consisting of two to four people. One will be the rider and the others will serve as horses. The goal here is rack up as many points as you by stealing headbands from the riders of other teams. Each headband you take must be placed around your neck, so as a result you become an even bigger target the more headbands you have. When the time expires, the top four teams with the most points will advance to next round".
The rules were pretty simple, however Zeraora felt that there was a catch to all this.
"The individual points are determined by your placement in the previous event. Forty-second place is worth five points, with five more being added with each ascending placement".
"However..." Midnight's face turned into a malicious smile.
"The first place finisher, is worth TEN MILLLION POINTS".
In that instant all eyes were fixed on poor Midoriya. His efforts and tenacity from the obstacle course were rewarded him being made the ultimate in the cavalry battle. Zeraora could only give his condolences, but at same time counting his blessings for having not taken first place.
"You are free to use your quirks however you like, but if you force another team to fall then you will slapped with a red card and disqualified! Although, should you fall accidently, you can still continue on with the event".
A timer appeared on the monitor, fifteen minutes was set.
"You have fifteen minutes to form your teams and strategize".
"NOW GET TO IT"! As Midnight gave the signal the timer started to count down.
All students scattered to find suitable teammates, while avoiding Midoriya at the same time. Zeraora noticed a group of classmates surrounding Bakugo. Todoroki had already taken Yaororozu and Kaminari. Midoriya had Uraraka and Iida but surprisingly Iida walked away to join a different team.
Zeraora realized that the other participants were also avoiding him, most likely still intimidated. Well aside from one...
"Hey tiger boy"? Someone called out to the young tiger. He turned and was met with the indigo haired male who declared war on him and his classmates.
"Wanna join my team"? He asked with a neutral expression.
However, Zeraora felt that something was off. The small jolt from his senses warned him not to respond immediately. So instead he simply stared at the indigo haired male.
"Is there a problem"? He asked, but was given no response.
"Hey! Say something"! Zeraora's silence was beginning to aggravate him.
"From that long speech you gave out for the student pledge, I know you're not a mute! So answer me"!
"You wanna join my team or not"?! The indigo haired male was losing his composure. However, Zeraora did not flinch.
Instead, his gaze turned to something behind the individual speaking to him. His classmate Ojiro and a chubby student from Class 1B, standing there motionless. Curiosity took hold of the young tiger as he walked passed the person speaking to him to his classmates and other hero course student.
"Hey, what are you doing"?! The indigo haired male questioned, his voice had a hint of concern.
Upon closer inspection Zeraora noticed Ojiro and the Class 1B student's eyes were pure white. As if they under mind control. Zeraora gave the two a light shock, causing them to regain their proper state of mind.
"Wha-what! What just happened". Ojiro regains himself.
"Why does my head feel so foggy"? The Class 1B student questioned.
'Hmmm. Interesting'. Zeraora comments.
"What did you do"?! The indigo haired male spoke up.
'So your quirk allows to brainwash people? And judging from the effects the target can't seem to break free from it'. Zeraora calmly assess.
'It's an interesting power, but I guess you couldn't get any use of it during the entrance exams'. He points out.
"How did you..."? The indigo haired male was shook.
'Then again, I guess it's no surprise that you didn't make it the first time. Since I bet, all you did was rely on your one trick. And from how you've acting, you most likely thought you could just rely on that one trick for the entirety of sports festival to "out perform" us Class 1A showoffs'.
'Right'? Zeraora turned back him. The indigo haired was in shock after being effortlessly read like a book.
Ojiro and the Class B student looked on, both impressed but also intimidated.
'What's wrong? Cat got your tongue'? Zeraora taunted and the male grew irritated.
'Keep in mind your the one who told me to bring my A-game remember'? The male clenched his fist in frustration.
'So to answer your question'.
'No, I'm not joining your team. You're joining mine'.
"What"? The male and the two behind Zeraora responded.
'Time is about to expire, so we don't really have a choice anyways'. Zeraora explained.
"Hold it! You can't just hijack my team like this"?! The male spoke up.
'Oh? So using your quirk to force cooperation is any better'. Zeraora shot back, silencing him.
'You should count yourself lucky that I didn't tell to piss off'.
'I'm giving you a chance to show what you can do, and learn what you can't do'.
'Isn't that what you want? Or was your declaration of war just you spitting out hot air'?
The male couldn't retort so he gave in.
'If there's no more objections let's get to business'. Zeraora and his team grouped up. With the remaining time they began discussing with each other.
'Alright, lets talk quirks. I'll go first'.
'My quirk is called Plasma Surge. I produce, control and absorb any kinds of electricity. I can discharge blasts of lightning or use it to enhance my physical prowess.' He broke down.
'Next, you'. Zeraora points to the Class B student.
"Me". The Class B student was taken aback.
'Yeah. Name and quirk, go'.
"Um, alright".
"My name is Nirengeki Shoda. My quirk is called Twin Impact, I can create a second impact remotely from the site of any initial impact". Shoda explains.
'Any tidbits'? Zeraora inquires.
"Well, I can use it on objects and people. Also, the second impact is will be much stronger than the initial one". Shoda points out.
'Okay. You next'. Zeraora points to the indigo haired male.
"Hitoshi Shinso. My quirk is Brainwashing, anyone who verbally responds to whatever I say will fall under my control. Though only when I intend to use it".
'So I wasn't far off'. Zeraora thinks to himself.
'Extra details'? The young tiger asked.
"I can have multiple people under my control, but I can only activate on one person at a time".
'And'? Zeraora pushes, knowing there's more.
"This guy's annoyingly perceptive". Shinso thinks to himself.
"I can't have my victims do anything that requires advance brain functions, like talking or writing a name from memory". Shinso finishes.
'And the target can't break free without some kind of outside interference". Zeraora adds on.
"That's right". Shinso confirms.
'Alright'. Zeraora turns to Ojiro.
'Now I'm already aware of your quirk Ojiro, anything extra I should know'.
"Well, aside from my tail being bulky, wider and longer than any of my other limbs. It's also prehensile and I control it same way I do my other limbs". Ojiro explains.
'So it's like a third arm'. Zeraora concludes.
"Yeah, pretty much".
'Alright that out the way, now for the positions'.
'I'll the rider, since none of you have the means to match my speed'.
'Shoda you'll be the front horse, anytime I give the signal use your Twin Impact to double the force of my attacks'.
"Right". Shoda complies.
'Ojiro, you'll be the right horse, use you Tail to ward off anyone approaching'.
"Understood". Ojiro complies.
'And Shinso...'
'You're the left horse, when I give the signal use your Brainwashing to disable the targets'.
"Yeah, whatever". Shinso reluctantly complies.
Zeraora looks to the timer, a few minutes remaining the Cavalry Battle will begin shortly.
'Alright, saddle up guys! Expect things to get crazy'! Zeraora commanded.
The trio nodded and quickly got into their positions.
All teams have been have been established, headbands with every teams' respective points value. Team Zeraora's value was 495 points, currently they stood at fourth place. Shoda had small nervous sweats beginning to pour, Ojiro was also nervous but it wasn't shown. Shinso retained his blank neutral expression, and Zeraora was as calm as he could be.
"Are our contestants ready"?! Midnight stirred the audience, as they roared with excitement and anticipation. Wasting no time she gave the signal, kicking off the cavalry.
The timer counted down from fifteen minutes, and predictably all teams charged straight for Team Midoriya. All except one that of course...
Team Zeraora simply waited in their initial placement.
"Zeraora. We should be going for the ten million"! Ojiro advised, but Zeraora ignored him and steered his horses towards the teams who were staggering behind.
The young tiger spots two teams with only two members and started streaming electricity through his claws.
'Shoda. Eyes opens'. Zeraora signals his front horse to use his quirk.
Zeraora brought his hands together compressing and focusing his electricity. An orb of electricity began to form.
Zeraora threw the orb onto the ground.
'Now! Zeraora called out, prompting Shoda to use his Twin Impact and doubled the force of the Aura Sphere. The resulting impacts caused large plums of dust to emerge blinding and distracting the opposing teams. Team Zeraora capitalized by quickly charging in and swiping their headbands before they could register.
'125 and 70. That puts us at 690 points'. Zeraora tallies up their score.
Zeraora's new technique had Ojiro and company awestruck.
"Zeraora! What about the ten million?! It will be certain victory if we can get it"! Ojiro suggested again.
'Shut Up'. Zeraora silences him.
'We're not wasting time going after the clear and obvious bait! Now shut it and focus'! The young tiger demanded with Ojiro having no choice but to comply.
Team Zeraora maintain their opportunistic strategy and doing their best to avoid Team Midoriya, but then were assaulted by another team.
"Shoda! You would align yourself with not one, but two of our enemies! A voice called out.
"One of them being that disrespectful cat"!
A male with blonde hair and blue eyes charges toward Team Zeraora.
'Who's this'? Zeraora asked.
"That's Neito Monoma. He can copy other peoples quirk, but he needs to touch them first". Shoda quickly explains.
"Unbelievable! Now you're revealing your classmates abilities to the enemy?! You should be ashamed Shoda"! Monoma continues berating his classmate.
'Honestly. And I thought Bakugo was obnoxious. Although, since this guy loves to talk...' Zeraora thinks to himself, but soon notices his teammate being distracted for a moment.
'Shoda! Focus'! Zeraora spoke up.
'This guy's just trying to shame you and catch us off guard. Remember what I said during the student pledge. You don't need his approval even if he is your classmates. So get a grip'! Zeraora snapped him out.
"Rig-right". Shoda steadies himself.
Team Monoma resumes their approach while Team Zeraora remains still.
"What is does the cat think he's doing? He's just leaving himself in corner. No matter, he can't risk knocking our team over, other wise he'll be disqualified". Monoma smirks to himself.
"Those were some pretty bold words from the student pledge Zeraora." He spoke mockingly.
"Wonder if you can back them up"? Monoma reaches for Zeraora's headband.
The young tiger stood his ground and did nothing. Or so it seems...
Zeraora subtly signaled Shinso with his tail fur, prompting him to start speaking.
"Hey blondy? You really hate Class 1A do you"? Shinso spoke while grinning silghtly.
"Of course I do. Shame you teamed up with them-". Suddenly Monoma fell silent and his eyes turned pure white.
His horses began questioning what happened, but Team Zeraora started moving and swiped his headband. To ensure they don't follow, Zeraora fired a thunderbolt to the ground blinding them.
Time is nearly up, Team Zeraora was currently siting in second place. Their priority was to ensure none of their headbands were taken. Team Zeraora kept their distance from the more chaotic areas, especially where Team Midoriya and Team Todoroki were brawling.
"YOUR MINE"! A voice roared. Another team of Class B students charged in desperately trying to get their hands on Zeraora's headbands.
"It's Tetsutetsu"! Shoda called out.
"He can turn his body metal"! He calls out.
Lightning on metal is a terrible matchup, severe injuries are a certainty should Zeraora use his quirk.
"I'M TAKING THOSE HEADBANDS"! Tetsutetsu roared reaching out for Zeraora's headband.
Zeraora swats his hand away and steered his horses away preparing fire another Thunderbolt. However, his senses started warning him to not follow through with it. Glancing at Tetsutetsu's horses, he noticed the girl he previously encountered was one of them.
"Zeraora what are you doing?! Use your quirk"! Ojiro shouted, but Zeraora simply steered them away.
Team Tetsutetsu proceeded to give chase. However...
The time had expired.
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