《Those Who Love Us... (Sequel to Best Served Cold)》Lasting Effects



The one question that could never leave Jessy's mind after all that happened.

Waiting in the hospital to be able to see Jake, she went over it a million times.


Why hold onto a grudge for someone who made up for their mistakes? Why take revenge? Why hurt everyone else surrounding the person?

Why, when he connected with her so well? When they were planning to start a life together.

The nurse's voice broke her train of thoughts. She can go see Jake now.

When he saw her enter the room, he looked pained but he smiled nonetheless. "Hello, Jessica."

Jessy wasn't even in the mood to reprimand him for using her real name that she disliked.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yes. However, the doctor says I am going to need a wheelchair. It may never fully heal and make me walk with a limp."

"I am sorry to hear that."

"It's not your fault."





Jessy sat on a chair at his bedside, repeating the question. "Why? Why did he do all of that?"

Finally catching on to what she was referring to, Jake hesitated, thinking it through it. "I...I honestly don't know...I couldn't figure it out. It is...indecipherable."

The two sat in silence for a while.

"I'm going to miss him. What he did hurts, and it hurts me even more that I'm going to miss him...I would never be able to shake off that I genuinely enjoyed my time with him."

"I am going to miss him too."

The conversation came to an abrupt end when someone walked into the room. It was Alan.

"Ms. Hawkins, we are going to need to take you for questioning. Can you please come with us?"


Jessy looked at Jake and stood up, then turned to Alan. "Mr. Bloomgate, what's going to happen to Jake now?"

Alan glanced at the bedridden hacker then back at the redhead girl. "Well, I am saddened to say he might never see the light of day again. His case with the FBI is huge, Ms. Hawkins. I'm truly sorry." He said comfortingly.

"I understand..." Jessy hung her head as a single tear dropped from her face onto the floor.

"I wish I could help you, Ms. Hawkins. I feel for you, losing two more people who were close, but this is bigger than all of us." Alan started to leave. "I'm waiting for you outside."

Now it was just Jessy and Jake again.

"Jessy..." He tried to catch her attention.

"I'm going to miss you too, Jake."

"I am going to miss you too. I believe in you, Jessy." He smiled again at her.

"Do you mind if I give you a hug?" He shook his head no, so she carefully hugged him.

"Goodbye, Jake."

"Goodbye, Jessy."

And so I went on with living my life. Jake's words were the only thing that kept me going, every time I lose hope, I think of him. We managed to stop something bad, but it came at a great cost, and it cannot be shaken off so easily. A hard pill to swallow. A cruel truth that was hidden away with everyone none the wiser.

All I can do now is try to move on, with these words in my mind:

It's going to be alright. If it's not alright, it's not the end.

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