《7 Minutes in Dangan Heaven (discontinued)》Laughing Fits (Fuyuhiko x Reader)


A/N: if you have Ultimates/SHSLs that you want me to include then you can leave them in the comments and I'll work them into my requests! In this you're the Ultimate Preparation ;3


I began to roll my sock back down again when I felt sharp eyes cut through, piercing my view. Fuyuhiko was staring at me. He always made others feel uneasy but something about it made you oddly drawn closer. I looked over and he quickly looked away. As the Ultimate Preparation, I was often told that my personality was very earning and welcoming, causing many to consider me the nicest and caring student at this whole school. I simply smiled my normal lucky go happy smile at the him.

"Fuyuhiko! Let's give it all we got!" Monokuma seemed to notice the blonde yakuza roll his eyes and decided to play around with him. "What's wrong? A baby face like you scared of going in a closet for 7 minutes?" This got his attention.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME YOU STUPUD BEAR?" His eyes grew angry and beamed that he would not hesitate to kill someone if it continued. My heart started racing. When he did this it not only scared everyone, well besides Peko, but it really concerned me. His eyes darted back at mine, still engulfed in hatred, making me jump. He quickly stopped.

"I'm not playing. Pick someone else." He leaned back again and shrugged it off like Monokuma didn't get a choice, even though he was the principal. "Oh I'm truly scared! I'm shivering at the evil bestowed upon my little bear body! Sorry but you don't get a choice."

Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes again and said two of his famous words: "Fuck you."

He got up and reached into the bag. He pulled a slip up and brought it up to his eyes, turning a bright red mess. Clearing his throat, he began to speak once again. "Y/N lets go. I don't have all day." He started walking to the closet quickly so no one could see his facial expression.


As soon as he entered the closet, I began to walk towards the door. I placed my hand on the icy doorknob when I heard our classmates side comments.

"Ah Youn- Ah Hem I mean Fuyuhiko will surely be pleased." Peko said calmly. "Hell, maybe he'll lay off us in 7 minutes!" Souda exclaimed a little too happy for my liking. "I do hope that dear Y/N will be happy!" Sonia cheered. I felt confused but I ignored it and twisted the handle.

I was greeted by the Fuyuhiko himself leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. He looked displeased, as if anyone but me would be better. "It's so dark I can't see anything.." I thought. I began to make way to the blonde when I tripped over something.

A sharp deep pain was felt stinging in my leg viciously but I ignored it and continued to stand. I was met with hands being placed on my shoulders. "Pff, try to be more careful dumbass.." Fuyuhiko spat out. He then realized what you tripped over.

"Why the hell is there a bear trap in here?" It was faintly heard but Junko shouted to us "for desbear!" We could feel her devilish grin growing along with everyone's uncomfortableness.

I looked down and was met by a giant pink blood swirling around my leg. I stayed calm and unzipped my bag that laid softly to my side. I then pulled a roll of bandages out, tore off a piece, and began to wrap my ankle. "Always prepared for something.." He mumbled.

I finished up and stood up straight. Besides the fact of being a yazuka, I don't think Fuyuhiko has seen blood before, well a large amount for that. "A-Are you sure you're okay?" I laughed and smiled at him. "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" I thought I almost broke his jaw because of how fast it dropped.


"OH I DONT KNOW YOU JUST GOT YOUR ANKLE STUCK IN A BEAR TRAP!" He screamed. I dropped my smile and gave a stern look: a look of fear. I was scared. He never screamed too loud at me. I wasn't upset really because I understood he did it because he was scared but it really scared me.

And that's when things went downhill. The moment I decided to do something I knew would make me a goner...

I started laughing again.

I started to laugh so much I fell to my knees and held my gut. I took a deep breath just to be cut off with more laughter.

"Shut the hell up, Y/N it's not funny!" He frowned. This only anchored myself to do it more. It was out of my control. I couldn't stop it. He groaned and bent down to my level, taking hold of my shoulders. He pulled me up to my feet and gripped the collar of my shirt. "Shut. The. Hell. Up." He looked pissed as it is. I blinked twice before starting back up once more.

"Hahaha- I-I- hahahah I can't I'm sorry!" I eventually made it out, well sorta. His eyes only grew more angrily. "If you don't stop I'll make you stop." At this moment something went off in my mind. "He might kill me. Maybe not now.. But when we get out of here he will I'm sure of it." It's like my mind knew what he was capable of and stopped on its own.

I stared at him. I was just waiting for him to let go of my collar but he didn't. "Dammit Y/N you weren't suppose to stop!" I couldn't believe it. Did he want me dead? My eyes grew big. I became more anxious. "What do you mean?" I asked softly, not sure what would happen if I was louder. "You were suppose to continue to laugh and I was suppose to do this!" He rushed his face up to mine and pressed his lips on mine.

He lingered for a second but finally pulled away to look at me. He was a blushing mess. "F-F-Fuck you!" I spat out. He raised his eyebrow in shock. I never swore really so the fact that I used his catchphrase blew his mind. I placed my lips back onto his and he kissed back, holding me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We both pulled away for air when we realized we only had 30 seconds left. We decided to just wait. He was staring at me when I turned my head to the side and caught him, resulting in me giggling a little and him turning bright red.

The time eventually ended and we walked out to have all the eyes on us.

"Young Master did you do it? Did you make her yours?"

Fuyuhiko looked down at his shoes and nodded to Peko. I just laughed, him elbowing me slightly.

"Very well! Let's continue Upupup!"


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