《7 Minutes in Dangan Heaven (discontinued)》Two Stools pt. 2 (Naegi x Reader)


This is mainly for female readers. It mentions terms and subjects that are rated "N" for "Not For Innocent Minds" so please tread carefully.

WARNING: Steamy af


Naegi's POV:

"Okay Naegi, I said you could go again with the same girl so get going!"

I smiled bright. Last time Monokuma interrupted us. Now we could start over and continue where we left off. I looked over at Y/N. Her face hadn't changed. She was looking down, bright red was dusted on her cheeks lightly. I made my way towards her and extended my arm downwards, awaiting her hand to clasp mine.

Your POV:

"Nice floor.." You thought. You hadn't looked up ever since you got out of the closet. A hand came into view. You moved your head up, revealing Naegi, smiling his award winning smile, gently took your hand and pulled you up. Your cheeks heated up even more.

The two of you started towards the closet. You knew what was gonna happen but you didn't know how you should react. You did like him and you don't regret anything that happened previously but a part of you was still processing the info. You had hugged, confessed, kissed, and we're about to repeat all three again.

Naegi's POV:

"How much time do we get?" I questioned still holding Y/N's hand. "Upupupup lets make it 15 again." I nodded quickly and twisted the doorknob, letting go of Y/N's hand and allowing her to go in first. I closed the door and shuffled closer to her as Monokuma locked the door. I looked over to the side in shock. The stools were still there. I glanced back over to Y/N. She was still looking down. I made my way to her and picked her up by the waist.

Your POV:

Footsteps were all that were heard. I caught a look at two red sneakers as they stopped in front of me. Suddenly something soft took hold of my waist and picked me up gently, as if I was glass and even the slightest pressure applied would crack my figure. My face heated up again, turning pink once more. "Eh? Wh-wha? N-Naegi let me go!" You managed to get a glimpse of his face. He seemed to have the same pink dusted on his face and oddly enough, he looked pleased. He pulled an arm out and gripped the stool, pulling it out and taking a seat. He sat me in his lap just like before and stared into my eyes.. Just like before. I became flustered and covered my face quickly. He laughed softly and pulled my hands away and continued to gaze into my eyes. At this point he was no longer smiling and his expression was replaced with a concerned worried one.

Naegi's POV:

She seemed off. I pulled her hands away and looked at her in a way I knew she read all too well. "Y/N is something wrong?" She looked back down but I placed my hand under her chin and lifted her head back up so she was looking me in the eyes. "I-I'm fine it-it's just I've never done this before and I just don't know what to do." Her face turned bright red and so did mine. I felt bad. I felt like I forced her to do all those things. I focused on her hands, mine pressed softly on top. I didn't want to look her in the eyes. I felt guilty. How could I look her in the eyes?


Your POV:

I noticed Naegi looking sad. "I'm sorry, Y/N I never meant to force you to do anything. You don't have to sit like this if you don't wa-" I cut him off with something that didn't seem like me at all. I placed my lips on his gently and held his cheek. He opened his eyes wide and began to close them again.

He pulled you closer to him, causing you to grab his blazer slightly but tightly. He wrapped his arms around your waist tighter but not too tight that it would hurt you and started to kiss back. Slipping off your cardigan and him taking off his hoodie and blazer, revealing a white mid length tee, he began to get bored. He tapped your hand, asking permission. You nodded a bit and he deepened the kiss. You intertwined your fingers in his. With his other hand, he began to hold your head in place, so you wouldn't fall backwards. With this, you started to tear up and turn purple. You needed air but you didn't want to stop. You tapped his hand again, signaling you might pass out if you didn't stop. He pulled away, noses touching slightly.

Your POV:

I opened my eyes to see Naegi bright red. I quickly turned the same hue and looked down, quickly shutting my eyes to avoid contact. "I-I-I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't hav-" he pulled me to his chest, holding me tight while stroking my head. I could hear his heart beat frantically and I was positive mine was no different. "Don't apologize. I didn't mind it. I really like you, Y/N." Naegi continued to hold me. I looked up and saw him smiling once more. "D-Do you want t-to.." I trailed off looking down again to calm myself down and try to stop the blush from going any brighter. Naegi just kept looking at me.

Naegi's POV:

I couldn't believe what she said. She wanted to do it again. I nodded, still looking down at her. I felt the corners of my mouth raise as I lifted her forehead back and kissed it. She closed her eyes and laughed subtly. I slowly inched closer to her face when I finally placed my lips on hers once more.

The two began to intertwine breath. Naegi began to pull your legs around his waist, holding your back tightly, and began to get up. You didn't pay attention nor did you mind. Your arms were around his neck so you wouldn't fall, but even if you did you knew he wouldn't let you hit the ground. You felt something slip under your shirt. You were about to jump when you realized it was Naegi's hand. He made a sound, as if asking permission first. You did the same and allowed him to. He raised your shirt above your head, revealing your bra. You began to take his shirt off too, not bothering to ask because if he took yours off, it's courtesy for you to do the same.

He smiled against your lips and you laughed. He started to move his hand down. You knew where he was going. He broke it off to look into your eyes for approval.


"Y-Y/N are you sure? We don't have to if you don't feel comfortable." You nodded and he did it back to answer. You began to kiss him again and he started.

He slipped your skirt off and you began to tug at his pants. He started to unbutton his black jeans. Now all that was left were your shoes. You both took the liberty of taking them off for yourselves.

You threw your arms around his neck and he started kissing your forehead, leaving a trail until he got to your neck. Leaving red marks, you began to wonder if you could hide them. "Oh well, I'll worry about that later." You thought and the thought immediately left. He held your waist tight.

"5 minutes!" Monokuma shouted but you two were so lost in each other that you didn't hear."

Your POV:

I felt weird. I had never done this. Wait where are my clothes? I was in my undergarments. Crap. I must have been so lost in Naegi that I didn't realize I took them off.. Wait where the hell are Naegi's? Did we strip for each other?! I was still kissing Naegi. It felt good. I loved him, and he loved me. The world and time stopped for the two of us.

Naegi's POV:

Where the hell did my clothes go? Where did Y/N's go too? I'm not gonna lie, she looks really beautiful. I enjoy being with her. Kissing her. Holding her. Everything about her makes me happy. I picked her up by the bottom of her legs, wrapping them around my waist once more. We broke the kiss for air, a string of saliva connecting us. She placed her forehead against mine, breathing and smiling.

When suddenly the color in our eyes and pigmentation in our skin drained.

Your POV:

I needed air. I'm pretty sure Naegi did too. We broke it off and I placed my head against his. He smiled at me as I cupped his face with my hand. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever..

..when the door flew open.

"Alllllllright time is up!" Monokuma screeched as his eyes looked upon the treachery that was bestowed in the tight room.

I went pale. Naegi did too. But worse of all was.. I was in my undergarments as well as the boy, who was holding me tighter to him at this point.

"I'll give you some time to get dressed.. I can see you have your hands full!" The bear said as he shut the door.

Naegi glanced over to me. His pale face had restored to its normal peach color but mine was far from it. I looked dead I was so pale. Soon that was replaced by a deep and bright red.

Naegi's POV:

Y/N looked so pale I thought she was going to faint. She turned her attention to me, then down at her attire, then back at me. If earlier she wasn't at her highest peak of blush now she was. I let her down gently only for her to drop to her knees. She covered her face with her hands like she had earlier. I bent down to her level and moved them. A few tears had fallen from her e/c eyes out of fear and she had a shocked and scared expression plastered on her face.

Your POV:

I got scared. Someone just found us making out in our undergarments. And worse of all.. It was Monokuma. I felt my heart start racing and I couldn't move. I was stuck. Naegi let me down and I fell to the floor. I was far too weak to stand. I covered my face with the palms of my hands and hung my head down low. Salty tears trickled down my cheeks but not out of pity, I was truly scared.

Naegi bent down next to me and moved my hands. He kissed my nose and pulled me into a hug, holding my hand. I went to pull away but he pulled me back. "Please don't let go of my hand, Y/N." He buried his head in the crook of my neck, making my cheeks heat up more.

About 3 minutes were spent like this. I didn't mind, neither did Naegi. He was still holding my hand tight but still gently. He only let go to allow us to get dressed but as soon as we were done he grabbed it again.

He placed his hand on the doorknob and turned to me. He let go of my hand and took hold of my head, pecking it softly. I smiled shyly and he chuckled quietly. He twisted the knob and we both walked out.

Naegi's POV:

I walked out. I already missed holding her. But as soon as I sat down, Byakuya came towards me.

"So Naegi-Kun."


"Did you become a man today?"

I blushed and turned straight around. I noticed a smiley Y/N sitting across from me, mouthing something.

I could barely make it out but I think it read "I really like you too."

I knew she was referring to what I confessed earlier but it still made my heart flutter, bringing a smile so big across my face.



I didn't wanna write a full on lemon bc that's weird to me but I wrote it steamy so it's okay. Requests are closed. I will let you know when I need requests again! Thank you for still reading! c:

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