《7 Minutes in Dangan Heaven (discontinued)》Lay with Me (Komaeda x Stubborn Reader)


Hinata and Nanami continued to sleep as Monokuma carried on. "Upupupupup! That was something! Let's go back to normal rules again! Junko hand me the bag." Junko handed Monokuma the bag of despair as the stuffed toy held it out in front of Komaeda, signaling him that it was his turn to draw a name.

"Okay Komaeda.. You seem hopeful so how about you-" "OH I AM VERY HOPEFUL!" He looked at you. You just thought it was a coincidence that his eyes looked in your direction. Komaeda reached into the bag and took a slip of despair out. He opened it up and grinned. "Looks like hope is on my side after all!"

"Y/N Chan! I got you!" You froze. No way. "N-No way.. Let me see that." He handed you the paper and surely enough, your name was on it. You rolled your eyes and stood. You began to walk to the closet with Komaeda trailing behind.

You turned around so you could ask about something. "So Monoku- WHAAAA!" You were pushed in by that stupid bear, Komaeda landing on top of you. "Stupid bear.." You mumbled while making sounds similar to a hurt puppy. Komaeda suddenly realized he was crushing you and quickly helped you up.

He laughed. But it wasn't a laugh of pity or a laugh of joy.. It was embarrassment. "So-Sorry Y/N Chan!!" Komaeda rubbed the back of his neck and moved back a little, his arms bent near his waist line. "It's fine.." You didn't want to respond but you knew it was the nice thing to do, after all he looked really embarrassed. You tried to walk to the corner when you paused. Your felt your eyes grow wide and water up. Komaeda looked up and immediately took note.

"Y-Y/N Chan! What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" "No no! You didn't! I'm fine see?" You started walking around slowly and tried to hold it in. You didn't want anyone to see you cry. He rushed up to you and tried to help you move to the corner of the small closet. "I said I'm fine! Leave me alone!" "If you keep walking on it you're going to injure it more. Let me help." Komaeda grabbed your wrist. He sounded like a strict parent yet a concerned loved one.

You looked down and stayed silent. You didn't want anyone to help you. You wanted to be independent. "Let go." Komaeda stayed put. He made it clear he wasn't going anywhere. "I said let me go." You tried to jerk away but he wasn't going to let go. You started to feel the tears roll down from the pressure you were applying on your foot. It did hurt. But trusting others hurt more because they betray you in the end. Still holding onto your wrist, he bent down and took your shoe off, revealing a quite large blackish-purple bruise taking up at least half of the top of your foot.


He lifted your foot up gently, so it wouldn't hurt you. He then slipped his arms under your legs and picked you up bridal style, carrying you into the corner in which you were first going to go to. "I said let me go! No!" You started to kick when you flung your foot into a wall. You closed your tear filled eyes, awaiting the harsh pain to arrive.. But you didn't feel any. Why? You realized Komaeda had stopped walking. You opened your eyes and saw his hand blocking your foot out of the way. You closed your eyes and stayed silent, feeling hopeless and weak.

There he sat down with you straddled across him. It had only been 3 minutes, but it felt like hours. You felt a tear fall on your face. You opened your eyes and saw Komaeda looking down at you, his eyes wet from emotion. "Why?" he stuttered. "Why what?" You didn't understand what you had done wrong. "Why do you block me out? I want to help you and make you happy but you just build your walls higher so I can't get in! Why do you block me out?"

You pulled your arm over your eyes as they ran streams of tears. You didn't make a sound. "I have no choice. If you let people in, they do whatever they want. They break your walls and you get happy. But then they leave and expect you to be okay and just build them up easily. But you can't." You moved onto the floor and looked back at Komaeda, tears still falling and glistening on your cheeks. "I..I'd rather be alone than have my walls broken."

You turned around and gasped, trying to collect yourself and stop crying, when Komaeda grabbed your shoulder and turned you back around. He looked into your eyes and wiped the tears with his thumb. He still had tear stains visible on his cheeks. "I will never leave you, Y/N." He pulled you into his chest and held you tight. Your heart rate increased violently, as did Komaeda's. You moved your head down, nuzzling into his chest more to hide your face. He placed his hand under your chin. You blacked out and the last sight you saw was his face with that bright smile.

Komaeda asked Monokuma how much time was left as he looked down at you. You passed out from being light headed from crying so much. "I think I'm gonna spice it up and add 10 more minutes! This is too interesting for just 7 minutes! Upupupup!"


Komaeda faintly heard Naegi in the background. "Hey! I didn't get my 10 extra minutes! That's not fair Monokuma!" "Fine I'll give you another go at it with the same person later!" Naegi seemed accomplished. "You've got that right!"

"10 extra minutes, huh?" Komaeda thought. He looked down again and started to move slowly but carefully, repeatedly checking to see if you were awake and okay. He finally got settled.

You woke up and saw darkness. You remembered you were still playing this stupid game. You started to move when you felt tension in your foot. "Oh that's right." You thought. You remembered everything. The last thing you saw was Komaeda's smile. You began to half grin a bit when you thought of something.. Where were you laying? You started to feel around when you felt a soft warmth. You turned around, scared to see if a corpse was on you. You turned a bright red. You then realized where you were. You were being cuddled.

Komaeda had you in his arms, with you facing away from him and his arms around you. He was hugging you tightly but still gently. It felt nice, but there was another word for this. It was a word you were scared of. It was love.

It had been 7 minutes.. Why were you both still here? You turned ever so gently, trying to not wake him, and faced him. You looked at him and nearly jumped. He was staring at you already, the same smile of his face. He cupped your face. "You're so cute when you sleep." You felt your face heat up. "W-Why are we still here?" "Monokuma said he's giving us 10 extra minutes." His hand was still cupping your face. "Lay with me."

You nodded and quickly turned back around. You felt weird. This wasn't like you at all. Komaeda reached over and turned you back around. "What is it?" "Sorry, I forgot something." You looked confused. "What?" You replied nervously. "This."

Komaeda pulled you closer, his hands gripped tightly on both of your arms, and pushed his lips against yours. You felt flustered but then began to enjoy it. You started to kiss back. Komaeda broke it off. "Why?" You thought. You looked at him. He was red and surprised at what you had done. "I-I-um- I'm sorry!" You looked down and then flipped backwards, back to facing the wall. You felt a warmth again. But this was different. It wasn't feely warmth, it was sound warmth.

"It's okay if you feel better like this. I just want to lay with you forever." He hugged you and you turned back around. "No. It's okay. I want to be open with you.. Because.. Because.. Because I like you.. A lot, really." You covered your mouth at what had just came out. He smiled and removed your hands from your mouth. "I like you too, Y/N."

You buried your head in his chest. "How long has it been?" He ran his hand down your head over and over again. "About 2 or 3 minutes. Why do you ask, Y/N?" "I-I wanted to fall asleep in your arms.." You felt weird. Komaeda lifted your head up. "If you feel up to it, then go for it! I'll be right here with you the whole time." You nodded and put you head back down into his chest and drifted back to slumber, feeling safe and warm.

Komaeda continued to stroke your hair and hold you when Monokuma unlocked the door. Before he could say time was up, Komaeda held a finger to his mouth, signaling to be quiet. Monokuma, since they were one of his otps, followed his orders and just motioned towards the door to Komaeda. He nodded and checked your face. You were sound asleep. He grinned. "She looks so beautiful and peaceful." He thought to himself. He lifted you onto his back and carried you out of the closet.

Everyone looked at them. Komaeda gave them a look that said "if you are loud and or wake her up, so help me I will plot your deaths right here and now." He sat you down in his arms, you were still sleeping. He continued to look and hold you while Monokuma continued to play his game.


I cried 99.9% making this and you probably did too. If you want a part two, I'm up to doing one but maybe after a few more chapters. I'm also going to continue my Naegi x Reader, like I mentioned in this already. Thank you for reading :3

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