《7 Minutes in Dangan Heaven (discontinued)》Player 1 (Hinata x Nanami)


"OKAY FIRST UP!" Everyone cringed at the fact that everyone was about to find out who someone liked. Was this a motive? Surely no one would be that insane to kill someone over a little crush? Would they?

"Hinata & Nanami!" Everyone turned to Hinata, who was blushing and frozen in suspense, then at Nanami, who was asleep. Did Nanami sleep through that whole epidemic? "Nanami wake up! You're up!" Monokuma stated irritated. "Whua- oh hello Monokuma!" She seemed so calm. Maybe she had a good dream? Who knows. "You're going in the closet with Hinata-Kun." She looked surprised and then happy. "Oh, how pleasant! Okay let's go!"

She stood up and skipped to the door. She looked back at a still frozen Hinata and skipped back. He was in a daze. He was going to be in a closet for 25 minutes with a Namami. It struck him finally and he realized he was still sitting. "Here!" Nanami giggled as she reached down and helped Hinata up. She walked back to the door, humming a song. Hinata couldn't put his finger on what it was but it made him happy.

Monokuma locked the door and it was just the two of them. "What do you wanna do, Hinata-Kun? He didn't care. He was satisfied just looking at her happily smile at him. "I'm not sure, I didn't plan on this so I didn't plan anything." "Okay! We can do lots of stuff! Like play video games!" She sounded quite excited to be trapped in there with him.

"Whatever you want to do, Nanami." She then pulled out her console and started playing. She looked so focused and content with the situation. A few minutes passed and Hinata began to hear nothing. He looked at his shoulder and saw Nanami softly sleeping. She looked peaceful. He decided to put her console back in her soft pink bag and lay her head in his lap so she could sleep more comfortably.

A few more minutes passes and she was still asleep. It had been about 10 minutes since they got in there and it was going very slow. He didn't know what to do. He felt as if he left Nanami fall asleep because he was boring. He glanced down. She looked so beautiful. Maybe.. He could.. No. He wouldn't. Would he? "Oh well now or never." He said ever so quiet so he wouldn't wake the SHSL Gamer.

His brain was basically training him. "This is it, Hajime. You can do this. You've waited so long for this moment. Don't screw it up." He leaned near her face and paused for a second. He stared at her. She was still smiling. She must be dreaming a wonderful dream. He carefully moved forward and gently pressed against her cheek. This didn't go according to plan as Hinata wanted.


Nanami instantly opened her eyes to see Hinata inches away from her face. She felt a subtle rosey tint appear. Hinata opened his eyes and saw Nanami, wide awake. He freaked out.

"I-I-I'm sorry I just-I saw you-a-a-nd you were so-" Hinata said a word. A word that brightened up Nanami's aura even more. "-beautiful." Nanami felt her rosey cheeks turn full on pink. She stood up and walked near a bunch of boxes. She cleared off the surface that the boxes rested on, revealing a small metal bench. She took a seat a pulled out her console again and continued with her game. Hinata felt like he had betrayed his friendship with her. He felt really bad, but also not because he had just kissed the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes on.

Hinata got up and walked over to the bench. Nanami didn't acknowledge his presence except when she died in her game the first time. She simply smiled and continued to play. She didn't take her eyes off the game. She was determined. Hinata loved that about her. "DEAD. PLAY AGAIN?" flashed in bright red lettering. Just as Nanami was about to press to replay, Hinata grabbed her game.

"Hajime! Give it back!" Nanami sounded irritated and flustered. She had never used his first name before. "One second, Chiaki." She froze. No one ever said her first name. Her eyes softened and became shelter. "Did I make you uncomfortable? When I pecked your cheek?" Hinata felt his face heat up. "Um, no not really.. It's just.. No ones ever done that before.." She seemed embarrassed to confess the fact she had never been kissed before. "O-Okay.." Hinata handed her console back to her and she continued playing.

She died again. She just wasn't the same. She was consumed by thoughts. "Did.. she like it? Did she want to do it again?" Nanami pushed her thoughts back and tried to focus on her game. "DEAD. PLAY AGAIN?" She became frustrated. She turned her game off and looked over at her side.

"Hinata, did I make you upset when I called you by your first name?" He perked up. "No no! I liked it." He returned the question and she replied the same. "Chia-" he stopped, realizing he never got permission to call her Chiaki. She knew he felt like he had done wrong by called her Chiaki. "You can call me which ever you want. I don't mind!" "Okay.. Chiaki, do you wanna maybe do a redo? But this time, the real one?" He quickly looked at his feet and then back at her.

Nanami knew he was referring to the kiss. She got scared. "Oh-Okay I would like that." She had never done this thing called expressing emotion. Besides, she had never felt any more developed feelings towards anyone. Until Hinata came along, that is.


She turned to the side and looked him in the eyes. "I'm not sure how to do this. Can you teach me?" Hinata looked nervous too. He didn't quite know either. "Oh um okay. I think I do this.." He cupped her face with his hand and she turned pink again. "And then I think I do this?" He leaned in a bit, now fully facing her. His face was flushed. He looked sunburnt but there was no way he could control it. Nanami just sat there frozen in two emotions: she was scared at the fact that she was about to kiss Hinata and she was excited at the fact that she was about to kiss Hinata. She didn't know what to do.

Hinata began closing the gap between them. Nanami was still frozen. Sweat dripped from his forehead and he began to worry if he was going to make her happy.. Or himself.

The gap filled in and heat rose. They were barely touching but still touching. Nanami woke up from her daze. She was kissing Hinata.. She was kissing Hinata.. SHE WAS KISSING HINATA! But who was Player 1? It was Hinata. She wondered who had control and wondered what she could do to switch roles and take the lead.

A minute passed and then Nanami decided it was her turn to be in control. She gently tapped Hinata's hands and he opened them slowly. Nanami slipped her fingers between his. She was nervous but she knew what she wanted. She broke it off. Hinata looked at her worried. The two embraced for a few seconds. She closed her eyes and said 6 words. "I want to be player 1!" Hinata began to wonder and then he realized. She was always the person wanted control. "What do you mea-" Nanami cut him off and began to kiss back. Hinata kissed back. Then it hit her. Nanami was fully kissing Hinata.. and there was no return.

Hinata closed his eyes too. He felt happy as the two, still locking hands, sat in the small closet on a cold metal bench, and continued to embrace. It felt as if time stopped for them. In reality, it had been 9 minutes. They both had swore it felt like 3 minutes.

The two stopped and realized they had 6 minutes left. They couldn't kiss again because they knew they would get lost in each other and Monokuma would be the one to find them. They wished they could though. Nanami collapsed on Hinata's lap. She had fallen asleep. She was so happy that she exerted all her energy and fell tired once more. Hinata looked down at her. He didn't want to just sit for 6 minutes, but he didn't want to wake her. She looked so peaceful, it would feel like a crime to wake her up. So he thought of something to pass the time left.

He picked her up and carried Nanami to a wall. Hinata sat in the corner and sat her in his lap carefully, making sure she didn't wake. She was out like a light, or so she made it seem. Hinata brought her close to his chest in a tight hug and sat there with her in his arms. He never wanted to get up. He started to drift off to sleep. "But-wha-what if Mon-okuma finds us like th-" he mumbled. And just like that he was sound asleep.

Nanami's eyes fluttered open and she looked up. Hinata was asleep. His head was hanging, with his ahoge was drooping downwards in the direction of her head. She leaned her her head up, so she was indirectly facing him. "I love you Hajime." Nanami kissed his lips ever so softly, so he wouldn't wake, and the two fell back asleep.

Monokuma unlocked the door quietly, to see if any action was taking place. "Times up you-" he looked at the two sound asleep. "Well, how the hell do we get them out?" "Junko blurted out almost immediately. "WE KILL THEM!" Everyone just sighed. "B-But killwing is verwee verwee bad!" Monomi whined. Sakura stood. "I can help you with this." Sakura walked quietly to the door and picked the two up carefully, trying to keep them sleeping, since she thought they were cute and all. To everyone's surprise, this actually worked and the two didn't move a muscle whilst being carried.

Sakura gently put the two down on the floor with everyone else. Hinata felt the light strike him and he slightly opened his eyes. He blinked a bit and looked at the sleeping Gamer in his arms. Drifting back to sleep, he pulled her in and hugged her tightly. Nanami just slept and cradled in Hinata's arms.


Okay. This was so feelsy that I cried. I loved writing this a lot. I hope you liked it :3 I know I did! Thank you for reading!! If you're still here, ily

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