《7 Minutes in Dangan Heaven (discontinued)》Two stools (Naegi x Reader)


"How about you Naegi? You look eager to draw a name!" Naegi had his head in his hands and sweat was dripping off his head. He managed to drag his arm and place it in the bag. He tossed around a few slips until he found the one calling his name. He pulled it out very delicately and unfolded it, shaking his hands nervously.

"I-I um- it's you Y/N Chan.." Your eyes shot up. You? How? Of everyone here, YOU were chosen to go first. Whatever. You might as well go. Naegi and you are great friends so you wouldn't mind being stuck in a room with him for just a few minutes. You trusted Naegi a little more than anyone else. I mean sure a few people you did trust but Naegi was always #1.

He stood, swaying from side to side, as if he was dizzy. You were still shocked. After just a few seconds Naegi pulled you up and a fare light pink was sprinkled on your cheeks. Naegi had the same and quickly turned in the direction of the closet so you couldn't see him blushing.

He began walking towards the door, with you trailing behind him. As the door shut, it had just occurred to you that it was dark. You didn't mind being in the dark with someone there but in a tight space was another idea.

Dead silence. You didn't know what to do. Naegi was facing the same problem. "H-Hey Y/N Chan." Naegi said trying to break the awkward bouncing off the walls. "Uh, oh hi, Naegi-Kun." You felt the need to reply and also put in the effort to talk. A few more seconds of silences when all of a sudden a loud bang was heard on the other end of the door. The sound made you jump and make a little sound. Oh I see now. This was Monokuma's plan. His motives weren't to play a game. It was to get us to feel so awkward that we want to die.


Naegi spotted two stools in the corner of the small room and guided me to one, with him taking the other. We sat for about 10 seconds when he wondered. "Monokuma how long has it been?" "Only about 58 seconds, get a move on it, this is boring and despairingly pathetic to keep quiet."

"Hey, Y/N Chan?" "Y-Yeah Naegi Kun?" "Are you scared? Of this? Of this school? Of our friends?" The question made you feel uncomfortable. Of course you were. Was he not? "Y-Yes. It's very scary here and it's scary the fact that our family and friend's days are numbered. Why? Aren't you scared?" Naegi hesitated to answer but then came to an answer. "Everyday I am. I'm scared for my friends, I'm scared for my family, I'm terrified that I'll be next, and I-" he paused for a second and let out a sigh. You could feel his pain in the word being spoken, as if it was hard to talk about. "I-I'm scared that you'll be next too." He sniffled a bit. "Naegi Kun.. Did you just-" a gush of air was brought towards you, along with a warmth. You realized that Naegi was hugging you.

A red tint was painted across your face. You were most certain that Naegi's matched. He realized what he was doing and quickly stopped, moving the warmth along with him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to spring my thoughts on you." "It-It's fine! No no don't apologize! I kinda- I think I kinda liked it." It was so dark that you couldn't see anything but you knew Naegi was blushing and had a glimmer in his eyes from your words. "Monokuma, how much longer do we have?" "5 Minutes Naegi. You'll have 10 more if you don't stop asking upupupup."


"Perfect. I have enough time." You sat up straight and questioned his statement. "For what?" You felt your face get warm from your comment to Naegi. "I kinda liked it." Why did you say that? Ugh he probably thinks you're such a perv now! Naegi looked worried. He stood up fast and came up with the right words. "I have to tell you something, I know who the mastermind is." Your eyes grew wide. "Wait really? Who?!" "Come here so I can whisper it to you. I can't risk them themselves hearing." "Uh oka-" You got off the stool and started to lean in when Naegi grabbed you and placed his lips gently on yours.

He pulled you closer, applying pressure and feeling nothing but nostalgic and a sweet plush sensation. Feeling your face, as well as him, heat up and sketch a peach colored shade across your cheeks, he pulled away.

"Wh-What wa- was tha-t?" Your voice was shaking. "I had to. Who knows if I'll ever get another chance to?" You felt the peach color turn into a brighter and bolder red. "I'm sorry if I forced you to. I just really wanted to an-" you interrupted him with a hug that ended up with you falling on him.

You realized after a few seconds where you were and tried to stand up again but something pulled your arm. Naegi stood up and sat on his stool again but this time he put you on it too. He sat you in his lap and looked into your eyes. Your face's blush scale was over 9000 as was Naegi's. But you did care. Neither did he. He gently kissed you again but this time you kissed back. "1 more minute, Naegi! Chop chop!" You never wanted to leave him. You felt at home, even in a place like this, in his arms.

The kiss grew passionate and you felt as if you were never going to die. Naegi stopped to get air. "Allllllrightttttt times up!" Monokuma opened the door to find you in Naegi's lap. "You told me I could have 10 more minutes!" Naegi sounded like a little kid not wanting to get up in the morning.

You quickly put on a straight face and brushed down your hair and clothes. Naegi did the same. You both walked out of the closet and sat where you both were first, but this time you both stared from a distance.

"OKIE DOKIE! WHO IS THE LUCKY STUDENT TO GO NEXT?" Monokuma cut up. "Let's see here.. How aboutttt.."


I feel like this is all over the place but I hope it's good! Leave character requests and if you want a character x character, leave a ship in the comments! Thanks again for reading :3

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