《ayayay, jinjoo-lokal》; can't take my eyes off you
dah ni, nikmatin🙂
Minju nutup mukanya berkali-kali. Didepannya udah ada Yuri yang sebenernya pengen ngakak tapi, kesian juga.
Gimana nggak. Minju ceritain soal kemarin di tangga, sampe diperjalanan pulang ngga ada satupun dari mereka yang mulai percakapan.
"Yaudah gausah malu malu bangsat gitu, lo yang mau juga" celetuk Yuri,
"baC00000tttttttt, Yuriana"
Lagi-lagi Yuri ketawa, dia ngga nyangka temennya ini naksir cowo yang bahkan belum lama dia temuin.
Minju ngangkat sebelah alisnya, "Apanya?"
"He is a good kisser?"
"Trus gue harus pake baju apaaaa?!!"
Minju frustasi, Yuri juga sama. Mereka berdua lagi milih milih baju, karena Minju mau jalan sama Yujin.
"Lo najis bat sial, gapernah tuh sebelumnya lo peduli sama pakaian lo" keluh Yuri, Minju cuma diem doang.
"Ya mana gue tau, gamau keliatan jelek depan si cupu"
Yuri nyenye, "Lama-lama gue ganti ni judul cerita, jadi Si Cupu Pemilik Hati"
pft. sorry, jo? ini w yg buat🙂 —petrik2020.
"Jadi gue pake baju apaaa??"
"Ck Minju, dengerin deh" kata Yuri, Minju akhirnya duduk di pinggiran kasurnya dengerin Yuri.
"Lo gaperlu ribet ribet pilih baju apapun, gue yakin Yujin suka sama lo yang apa adanya" kata Yuri. Minju ngga bisa buat nahan semu di pipinya,
Suara Minju mengecil, "Masa?"
"Ughhhh, lo gapercaya sama gue?!"
Minju ketawa kecil. "Iya gue percaya. Jadi gue harus pake baju yang mana?" ulang Minju.
"Well, ini cocok buat lo"
Yuri udah balik dijemput Yena 15 menit yang lalu. Yena juga udah tau kejadian kemarin dari mulut Yujin dan itu bikin Minju makin ga karuan buat ketemu Yujin.
Yena sempet ceng cengin Minju yang keliatan cantik bngt hari itu, kalimatnya juga ngga jauh beda dari kalimat Yuri.
Si bad girl Minju yg jatuh ke si cupu Yujin.
Minju cuma bisa senyum ngingat masa masa dimana waktu itu, dia dengan ngotot ngomong kalo Yujin bukan tipe dia.
Rasanya mau nenggelemin diri di samudra aja gitu, jilat ludah sendiri.
| Ju?
| Gua didepan
Oh iya |
Bntar, gue ambil selempang dl |
| oke.
Makin deg degan dong. Nambahin minyak wangi, dan mastiin dandanan nya udah pas, Minju turun dan nemuin Yujin.
Kayaknya sekarang, Minju bakalan ganti panggilan buat Yujin. Karena, Minju sama sekali ngga bisa ngalihin pandangannya dari Yujin.
Bukan ngga bisa, atau mungkin ngga mau?
"Well, Agatha. Suka dengan apa yang lo liat, huh?"
jan naena mulu otak kelen, cuci geh cuci:(
Ini visualisasi nya.
Jangan lupain kacamata umush milik Yujin yg bertengger eak😗
- In Serial155 Chapters
Reaper of The Wizarding World
This is a copy of my Webnovel fan-fic. I don't know if I'll keep the ones off Webnovel as up to date but I'll try. Death? It is often described as the embodiment of fear, man or God alike. But to Soren, it is the beginning, middle, and end of his journey. To this young man, Death is the start of his struggles through life. Watch as Soren fights to save his family from the grips of Death and struggles to live a happy life.
8 11127 - In Serial18 Chapters
Extermination Order
So it turns out that anime got something right: If you get hit by a truck, you're going to another world. Dennis became subject to that unknown quirk of reality when crossing a busy city street (despite having looked both ways). But that was quite some years ago. He's been around this new world 'Nassur' a time or two and knows how to live a good life. He also knows that adventuring friggin sucks. So, what is a man to do in a fantasy world with a shoddy leveling system that constantly suggests getting more XP, and a condition set by the gods that you must make the world a better place? Pest extermination. But reality is often fickle. Perhaps one day it is only rats, another, mechanical centipedes with lasers. Maybe the Dark Lord needs a shoulder to cry on because his dungeon simply can't be ready in time for the adventurers he likes to do battle against. Another poor soul from Earth could appear just as dazed and confused as the day you'd first arrived, requiring a good long talk about 'hey, what the hell is this, man'. And maybe... just maybe, that thick book of owed favors comes back to haunt you. For a man who desires a peaceful, productive life, Dennis can find it rather difficult for a week to go by where something doesn't go awry. This series originally started on r/HFY, [Link] but I decided to post it here since people are so positive about it! Posting rate is, and likely will continue to be, rather inconsistent. Cover art by SSJLuxray! If you like his art and are interested in commissioning a piece, he can be contacted at [email protected] or PMed on his Reddit account at u/SsjLuxray Please do not attempt to pay him in exposure alone. People die from exposure every winter.
8 176 - In Serial9 Chapters
Sigurd Morrison’s Bug Hunt
One night, Nathan's cousin is rendered comatose by a mysterious "truVR" game called Sigurd Morrison’s Bug Hunt. Nathan dives into the bizarre game world inhabited by crazed Russians who seem to have formed cults rather than guilds, as well as the epynomous monsters known as Bugs. On hiatus. Not a priority project.
8 77 - In Serial63 Chapters
Helix Academy of Superhuman Development — A Superhero Fiction
Superhumans roam the earth; some, who use their powers to protect and assist the general population, have been awarded the title of Hero; others, who use their gifts for destructive purposes, are entitled Villains. Alexander Michaels has always been fascinated with these godlike beings, and avidly follows their progress in the world through any form of media that he can find. But one night, after a series of extraordinary circumstances, he discovers that he is a superhuman himself, and not long after is paid a visit by representatives from a secret school dedicated to the development of young superhumans. Just what awaits him on this journey, should he accept their offer?
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Comfort on a lonely island /lord of the flies/
It has been two years. But this time, a girl appeared on the shore.magic is truly possible on an island so lonely.
8 79 - In Serial56 Chapters
BBS Smut Book
I'm just gonna change this a little. This is the biggest book I've ever wrote and I'm so proud of my accomplishments. Thank you all for reading! Requests are open! Enjoy! :3
8 124