Carson stared at his father looking around the room to avoid eye contact, Levi had not arrived yet and Carson felt a strong sense of anxiousness being with his father alone.He always was scared of saying the wrong things around his father.Carson slouched a little checking the time on his phone before tossing his phone from his right hand to his left hand.
"Why do you keep fidgeting? Something on your mind?" Lexington asked his son staring at him , Carson shook his head.
"No, just wondering where Levi is." Lexington leaned forward putting his elbows on the desk looking directly into his sons eyes.
"Have Yvette and him made any progress?"
"I don't know."
"How can you not know? Are you two not brothers? You are around each other more then anyone else."
"We are around each other a lot but Levi has always been private and sometimes shut me out.If he wants me to not know something, it's pretty easy, I don't pry."
"Well start prying, push him to make progress"
"Levi is Levi, you can't really force him to do something he does not want to-"
"It wasn't a suggestion, make him make progress.Unless you don't really care about that women? And I can just kill her anyway? Let's not forget the deal here."
"Ok" Is all Carson said tapping his fingers on his thigh and looking down at the desk with papers on it, he felt his heart rate speed up.Why was it so important for Levi to make progress so quickly? It hadn't been that long since this situation happened and his father was rushing it as if it was some agenda behind the marriage but how can it be? He only just met Yvette and nothing was really out of ordinary about her.
Carson wouldn't mind Levi and Yvette actually falling for each other because the last thing he wants is for his brother to be married and unhappy but his father always has a an agenda and that agenda usually only benefits himself.So Carson was reluctant to be apart of it knowing it wouldn't be in anyone's best interest but his.
"It's not like this wouldn't have happened if you weren't so stupid and didn't have Tony run away from you before killing him."
"I was trying to hel-"
"You aren't smart enough to help, you aren't the brains in this family nor in this organization.Leave the thinking to me and Levi and follow directions like you should."
"Ok." Carson said moving his head further down now looking at his shoes.
The door opened walking in Levi in a button up black shirt and black trousers as he quickly sat down putting the briefcase he was holding on the table.
"As you know, Mr.Ronzo agreed to the payment plan and this is the first payment." Levi stated sitting down, Lexington nodded opening the briefcase and taking a look at the money.
"Good work.No one else would of thought to try him like that, giving his reputation."
"His reputation is not that great, if he can't handle his own problems without the muscle of another family."
"Do you need people for these hits or are you going solo?"
"Me and Carson will do just fine.I'm not really interested in having anyone else tag a long." Lexington quickly looked over at Carson who was dead quiet, Levi had noticed.
Carson was a lot of things and none of them was quiet, Levi hadn't heard his voice since he stepped in and that was odd and it was even more odd he didn't have his usual goofy grin.
"He's younger and lacks experience, you researched this job and only got the basis of their last name.Do you really think you can handle it and it's just you two?"
"I'm not one to walk in without assessing the situation, the last name is all i need.I'll find out the rest before we make a plan and Carson does what is needed to be done when I ask and he's the only one I can trust.It'll be fine."
"If he fucks up-"
"He won't" Levi stated having complete faith in his brother, Lexington slightly rolled his eyes and nodded.
"Time will tell.You accepter this job under the idea that we can do this without it leading back to them.It needs to be clean, no witnesses , no evidence."
"I know."
"Understood?" Lexington asked looking at Carson, Carson quickly shot his head up and nodded firmly.
"You both may go." Levi quickly stood up and so did Carson as they both exited out the building as Carson remained quiet.Levi patted his front pocket taking out a carton of cigarettes as he placed one in his mouth and slid the carton back in his pocket.
"Light this for me, I forgot my lighter in the car." Levi lied, he had his lighter on him me but he needed to spark a conversation with a abnormally quiet Carson.Carson pulled out his lighter from his pocket lighting the cigarette for Levi.
"What did he say to you?" Carson pressed the door for the elevator as it opened and they stepped in.
"Carson what did he say to you? This is why I told you to wait for me before you inside.So what did he say that has you so quiet?"
"It does not matter."
"It does."
"No, it does not.He gets mad when I tell you everything anyway, last time he told me what he told me is for me alone not for me and you.I can deal with it."
"Can you? Because you aren't being your usual self which happens every time you are alone with him and he says something to you so can you? Tell me what he said or I'll take this elevator back up and ask him myself."
"He said to make sure you make progress with Yvette and he also called me stupid." Carson mumbled as they exited out of the elevator and out the revolving door as Levi shook his head.
"He isn't wrong it's my fault this-"
"It's not your fault and you are not stupid.Do not listen to him.Never listen to him." Carson nodded.
"Leave your car here and let me give you a ride home."
"Thanks, I don't feel like driving anyway and speaking of Yvette and progress are you making any? "
Carson sucked his teeth.
"It's not like I agree with dad motives but would it be so wrong to try to plan something? Maybe ask her on a date or get to know her."
"I don't care to know her, this is an arrangement.She has a life before me like I had one without her."
"But now you are guys will intertwine lives so you shouldn't you find out all you can? Make her at least be your friend or have a little fondness of you.It's not your looks, it's your personality."
Levi frowned.
"I cheer you up and get you to talk and this is what you choose to trouble me with?"
"Yes.She isn't doing anything, go see her."
"How do you know?"
Carson just shrugged not revealing how he knew but he just did.Since no one else seemed to be keeping in contact with Yvette then he thought that he should, not only to get her to warm up to him but to also be aware of her mindset and to make sure she was still on the same page as everyone else.He had been texting her and found out that she wasn't feeling well so she was sent to go home early and took a vacation for the rest of the week.Carson felt like this was the perfect time for them to really interact alone.
With no one around, not even himself.
"I would rather not.I have things to do.I need to make preparations for Mr.Ronz-"
"I can do that."
"We aren't really a couple, you know that right? The last person she wants to see when she is having a bad day is me.I won't trouble myself with that"
"Sounds a bit insecure innit?" Carson joked putting on a British accent making Levi frown.
Levi and Carson both got into the car as Levi immediately put on his seatbelt as he started the car and began driving.Carson reclined his seat back putting his hands above his head as he looked out the window and sighed deeply.What his father said was still in the back of his mind and although he was trying not to let it get to him, he couldn't.He sometimes envied how Levi could let things roll off his back.Maybe because Levi was living along with his father for awhile before his mother or Carson came along, but nothing his father said or did to him seem to phase him.
He never met someone so nonchalant and unaffected about other people's ideas and beliefs about him.Carson despite doing what he does for a living, really wanted to be liked by everyone he came in contact with.
"Something on your mind?" Levi questioned looking over at Carson who was in a deep thought.
"If I ask a question will you get mad?"
"Don't ask a question, to ask a question.Just ask the first time."
"Why no matter what dad says or even do you, it doesn't hurt? I know your a grown man so it would pretty lame for you to cry or whine or something but you don't even flinch.What was he like when it was just the two of you?"
Levi thought long and hard trying to come up with a plain answer but any answer would reveal that he himself didn't know why, he was just unaffected.Levi head started to throb as he gripped the steering wheel still thinking long and hard about an answer , his heart felt like it had stopped pumping and everything was going slow and his brain was going blank , his legs grew cramped and his body felt heavy as if he was being weighed down by something.
He couldn't speak and he couldn't move and he felt a strong sense of fear around him.
Carson watched Levi not understanding what was happening as he stayed still, Carson looked at the car heading for them and Levi completely still not turning to avoid the car.
"Levi!" Carson snapped placing his hand on the steering wheel and turning it avoiding the car by an inch, Carson heart ran up as he stared at his brother who seemed to be stuck tuning him out.Levi blinked and continue driving normally.
"I-I'm sorry that I asked."Carson said quickly apologizing, Levi use to get like this a lot when they were younger every time Carson asked this question about their father...Levi would zone out, not speaking or moving , so Carson eventually stopped asking...until today.
And this would probably be his last time asking.
"It's fine." Levi said plainly quickly stepping on the gas pedal pulling up to Carson's apartment.
"Thanks for the ride" Carson said hesitantly getting out still worried about him , Levi waved to give him a sense of reassurance before quickly pulling off and taking a deep sigh.
He hasn't felt like that in years.
Carson hasn't asked him that in years.
Levi took out a cigarette lighting to calm his nerves as his brain wandered to Yvette and what Carson said.He thought for a moment, maybe he should check on her? Just drive by her house to see? Levi took the left towards Yvette house instead of the right which lead him to his own.Carson always had a way of getting through to him with his advice and Levi sometimes took it. Levi felt that his younger brother was the only one who told him things without an ulterior motive.
Slowly passing through Yvette neighborhood Levi stopped the car looking at the house, everything seemed to be fine although he saw two cars in the driveway.Levi quickly started up his engine again getting ready to go home, to him, it was nothing to see.
"Levi! Levi is dat' you?!" A loud voice said as Levi squinted his eyes and looked at the women who was shouting his name, it was Porsche.
Levi took a puff from the cigarette and frowned rolling his window further down as the women walked up to his car that was now parked on the side of the house.
"Were you just about to pass by without coming inside and saying hi to Yvette?"
Porsche sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes at the same time before sizing up Levi and the car he was in, Porsche could admit that he was handsome but with his lack of social skills and one word answers looks could not help him.Porsche wasn't clear on if Yvette was seeing him or not seeing as though she always changed the topic when it came to him but he did seem more on the boring corporate office job type which isn't Yvette's type.
Porsche leaned on Levi car and crossed her arms making Levi frown as Porsche looked down at him.
"One, who even smokes cigarettes anymore? Two? You won't date Yvette for long if you can't even check up on her when she's not feeling well."
"I'm not a doctor nor am I nurse, I doubt there's anything I can do that you haven't done already.Please get off my ca-"
"How would you know that if you won't go inside? You came here instead of going home to check on her but won't go inside? The math isn't mathing."
"Stop leaning on my car." Levi said sternly, Porsche removed herself off his car and shook her head.Levi sighed to himself and ashes out his cigarette into his cup holder before coming out of the car and shutting the door, locking it.
"Came to your senses? Good.Follow me." Levi remained silent as he followed behind Porsche who led him through the gate and all the way to the house as she opened the door and Levi looked around.
The house was small but very attractive.Having neutral and nude colors that went well with each other.
Levi followed Porsche all the way up the stairs as Porsche slowly opened the door, Yvette laid down in the covers watching television.
"Look who came." Porsche said nudging Levi forward causing him to look back at her and mug a bit.
Yvette eyes widened seeing Levi, she immediately started to wonder why it had to be a reason.Although she told Carson she wasn't feeling well, she doubt Levi would care enough to come check in on her.
"You do not look sick to me." Porsche let out a little laugh and shook her head before going down stairs to give them space
He's a weird one, Porsche thought.
"I'm not exactly sick but I have been feeling light headed, to the point where I'm on the verge of passing out.It always happens around this time period."
"I wish I knew."
Levi said nothing else as he scanned around her room not really knowing what he was doing here and what was to be expected.He had little to no interaction with people outside of his family and work, everyone else was a nuisance or didn't take kindly to him.
"Did Carson tell you to come check on me?"
"Do you wanna sit down?"
"I can't keep a conversation going with your one word responses.If you were going to just stand there and frown at me, why did you come? If you do not want to be around me that is fine.You aren't exactly a joy either, let's just be around each other when it's absolutely necessary.You can go." Yvette grumbled annoyed.
"You give answers that only require a one word response."
"Ok fair enough.How was your day?"
"Get out my house." Yvette said with a straight face, Levi ignoring her sat down on the bed.Yvette sat up a little moving some of the sheet off her body as she stared at Levi.
"My father wants us to make progress, since this includes you, how do we go about doing that? He can tell we're faking it right now and he will not let it pass for long."
"What normal dating people do, which is for starters? Go on dates.What was your favorite date idea or perfect date?"
"I've never been on a date." Yvette looked at Levi weirdly before sitting up even more.
"Are you lying?"
"No I-"
"How have you not been on a date before? Like seriously? You aren't even ugly..have you ever asked anyone?"
"No I-"
"That's sad! That's a sad ass life!-"
"I don't think happiness equates to getting dates."
"Only someone who's never had one would say something like that." Levi frowned.
"See! That's why you frown so much.Let's go on one."
"One what?"
"A second kidnapping...I obviously mean a date"
"Why would you want to?"
"What do you mean?"
"The situations that happened, me, your predicament why would you waste your time?"
Yvette slight shrugged her shoulders, she hate to admit it to herself but she was more then warming up to Carson he was becoming like a friend to her.Of course hoe they met is still fresh in her mind but more and more everyday it was fading away and if she was going to do that she would have to replace the bad memories with good ones.
And starting with the man she is supposedly gonna marry would be a great start.
"I can't dwell on it forever, it happened, and holding onto the past won't change what happened might as well move forward right? So is that a yes?"
"Is there anywhere specific you wanna go?"
"I say we go right now"
"You're kidding."
"Am I?"
This chapter was B L E H and BORING!
just wanted to get it over with honestly
also a big reveal will be coming up ⬆️
the plot will T H I C K E N like a bowl of oatmeal
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