It had been a good two weeks and Yvette felt everything was back to normal.She had no more nightmares, no more scratching her skin to the point of drawing blood, no more passing out and no more voices.It was a relief.She always slightly got reminded that things weren't normal when Carson text her, almost everyday, to inquire about her day and tell her what Levi is doing, as if she cared.She was glad to not be marrying Carson, but didn't deem Levi as a prize either personality wise.
Carson seemed very child like and still young mentally and Yvette didn't know what Levi was, in short terms he just seemed like a lonely negative Nancy.
Yvette sat in her office as she breathed in deeply and sat back, again she was happy she could keep her job that she worked so hard at.She was a sales engineer at Kaido Company Inc and had just got a heavy promotion last year that allowed her to move out the cubicle that most sales engineers have into a bigger office.
This wasn't Yvette dream job and wasn't exactly what she wanted for her degree, but it paid the bills and allowed her with things on the side so she was content for the moment.
There was a knock on the door as Yvette shouted come in, Yvette looked up and saw Porsche coming in with a stack of papers.
"Some new industrial and commercial marketing came in that wanna work with us.Gave it to our boss and she said send it straight to you."
"I'm starting to think she only promoted me so she could do less work, like isn't this her job?"
"Want me to beat her ass?" Porsche only half joked, she hated this job and she hated her boss but again, it wasn't that much her degree could do without some experience so she would endure it until further notice.She never stopped seeking other options
"No, it is what it is.Karma will come around full circle."
"Well call me Karma then cause somebody needa check her skinny ass for I bend her like a straw."
"Don't even worry about it, you can't control what people do, only what you do.So i choose to always be polite and kind, and leave people to do what they going to do regardless of my actions."
"Okay Ghandi you and these damn facebook quotes.Sometimes you too nice, that's why i couldn't even mess with you when you first came in the system cause I'm like how the hell she so friendly?" Porsche joked as they laughed.
Porsche remembering how Yvette would give some of her clothes, food and everything else to the younger kids and then Porsche had to fight the older kids who thought they could bully Yvette out the rest of her stuff.
"Well Ghandi says get back to work." Porsche bowed.
"Yes master, now I got to go back to Matthew and hear him talk about how happy he is to know your safe.Louis almost knocked him out."
"Speaking of Louis, something going on between you?" Porsche opened up the door and laughed.
"Please.Louis fine and all, but nobody want his crybaby ass.He a little too fine and clingy for my taste, I heard his stories he tell about his exes, I'll pass."
"Y'all a mess, get out." Porsche chuckled and walked shutting the door as Yvette sighed deeply looking at all the papers on her desk.
"This bitch really do got me fucked up." Yvette mumbled lowly as she sorted out the papers in categories and by larger and smaller companies.Yvette was in the middle of sorting out her last pack of papers before her phone vibrated right beside her, Yvette picked it up and looked at the caller ID and it was an unknown number.
"Hi? Who is this?" Yvette said politely.
"I need to come pick you up and bring you over to my father house." Levi voice spoke through the phone, Yvette heart sped up she hadn't talk to Levi in two weeks and she wasn't exactly complaining just worried on what was happening involving her also the idea of going back to a man who wanted to kill her? Well two men to be exact.
"Because I said so." Levi said confused over the phone on why she was asking.
"That isn't a valid reason, what if I had plans-"
"I do not care."
"I'm not going to go if that's how you are going to ask.First, you call me don't even greet me correctly.Then, you basically demand me to go somewhere without any input on why or exactly when.Your mama didn't teach you no manners?"
"No." Levi said plainly , Yvette eyed the phone mugging it a little as she put the phone back to her ears.
"I don't wanna talk to you." Yvette said firmly.
"Is Carson near you? I would much rather talk to him, you are being mean, and I don't talk to mean people." There was a period of silence before Carson took the phone.
"Is that my sister-in-law? You asked for me? I'm touched.This kind of was feeling one sided." Yvette didn't wanna laugh, but she did.Yvette noticed that Carson was really a people person and he was extremely nice and easy to talk to which didn't even go hand in hand with his choice of occupation.
"Because he was being mean, why do I have to come over tonight? I really just wanted to go to my bed and sleep.I work late."
"Our dad is convinced that we did this just to save your life, which is true but he doesn't think you'll actually marry Levi will just wait it out until everyone forgets.It's been two weeks and no word of you so dad insisted you come for dinner and even my mom, I don't think understands though."
"So if I don't come then he will think we playing him?"
"Basically.Levi wouldn't have called you otherwise." Yvette frowned,
I don't know him enough to care but why did that sting? Yvette thought as she just brushed it off and nodded.
"That's all he could have said and greeting me with a Good Afternoon wouldn't have hurt either."
"Levi will always be Levi, we are outside right now and he's on another phone call.Trust me, what he just told you was his way of being cordial."
"I wouldn't want to see him being any thing worse then that."
"Despite how he is, it's hard to get on what is considered his bad side, he feels pretty neutral and boring to everything.Let me show you a picture of your future husband."
"Are you always full of corny jokes?"
"Yes.Now looked at your phone." Yvette looked at the picture of Levi and sighed, why must he be so damn fine?!
"Wow he looks good."
"I'll tell him you said that and that you can't wait to get married to roll around in the-"
"Do not, finish that sentence and do not tell him that."
Carson only laughed.
"Okay well since I have no choice then I'll see you tonight."
"See you, Yvette—Levi! Do you wanna say bye?"
"No" You heard him say near the phone making Yvette roll her eyes.
What an asshole Yvette thought rolling her eyes.
"Does he always act like that?" Yvette questioned curious, if she was going to marry him, she had to know if he had layers or maybe a love language or even another personality.He seemed so dull, lifeless and very dry.She didn't expect that for a marriage , especially her marriage.
"For as long as I been alive, don't worry people either get use to it or hate him."
"Y'all are something else, I'll get ready as soon as I get home."
"Ok, Bye sister-in-law."
"Bye and stop calling me that." Yvette whined rolled her eyes before hanging up the phone.
This was the type of calls that reminded her that her life was far form back to normal.Although she didn't have plans, if she did, she would have to drop all of them for whatever they wanna do.Great!
"You know she really won't warm up to you with that attitude.Seeing as though I kidnapped her and you and dad wanted to kill her , to get her to fully come around to this whole marriage idea.Why not be a little more..I don't know..Not you." Carson said going inside the club, he was underage but it was amazing what you could do with money and when you know people.He could do much more things then just go into clubs.
"I don't follow.My attitude was very normal, I wasn't being nice or mean.My life is complicated and I don't need anymore complications, I just need her to do what I ask without the extra notions."
"Not everyone moves like a robot and can suppress how they feel like you and that is, if you feel anything.She is a women you know , and she has emotions, it wouldn't hurt you to just be a little friendly."
"When have I ever been friendly? I will never change who I am because of someone else grievances against me.You either learn to cope or stay out of my way.And considering I don't like anyone around , I'm good with staying away."
"You seem a little grouchy then usual, did you smoke today?"
Levi ignored Carson as they walked up the spiral steps towards the club, the truth is he didn't smoke, he didn't have enough time.His last pack was done and he had to hurry up and meet the Ronzo's for a business agreement before he could do anything else.Levi smoked every day, recently trying to limit as he got older but old habits do die hard.Only having one cigarette for the day was something he wasn't use to and it made him a lot more snappy.
"It's crazy how you both look just like your father, in different ways, how you doin?" Mr.Ronzo said Carson smiled shaking his hand as Levi pulled down his sleeve and sat down, ignoring the gesture.
"Let's skip the talking, I honestly don't have all day and considering this is last minute, I suggest you get the ball rolling on what you want."
"I know me and your father had our differences in the past but we could always work it out and he treated me with a little bit more patience and respect.You aren't in charge yet."
"Seeing as though he didn't give you the courtesy of meeting you personally and sent us,I take it you guys are not that close and you used up all that nostalgia he had for you.So if we are done talking about nothing, can we get to what you want? My time is my money and everyone knows you lack that at the moment."
Mr.Ronzo glared at Levi who held a straight face and sat leaned forward grabbing the Whiskey and a cube glass and pouring a little bit in before setting it down.
"Speak." Levi said , Mr Ronzo continued his glare as he sat up and pulled down his jacket flattening it.
"We have money troubles due to a competitor of ours.In agreement we will supply your needs if you take out at least a few of there men.Just to teach them we aren't to be messed with and hurt their pockets just as much they hurt mine."
"Supply our needs? We do not push drugs.You got the wrong family."
"Anything you want."
"Pass the checkbook." Levi said to Carson as Carson nodded and took it out handing it to him with a pen, Levi wrote down the numbers of what it was for them to do business and slid it to Mr.Ronzo.
"Are you kidding?"
Levi frowned.
"I don't kid.That's the price.If you want it done that bad then you'll pay it."
"That is in my range, this is you being greedy.Let me talk to your father."
"We talking and this is as far as it is going to get.I don't budge and I certainly don't negotiate."
"I could just get someone else!You aren't the only ones I could do business with."
"True.But who better then us? If you did you wouldn't have made us your first option but if you want to go with someone who will do half assed work that will eventually lead to you.By all means, do that.Carson let's go." Levi and Carson both stood up about to leave as Mr.Ronzo stood up.
"I'll have to work it out with the rest of the family, but I'll give you a call.We can maybe set it up in payments, giving that much money all at one time will be difficult even for me."
"What do you say?"
"Show me the money and we'll talk from there.These are just words right now, I need something to solidify it." With that Levi walked out the door and down the stairs along with Carson who let out a breathe of relief.
"I thought he was going to shoot you, he's way older then us, how you just talk to him like that?"
"He's an idiotand he's desperate.You could of handled him, anyone can.I hardly did anything."
"Me? I wouldn't be able to get that price agreed on.You really persuasive." Levi shrugged not really thinking he did much, his father always taught him the ways of the world and more specifically his world.Levi knew all the tricks of the trade and had a way of dealing with people.
"Hi would you guys like to dance with us?" A women said coming up with her friend to Levi and Carson. Carson smirked, he had been working non stop and needed something to reward all his hard work.Nothing better then a beautiful women.
Levi eyed Carson as Carson sighed.
"I have had a rough month, do this for your baby brother who adores you so much and cherishes the friendship and bond-"
"Enough.You have half an hour and I am clocking it." Carson smirked grabbing the women's hand as they moved towards the dance floor.
"So what's your name?" Levi looked over the women and she wasn't bad looking but definitely could tell she goes to the club scene often.
"Do you have a cigarette?" Levi asked ignoring her previous question, the women nodded taking out her carton out of her purse and passing him one as Levi put it in his mouth and the women light it for him as they both walked over to a wall.
Levi leaned his head back watching his brother and the women, who seemed a little too old for him.Levi averted his eyes from his brother to the women as he let the smoke out his cigarette staring at the women who was still in front of him like a lost puppy.
"So do you wanna dance?"
"No but you can, go ahead , wiggle something for me." Levi responded as the women rolled her eyes and scoffed before quickly walking away but not before muttering asshole.
Levi sighed relieved.
Worked like a charm every time.
The easiest way for him to get a women to leave him alone was to just be rude.
Levi looked at Carson who was smiling at him and waving like an idiot making Levi shake his head.His mind couldn't help but wander to Yvette.
He could not help but overhear the conversation between her and Carson and be curious about where she worked, or even what she was going to wear tonight and how she would look.His mind also went over the conversation between him and Carson but he quickly pushed it aside.
If he was to even act a different way or nicer, he doubted that would change her opinion on him.
Levi continued to smoke his cigarette and think.
About a lot of things, including Yvette.
He didn't realize yet why she was popping up in his brain, and why exactly her voice replayed in his head.
Yvette looked at herself one more time in the mirror and took in her appearance.If she was being honest most of her clothes showed an excessive amount of skin but she didn't want to be rude, so she found the most beautiful thing that was still covering her up but not too much making her look like an old lady.Yvette always took pride in herself and her body so no matter, she wanted to look good especially since she was feeling good mentally at the moment.
The doorbell rang as Yvette quickly walked downstairs, she thought it could be Carson because they had made arrangements that he would pick her up.She was kind of relieved, she didn't really know what to say or how to act around Levi.He seemed like he didn't like her very much and definitely didn't want to marry her and that could be a number of reasons.
She's plus sized...being one.
So it made Yvette very uncomfortable to be around someone who she is suppose to marry who probably doesn't even find her attractive or is his type.
"Hello." Levi said plainly as soon as Yvette opened the door as her relaxed face kind of faded , Levi noticed.
"Not exactly, I just got the thought that Carson was going to pick me up."
"Don't know why he would, your going to be my wife, not his.It makes better sense that I do."
"You're right." Yvette said closing the door and making sure to lock up as they walked down to his car parked in her driveway behind her car.
"Unless you would prefer him.Seem a lot closer then before considering the circumstances in which you met each other." Yvette shrugged.
"I would not say close but warming up is a better definition.He is a lot more nice and likable." Levi nodded not saying anything else as Yvette felt a little guilty.They got to the car as Levi opened the door for her and then went around to go inside the drivers seat.
"Sorry if that sounds rude , I didn't mean to make seem like you are not nice or likable."
"I am not nice or likable and I don't think I ever was.You shouldn't apologize for being honest."
"Well you dress nice and you seem highly intelligent."
"I know."
"You are suppose to say, why thank you Yvette, you are also very nice and highly intelligent." Yvette said trying to make a joke, Levi turned his head and started the car pulling out the driveway.
"You know you turn your head when you are about to smile?"
"I was not about to smile."
"Yes you were, you probably did already and did not want to make me see.I am told I am very funny."
"Well you were told wrong." Levi stated driving as Yvette slightly rolled her eyes and looked out the car window taking in the smell of the car and the smell of Levi, both good smells.
"Do you ever listen to the radio? It is so silent."
"I like silence."
"I don't."
"I can tell."
"Well I am not noisy, I actually hate random noise but I do like conversation."
"When we get to the house you can have all the conversation you want."
"Why don't you talk much?"
"I talk when I have something to say."
"There's so many things you can say to me, or ask me.To get to know me or each other." Yvette saw this as a perfect opportunity, she really didn't know anything about him and vice versa.
"I don't really care to-"
"Oh, well ok then." Yvette quickly said getting hurt by those words, she was trying to warm up to him but it felt like a cold blizzard every time he spoke.Levi noticed her change of attitude as he glanced at her in the corner of his eye.
"I didn't mean I don't care to get to know you, I mean I don't care to talk about myself.There is nothing to talk about."
- In Serial29 Chapters
On Set
I thought I was better alone. I knew I could make it alone and be fine. But when he came into the picture, maybe I didn't have to be alone. He could be the one that completes the puzzle, or he could be the one that breaks my heart and stomps on it a couple times. He is Chris Evans...you know the famous one...Lucy, knows what she wants, and she knows who she is. She is in control, then she meets a man who lost his dog and in that moment her black and white world becomes grey. Can she really love Chris? Or is she better off alone?
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Empress is now LIVE
A girl in her early 20s stood in front of the camera. She had a healthy bronze tan, an oval face, and a celestial nose. Warm brown eyes, minor makeup made them look cat-like - with the outer corners pointed like a cat’s. Short brown hair, styled in a casual boyish hairstyle. She carefully put on a well-worn but high-quality headset SkyTech - Ghost Seeker Limited Edition. Somewhere on it, there was an inscription, "Stream for us, your fans and friends!", which was beginning to fade in places.
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[MTL, BL] God's Love Game [Unlimited]
God's Love Game [Unlimited]神明的戀愛游戲[無限]Author:木魚歌Status:112 Chapters (Completed)Description:Before dying, the blind beauty Xiangnu accidentally entered an infinite escape world.He thought he had escaped death, but never thought that because of his blindness, the first world was regarded as a consumable cannon fodder, and was stuffed into the world of the god of death, where the clearance rate was almost zero.In order to survive and restore the light, Xiangnu decided to sell the color and fight, and entangled the most powerful boss in this game in his intuition.The boss is also very powerful, and he took the slave god to block the killing of the gods and Buddhas, and cleared the legendary world of death.After clearing the customs, the first thing Xiangnu did was to change his eyes with rich rewards, so that he could see again.After that, he opened the task panel and prepared to review the first world to accumulate experience for his future tasks.But I found out... in the task list, he was the only clearer in that world.And on his task panel, the unspeakable contact named with three red exclamation marks is still sending him a message:"Baby, I'm right outside your door, open the door for me."Xiangnu : ...If he is the only survivor in the mission, the boss who took him through the customs and the red exclamation mark outside waiting for him to open the door... what the hell are they? Dungeon ghosts: π_π he is the god of death! He is the number one male god in our thousands of worlds! The hot chicken player is shameless, if he can't beat the male god, he will be beauties and seduce, you quickly return our male god ah WuwuwuNOTE:➸ Machine Translated (NOT EDITED)➸ Poor Quality Translation➸ For Offline Purposes➸ Slow Updates
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Red Ribbons (Forgotten Series #1)
EDITED VERSION~~~~~~~Book One of the Forgotten Series. ~~~~~An Omega must do as an Omega is told. The lesson had been burned into her brain since she was ten years old. A nineteen year old girl who does not know her name, her birthday or her parents. All she knows is what has been beaten into her. The Omega's Mantra.An Omega must do as an Omega is told.One moment changes everything. It sends her life spiraling into chaos and ruin and pushes her closer and closer to death. A simple rejection, a half severed mate bond and the order to tell no one what has happened.An Omega must do as an Omega is told.A red ribbon for banishment and a blue eyed man calling for justice as she makes her walk barefoot in the snow. Cold winds tearing at her skin and the howls of the wolves waiting for her beyond the tree line but she still moves her weak body forward at an Alpha's command.An Omega must do as an Omega is told.Being saved will always come at a price and the girl Alpha Lawrence affectionately called Mary Mary after her favorite nursery rhyme, has paid the price a hundred times over. Now she must be taught that 'Once an Omega' doesn't always mean 'Always an Omega' because family can be found at the darkest of times and not all Omegas need to do as they are told. Trying to work through the mess of her mind, she tries to discover who she is under the cloak of Omega. Drowning in her memories and her anxiety, she struggles to find solid ground before her problems pull her under completely, smothering her cries as she fights for normalcy.
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▪︎THE LUNA▪︎Book 1
Hayley Monroe is your average African American teenage wolf. Christopher Adams is your not so average alpha male. What happens when these two lost souls happen to cross paths at the most unusual timing? Will he be able to breakdown his tough armor for her? Will she be able to accept him for who he truly is? Will she settle for being the Luna?
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