《My Secret Boyfriend》28


(Y/n) walked down to Care of Magical Creatures with Ron and Harry, pushing her hair behind her ears. it was now March, the weather starting to get a bit warmer.

"poor Hermione. she doesn't deserve that, you know." (Y/n) stated, referring to how Pansy and few other Slytherin girls had been taunting her from what Rita Skeeter suggested about her in the paper.

that morning Hermione received a bunch of hate mail, and she was now in the hospital wing due to pus coming in contact with her hands.

the Gryffindors waited by Hagrid's hut as the Slytherins came trotting down the stone steps, Malfoy wearing a smug grin with Crabbe and Goyle.

"where's your girlfriend, Potter? what got her so upset this morning?" Pansy asked, smirking slightly.

"jealous much, Pug-face?" (Y/n) shot back, raising her eyebrows at the brunette.

"maybe you should keep your mouth shut and learn to mind your own business." (Y/n) added angrily.

"leave it alone, (Y/n)." Harry suggested, and Ron quickly came behind his twin.

"why would i be jealous, carrot top? i have someone. and he's pretty hot, if you ask me." Pansy grinned, looking at Draco.

but Draco wasn't looking at Pansy, he was looking at (Y/n) in amusement, a proud smile on his face.

"how strange, because it appears-"

"'ello, class." Hagrid came stomping over, unknowingly breaking up the argument.

after he instructed the lesson and handed out Nifflers, he let the students search around.

(Y/n) found a quiet spot near a tree, sitting down with her Niffler.

"hello, little guy." she cooed, petting his black fur as it nuzzled into her hand.

"aren't you the cutest? i hope you don't mind not searching, i'm just not really up to it today." she talked to the small creature a little longer before she heard footsteps.


"talking to the animal because you have no friends, Weaselbee?" Draco smirked, his own Niffler probably out searching.

"i think you're jealous Milo is getting more attention from me than you." she grinned, petting the top of its head.

"you named it Milo?" he raised his eyebrows, sitting next to her on the leaves.

"yes. adorable, isn't he?" she awed, staring into the creature's black eyes.

"wow." he shook his head, letting out a small laugh.

"if you started to appreciate the small things in life, you wouldn't be so mean, Malfoy." she teased, looking up at his pointed face.

"i'm not mean." he scoffed.

"uh, huh. when's the last time you did something nice for someone?"

"i graced you with my presence." he joked, causing her to laugh.

"something nice for someone that wasn't me?" she restated. Draco thought for a moment.

"exactly." she said, leaning her head against his shoulder, causing him to slightly flinch at the sudden contact.

"so tell me, Draco, how touched starved are you?" she mumbled, using her index finger to trace circles on his wrist.

he didn't get to answer. Hagrid's voice came booming through the woods, announcing to come back and that they have a winner. she stood up quickly, putting Milo on the ground so he can run back.

"wait, (Y/n)." Draco stood up after her, nervously staring at her.

"yes?" she asked.

he cupped her face gently, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. she placed her hands on his waist, pulling him closer.

"thank you." he whispered, resting his forehead against hers.

"for what?"

"for being you."

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