《My Secret Boyfriend》29


(Y/n) sat with Ron and Hermione, clapping loudly as the four champions stood in the middle of the arena.

Cedric was glancing around nervously, sending (Y/n) a weak smile as she gave him a thumbs up.

"on the count of three. one.." Dumbledore started, but got cut off by Filch blowing the canon. Dumbledore sent him a nasty look as Harry and Cedric made their way into the maze.

"now we wait." (Y/n) sighed, sitting on Ron's left side as Hermione sat on his right.

"i'm so nervous." Hermione said.

"come on, we all know Harry is going to win." Ron declared. (Y/n) looked around the arena, her eyes falling on Draco as he cheered proudly for Krum.

"does something feel a little.. off?" she asked suddenly, looking at her twin and best friend.

"maybe it's just our nerves. it's going to be a close game." Hermione sighed, her leg bouncing in anticipation.

"no, i feel like somethings wrong. my gut is telling me something." (Y/n) claimed nervously, picking at her finger nails.

she looked at Draco again, seeing him smiling at her as he sent her a little wave. she smiled back, giving him a slight wave.

moments later red sparks came flying up from the maze. the crowd erupted into murmurs, waiting patiently.

a hour has passed, everyone's anxiety growing deeply as no one had returned. then, Harry appeared into thin air, falling on the floor with the trophy.

cheers were shouted amongst the students and judges as the band played music. "good job, Harry!" Ron shouted.

a loud scream cut the noise. Dumbledore ran down, whispering to Harry.

"oh my." (Y/n) gasped, her eyes filling with tears as Harry was clutching Cedric's dead body.

"he's back! he's back! Voldemort's back!" Harry yelled.


Ron placed his hand on his twin's back, his other hand coming around to Hermione's shoulder as they watched in horror.

"let me through!" Amos shouted, pushing against the people.

"that's my son! that's my boy!" Amos sobbed, holding onto Cedric tightly.

(Y/n) felt hot tears running down her face as her lip trembled. Cho Chang was crying into her hands.

"everyone! back to the castle immediately!" Dumbledore announced. Moody grabbed onto Harry, guiding him back to Hogwarts.

Ron dragged Hermione and (Y/n) away, guiding them into the stage coach carriages.

"i told you! i told you something was off!" she cried into Ron's shoulder. Hermione and Ron shared a sad look.

"Cedric's dead." she whimpered, feeling her brother wrap his arms around her tightly.

"i can't believe that. how?" Hermione choked, her own eyes flooding with tears.

"i'm sure Harry will explain tomorrow." said Ron, rubbing (Y/n)'s back.

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