《My Secret Boyfriend》27


"go Harry!" (Y/n) cheered loudly, trying not to freeze her butt off as she stood a few kids away from Draco.

Harry was waiting with the other three champions, their teeth chattering furiously as they stood in the cold February air.


the four champions dove into the water, the crowd falling silent. all of a sudden, Harry shot up through the water and did a flip. "yes!"

(Y/n) squealed.

"have you seen Ron or Hermione?" she asked Ginny. "no." Ginny answered, rubbing her hands together to create warmth.

"strange." she murmured, pulling her beanie further onto her head.

"a whole hour without Potter? i can get used to this." Draco smirked, Crabbe and Goyle sniggering.

"jealous you can't be the one down there, Malfoy?" (Y/n) raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"you wish. who knows, maybe you could be the one i save." he winked, sending an instant blush to her cheeks.

"never." she grinned, licking her lips.

"don't be so cheeky, love." he teased, earning weird looks from the people in between them.

she playfully rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to the water and began tapping her gloved fingers against the freezing railing.

"seriously, has anyone seen Ronald or Hermione?" she asked loudly. everyone else just shook their heads.

thirty minutes passed and there was no sign of anyone. (Y/n)'s chest was quickly becoming heavy as she took deep breaths.

"i 'ought to think someone woulda showed up by now, don't you?" a Ravenclaw fifth year boy whispered in her ear.

"oh! uh, yeah." she breathed out, startled by his closeness. Jackson Felton was one out of two boys who asked (Y/n) to the Yule Ball, and was rumored to have a crush on her since second year.


"cold? here you can take my coat."

"thank you, but i'm okay." she nervously smiled at him, quickly becoming uncomfortable.

"go away." Draco growled, his front pressed against (Y/n).

Jackson's eyes went wide before quickly scurrying off into the sea of people. "what'd you do that for?" she asked.

"he was bothering you."

"i coulda handled it."

"by doing what? standing there awkwardly?" Draco taunted.

(Y/n) quickly started to become angry. "fuck you!" she said.

"fuck you too." he narrowed his eyes.

"Merlin, you're so hot. if people weren't everywhere around us right now i would snog the hell out of you."

"is that all you want? to snog? Malfoy, sorry to break it to you, but i don't wanna spend my entire Hogwarts years hiding in a broom closet snogging boys. i want a real relationship, i want to feel loved." she snapped, turning to walk down the stairs onto another platform.

loud cheers erupted moments later. Cedric had came up with Cho, gasping for air as they swam to the platform. (Y/n) hadn't even realized Fleur wasn't in the water when she walked down to the bottom platform.

"good job, Ced!" she grinned, waving to him. he flashed her a warm smile, his teeth chattering.

"Krum!" the Durmstrang boys chanted. Viktor came up with Hermione, swimming over.

"Hermione!" (Y/n) gasped, throwing a blanket on her.

"are you alright? where's Ron?" she asked, trying to dry the brunette.

"Harry is going to save him." she choked out, shivering into the towel.

the clock had just rung. one hour had passed and Harry was still under water.

"Potter!" Dean and Seamus yelled, startling the crowd. Ron and Fleur's little sister came floating up, Harry quickly following by jumping on the platform.

"i thought you were dead!" (Y/n) said, hugging Ron tightly.

"me too." he sighed, squeezing his twin firmly.

"and you! are you okay?" she asked, pressing a kiss to Harry's scalp.

"i'm alright, (Y/n), thanks." he shivered, standing up.

"Cedric Diggory has placed first! Harry Potter, for your act of bravery, we shall award you second!"

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