《My Secret Boyfriend》26


(Y/n) walked down to Care of Magical Creatures with Ron, Harry, and Hermione. "i'm excited to see Hagrid." the redhead sighed, putting up her hair. her bangs fell around her face, framing her features.

"i just hope we can stop doing the skrewts." Hermione mumbled as they approached Hagrid's hut.

"rotten little things, aren't they?" the redhead agreed, her eyes narrowing when she saw a lady instead of the large male.

"come on, bell rang five minutes ago." she hissed.

"i'm professor Grubbly-Plank." she introduced, glancing around at all the students.

"where's Hagrid?" Harry asked.

"he has requested me for the day." she answered shortly. laughing came from behind them, and surely enough the Slytherins were walking up.

Draco wore a smirk as he approached. the last time (Y/n) had spoken to him was a week ago at the Yule Ball when they danced.

"alright, follow me." Professor Grubbly-Plank said, leading the students into the forest.

the Gryffindors spoke quietly as they followed the teacher, the Slytherins right behind. (Y/n) kept her gaze in front of her, stealing glances at the blond every chance she got.

"this is a Unicorn. can i have the ladies up in the front, they appreciate a woman's touch more. men in the back."

"wow." Parvati and Lavender awed, pushing their way in front of the other girls.

(Y/n) stood with Hermione, staring at the magnificent creature as it ate the grass below. "oy!" (Y/n) yelped, feeling a pinch at her side causing her to jump.

"is there a problem, Miss Weasley?" Grubbly-Plank asked.

"no, Professor." (Y/n) blushed, turning around to glare at Draco.

"what do you want, shit-bag?" she murmured, taking in the smell of his cologne.

"your hair looks nice, fuck-face." he smirked.


"thanks. you smell okay for an arse." she grinned, not hearing his reply as she walked forward to pet the unicorn.

a few weeks passed and Hagrid still had not returned. it appears that Rita Skeeter, that nasty woman, had outed Hagrid as a half-giant.

"hopefully we see Hagrid here." Harry said as the four of them walked down to Hogsmeade.

"hopefully." Ron agreed.

"i'll meet you guys in the Three Broomsticks." (Y/n) said, earning a nod from the Golden Trio. pulling her sweater tighter, she walked behind Madam Puddifoot's tea shop, her teeth chattering in the cool January air.

"you look hot, Weaselbee."

"actually i'm very cold, Ferret Boy." she grinned, causing him to let out a small laugh. he leaned against the wall next to her, looking around to see they were alone.

"you know, we are-"

"why did you go to the ball with Pansy?" she blurted out.

"what?" he asked, scrunching his face in confusion.

"why did you go to the ball with Pansy?" she repeated nervously. Draco blushed suddenly, awkwardly scratching his neck.

"she was the only one who asked. plus, i knew it would get under your skin."

"so you don't like her?"

"nope. not a chance. the girl i like is much more beautiful." Draco sent her a wink, smirking slightly to himself.

(Y/n) felt her whole body grow warmer as she blushed furiously. "you're right. Crabbe would be beautiful in a wig." she joked, causing him to burst into laughter.

"you're cute, Malfoy."

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