《My Secret Boyfriend》5


the weeks went by slowly, and it was finally October 31st, (Y/N)'s first Hogsmeade trip. she stood in line with Parvati and Lavender, their scarves and robes wrapped around them tightly as Filch checked off each student.

(Y/N) turned her head to see Draco glaring at her. she rolled her eyes, looking for her twin to make sure he was okay. Ron gave her a slight nod as he stood with Hermione, and (Y/N) turned back around.

the three girls walked excitedly down to the village, their money jingling around in their pockets. "look!" Lavender pointed to Honeydukes.

the girls ran over to the candy shop, filling their pockets up with whatever they could.

they walked out of the shop, (Y/N) opening up her sugar quill and sticking it in her mouth.

(Y/N) eventually found Fred and George, who gave her a warm butterbeer. "what did you do to it?" (Y/N) raised her eyebrow, inspecting the liquid.

"nothing!" they said defensively, the girl narrowing her eyes at the twins. she nervously took a sip, instantly becoming warmer.

"thank you." she smiled at them, walking off with Neville.

the pair walked around more shops, buying whatever they thought pleased them.

"i'm surprised you could afford all that, Weasley." a snarky voice said from behind.

(Y/N) turned around, her lips curling into a snarl.

"i'm surprised you're still faking your injury." she spat.

"it's not fake." he rolled his eyes.

"whatever, Malfoy." (Y/N) turned around, but heard footsteps behind her.

"Merlin, leave us alo- oh hi, Cedric." (Y/N) blushed, looking at the tall sixth year Hufflepuff.

"hey little Weasley." he joked, ruffling her hair.

(Y/N) and Cedric had been friends since she arrived at Hogwarts, but rarely hung out as the age difference and different houses.


"i got you a lil' something." he grinned, pulling out a chocolate frog.

"thank you." she blushed deeper, pulling the boy into a hug.

Cedric and (Y/N) walked back to Hogwarts, parting ways as they reached the Entrance Hall.

she placed her items down onto her bed, passing by Harry and giving him a jelly slug.

"thanks, (Y/N)." the brunette said sadly as the redhead walked back through the portrait hole. she made her way to the Great Hall, sitting down next to Ginny and George.

"got a thing for Pretty Boy Diggory, do yuh?" Fred snickered to his little sister. (Y/N) gasped.

"i do not!"

"sure, sis." George raised his eyebrows, causing Ginny to giggle.

"go bother Percy about Penelope." (Y/N) rolled her eyes, shoving her brothers slightly.

"oh, we've done plenty of teasing to our Head Boy." Fred winked, causing (Y/N) to grin.

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