《My Secret Boyfriend》4


(Y/N) stood in the staffroom with the Gryffindors and Slytherins. Lupin was instructing Neville on how to beat the Boggart that had taken a liking to the wardrobe closet.

"then you shout, Riddikulus!" Lupin said.

"this class is ridiculous." (Y/N) heard Draco mumble, causing her to roll her eyes.

"alright, ready, Neville?" asked Professor Lupin. Neville nodded nervously, raising his wand. Lupin raised his, a light flicking out. quickly, Snape came out of the wardrobe.

"go on, Neville!" Lupin encouraged.

"R-R-Riddikulus!" Neville stuttered, and Snape's black robes transformed into a lace dress, a vulture hat on his head. the class erupted into laughter, causing Lupin to grin.

students ran up, the Boggart transforming into different fears.

"(Y/N)!" Lupin said. (Y/N) nervously stepped up, the boggart turning into her family. she watched in horror as they all slowly died, the classroom falling silent.

(Y/N)'s lip trembled as she watched, her mind instantly going blank.

"Riddikulus!" Lupin shouted, the boggart flying away.

"Ron, please escort your sister out." Lupin murmured.

Ron grabbed onto (Y/N)'s shoulders, leading her out of the staffroom and into the corridors. she wrapped her arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder.

"it's not real, it's not real." Ron repeated, rubbing her back soothingly.

"my mind went blank, Ron. i completely forgot the charm." she sniffled, wiping away her tears as she pulled away from him. he rubbed her biceps, not knowing what to say as Lupin rounded the corridor.

"Miss Weasley.. i deeply apologize. i had no idea." he said, pulling the girl into a hug. (

"it's okay. i apologize for forgetting the charm." she mumbled.

"don't worry about it." he gave her a small smile, patting her on the shoulder as the bell rung.


the three walked back to the classroom, Ron grabbing his stuff and double checking his twin.

"i'm alright, Ron." (Y/N) weakly smiled, grabbing her brown bag and throwing it on her shoulder.

"i love you."

"i love you too."

(Y/N) sighed as Ron shut the door, leaving her alone in the classroom. she exited, only to be met with Draco.

"Weasley." he said, leaning up from off the wall.

"what, Malfoy?" she snapped.

"calm down, spitfire." he teased, causing her to roll her eyes.

"leave me alone." she said shortly, trying to move past him in the corridor as he was blocking the way.

"are you okay?" he asked quietly.

she paused, her face dropping.

"what did you just ask?" she whispered, turning to face him.

"are you alright?" he repeated, his grey eyes looking over her face.

"fine." she spat, bumping his shoulder and walking past him.

Draco stood there in the corridor, watching as her red hair disappeared. he rolled his eyes, walking the other way.

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