《My Secret Boyfriend》3


Malfoy didn't return back to class until Thursday morning. Hermione, Harry, Ron, and (Y/N) sat at the Gryffindor table.

"he's unbelievable." (Y/N) heard Ron mumble, causing her to turn her head and see Pansy touching Draco's arm delicately.

"does it hurt terribly, Draco?" her high pitched voice asked.

"it comes and goes. still, i consider myself lucky. if it wasn't for Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two and i could have lost my arm."

"he's definitely faking it." Harry rolled his eyes.

(Y/N) wickedly smirked, an idea coming to mind.

"Malfoy!" the redhead said, getting up from her table. she walked over to the blond, who had his eyebrows raised, and sat next to him. Pansy huffed, turning to Blaise.

"come to see my injury, Weasley?" Draco grinned, his pale eyes watching the girl in front of him.

"you said your arm almost came off, right?" Draco nodded confused.

"well, show us the scar. surely, you have one, right?" Draco's face dropped.

"uh, Madam Pomfrey said not to take the bandage off." Draco stammered, his eyes narrowing. (Y/N) grinned.

"aw, such a shame." she teased, ruffling his soft hair as she left the Great Hall for Potions.

Draco stood there seething as he saw (Y/N) high five Ron. he followed them to Snape's classroom, settling for the spot next to her. she rolled her eyes.

Snape said they were trying a Shrinking Potion, and Malfoy started to whine. "sir.. sir i'll need help cutting up these daisy roots, because of my arm."

"Miss Weasley, cut up Malfoy's roots for him." Snape said without looking up.

(Y/N) gaped at Draco as he smirked at her.

"there is nothing wrong with your arm!" (Y/N) fired at him, shoving the boy over with her hip.


"watch it, Weaselbee. you could have touched my injury." Draco spat, watching the ginger furiously cut up his roots.

"Professor, Weasley's mutilating my roots, sir."

Snape approached the table, eyeing the Weasley girl as her face went as red as her hair.

"Miss Weasley, switch roots with Malfoy."

"but, Professor-"

"now." Snape shot, glaring at the girl and walking away.

(Y/N) threw her perfectly cut roots down by Draco's cauldron, rolling her eyes as he winked at her.

"i'm going to strangle him." she mumbled, running her hand through her hair.

"what was that, love?" Draco teased.

"i said i'm going to strangle you." (Y/N) repeated loudly.

"five points from Gryffindor for threatening Mr Malfoy." Snape's cool voice said from behind her.

(Y/N)'s jaw dropped, and she waited until Snape walked away to punch Draco in the stomach.

"oy!" he yelled, causing Snape to turn around.

"what happened?" he asked. Draco glanced at (Y/N) seeing her eyes cold.

"nothing, sir."

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