《My Secret Boyfriend》2


(Y/N) sat at the Gryffindor table, Ron on her right and George on her left.

"Potter?" Malfoy asked, causing the four of them to turn around.

"Potter? is it true you fainted? i mean you actually fainted?" Draco taunted, his face in surprise.

"shove off, Malfoy." (Y/N) rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to her food. "i swear, i'm going to have it out with him one day or another." Ron groaned.

"remember when you tackled him in first year?" (Y/N) reminded him, speaking loudly so Draco could hear. Ron smirked, fist bumping his twin under the table.

the next morning, (Y/N) climbed up to Divination with Dean and Parvati. the class went by fairly quickly, Trelawney predicting Harry was going to die.

the Gryffindors walked down to the edge of the Forbidden Forest scared, whispering about the brunette. "you guys really believe that?" (Y/N) asked Dean, rolling her eyes. she followed behind Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"and how do you expect us to do that?" Draco asked smugly, inspecting The Monster Book of Monsters.

"you stroke the spine, of course!" Hagrid smiled, grabbing Hermione's book. he took his large finger, running it down the spine.

(Y/N) watched as Draco followed Hagrid's instruction, running his two fingers along the book.

"what's got you blushing?" Ron asked, snapping his sister out of her trance. "nothing." (Y/N) rolled her eyes, walking over to the other students.

"oh yeah, terribly funny. really witty. god this place is going to the dogs. wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." Draco shot out, causing the Gryffindors to glare at him.

"shut up, Malfoy." Harry spat. Draco smirked, walking up to the brunette.

suddenly, Draco started to back away in fear.


"Dementor! Dementor!" he shrieked. Harry turned around quickly, along with the other students that were listening.

"wooo" Draco and his goons gushed, wiggling their fingers at Harry. Hermione gave them a smug look, grabbing Harry and turning around to the front.

Draco glanced over at (Y/N) to see an annoyed look on her face. grinning, he watched as Hagrid pulled out an animal that was half horse half eagle.

Hagrid explained to the third years that the animal was a Hippogriff. as (Y/N) was trying to focus, staring at the creature in awe, she felt someone grab her book.

glaring, she saw Draco standing there with a wicked grin. "give it back, Malfoy." (Y/N) groaned, trying to reach for the book as he kept moving it away from her.

"you have to get it first, Weaselbee." Draco smirked, putting the book behind his back.

"bloody hell, you're so annoying. give it back!" (Y/N) was getting angrier, her heart thumping as she finally grabbed the book.

when (Y/N) turned back to the class, she saw Harry and the Hippogriff flying away. "gee, great job, Malfoy. thank you so much for being you." the redhead snapped.

"calm down, Weasley." Draco rolled his eyes, his lips in a scowl as he watched Harry fly back onto the ground.

"give me a go at that thing. if Potter can do it, it must be easy." the blond pushed his way through, walking up quickly to the Hippogriff.

"you're not dangerous at all, are you? you great ugly brute-"

"Malfoy, no!" Hagrid shrieked, and a scream was heard as the Hippogriff bucked up.

Draco was laid on the ground, blood all over his robes.

"it's killed me! it's killed me!" Draco exclaimed, rolling around on the floor.

"Hagrid! he needs to go to the hospital wing!" Hermione yelled. Hagrid picked up Draco, the last thing coming from the blond,

"oh, you're gonna regret this! you and your bloody chicken!"

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