《My Secret Boyfriend》1


(Y/N) sat with her younger sister on the Hogwarts Express, a book in her hand, her

(e/c) eyes roaming over the pages.

"(Y/N)?" Ginny asked timidly, her brown eyes glancing up at her sister. (Y/N) hummed in response, flicking her gaze up.

"i'm scared about coming to school. did you know Sirius Black escaped Azkaban?" Ginny whispered, looking around anxiously.

"yes, Ginny. i was there when we had the conversation with dad. there's nothing to worry about, not while Dumbledore is Headmaster, okay? and besides, you have me, Freddie, George, Percy, Ron, Harry, and Hermione. there's not reason to be scared, Gin."

"thank you." the twelve year old nodded, turning her attention back towards the window.

suddenly, the train started to feel very slow. almost as if it was stopping completely. (Y/N) set down her book, glancing outside to see that the train had indeed stopped. Ginny immediately grabbed onto (Y/N)'s arm, hiding her face in her shoulder.

the redhead looked around, a cold breeze coming through the train. ice filled the window, and the ginger could see her breath. that's when she saw it, a Dementor had been making it's way through the isle.

(Y/N) looked away, the hooded figure gliding past their seats. moments later, the train started to move and a man with a mustache came walking down the middle.

Draco Malfoy peeked his head out of a compartment, his face pale. Ginny removed her head from (Y/N), looking around in fear.

"just a dementor, Gin. passing through." (Y/N) explained, standing up and Ginny followed after her sister.

"scared, Malfoy?" (Y/N) taunted, looking at the frightened boy as he walked through the isle.

"you wish." he retorted, bumping her shoulder as they walked past each other.

(Y/N) and Draco had been enemies since they met on the Hogwarts Express in year one. he was infuriated by how she already befriended Harry Potter, and she was Ron's twin sister.


(Y/N) rolled her eyes, opening the compartment to the Golden Trio. "sorry to bother, but Ginny here is a bit shaken up. Ron, do you have any chocolate?" the ginger asked, her (e/c) eyes looking over the three students.

Ron dug into his pocket, pulling out a clump of frozen chocolate. "thanks."

(Y/N) grabbed the bar, handing it to her youngest sibling. the two redheads left the compartment, entering the one with Fred and George.

"what's up, little sisters?" Fred asked, standing up and ruffling their hair.

"can't we come hang out with our brothers?" (Y/N) grinned, shoving Fred away from her as her and Ginny sat down.

"no. you always want something, so spill it." George teased, handing the girls sugar quills.

"eat your chocolate, Ginny." (Y/N) said, breaking apart the bar into squares.

"guess what? Malfoy ran into here when he saw the dementor, looked terrified." Fred laughed.

(Y/N) grinned. "such a coward."

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