《Pipe Dream || Timothée Chalamet》22


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spending thanksgiving in Cali with the Hammers

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why isn't he with his own family lmao

i miss you guys:(


we miss you more|

he won't stop talking about you adeline... SOS

looking good timmy

lily wyd?


"Is she fucking serious?" I scream over the phone to Ashley. "He's my boyfriend not hers"

"As much as I would love to hear you drag the shit out of her, you need to be talking to Timothée" Ashley responds honestly.

I sigh, knowing that she's right. "I know but what do I even say? 'Hey your ex girlfriend is hitting on you and it makes me uncomfortable'" I sarcastically think aloud.

"Yes exactly that" the girl on the other end replies.

"Ashley I can't say that" I sigh again.

"Yes you can Addy. I'm not trying to defend him but he can't fix anything if he doesn't know how you feel" She lectures me.

"Okay you're right. I'm gonna call him, wish me luck" I encourage myself.

"Good luck Addy" she laughs ending the call.

I go to my contacts and find Timmys name, my finger hovering over his contact name for what seems like hours.

Eventually I click the number and listen to the ringing, waiting for him to pick up.

"Hello?" his voice rings through the phone, giving me the sudden urge to cry.

I really don't want to argue with him, especially over the phone and I don't want him to be mad me for assuming things. But I really want to get my feelings off my chest and Ashley was right when she said that he can't fix it if he doesn't know it bothers me. But I would just assume he would know it bothers me.

"Addy you there?" He asks, snapping me out of my intrusive thoughts.


"Uh yea hi" I respond sheepishly. "I need to talk to you" I blurt out, trying to sound confident but failing.

"Look, if it's about Lily I really don't know why she commented" he says as if he read my mind.

"It just bothers me" I speak quietly. "Why is she liking comments supporting you and her together? And why is she commenting on your pictures?"

"Adeline I told you I don't know" He snaps.

"Well you should find out" I say trying to defend myself. "Ask her to stop or something"

He scoffs at my remark, letting me know that he's getting mad. "It's not that easy just ignore it"

"I've been trying but when she keeps liking comments that are hating on me it's kind of hard to ignore it" I say, now getting mad as well.

"It's not that big of a deal" he huffs. "Her comment didn't even mean anything"

"She was flirting with you" I exclaim, losing my patience.

"Okay?" His response comes out as a question.

"What do you mean okay? Who's your fucking girlfriend? Because last time I checked it was me" I curse at him.

The line goes silent after my sudden outburst. He doesn't say anything for at least 3 minutes.

"You know what I'm not arguing with you over the phone" I say, clearly fed up. "I'll see you when I get back"

And with that I hang up.

I throw my phone at the floor as I stand up from the bed and make my way into the kitchen, where Armie and Liz are sat, their gaze instantly turning towards me.

"What was all the yelling about?" Armie asks, taking a sip from his beer.

"Adeline called" I sit down across the table from them. "She's mad that Lily commented on my picture and is liking comments that are hating on her"


"As she should be" Liz speaks up giving me a look. "Don't be upset with her for getting mad that your ex girlfriend is trying to humiliate her"

"Liz is right on this one Timmy, Adeline doesn't deserve that" Armie gives me the same look.

"I know I shouldn't have been an asshole about it but now she's pissed at me" I admit, running my hands through my hair.

"When does she get back to New York?" Armie asked.

"Saturday" I sigh. "I don't know what to do, she's the only girl that I've ever felt this strongly about and-"

Liz cuts me off. "Timmy look at me" she speaks, causing me to raise my eyes to meet with hers. "You need to cut all ties with Lily...like now. Because that's the only way your going to be able to make things work with Adeline"

"Liz is right again. Lily is on a mission to ruin adothée" Armie states, taking another sip of his beer.

Elizabeth and I both glare at him. "Adothée?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes that's your ship name" Armie responds as if it was common knowledge.

"Anyways" Liz rolls her eyes. "When Adeline gets back to the city, take her on a nice date and tell her that all ties to Lily are cut and she isn't going to be an issue anymore" she continues to sort out a plan for me.

I nod mentally taking notes. "How do I cut Lily off?"

"I can get a gun" Armie remarks under his breath, earning a glare and a push from Elizabeth.

"Text her and tell her that it's been over and she needs to back off. Wait for a response and if she fights, block her. On everything" Liz continues to instruct me.

"You better win her back by New Years or else we're staying with her" Armie sasses me.

"Yea in her dorm that's smaller than your bathroom?" I sarcastically retort.

"We can fit" he shrugs.


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