《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 26



The day went by in a blur as the Omega celebrated his new position with his grandparents as Jennie was at work.

However, the moment she knocked off, she didn't hesitate as she went to congratulate the male the way she knew best.


It was currently half 8 in the evening when the Omega received a call from Jungkook.

At first, the Omega was confused as he didn't know the number. Jungkook normally called him with his work number than his personal number.

"Hi Taehyung", the Omega's breath hitched hearing the voice of a man he was falling for. "Good evening Mr. Jeon". "Please come outside, I'm waiting for you".

Taehyung felt nervous, but he was quick to go look outside to see if there was a car that was parked outside and he indeed saw the car his boss drove.

"Uhmm, I'm coming", the Omega said. As much as he wanted to say 'No' to Jungkook, he couldn't. The male drove all the way to see him after all.


The Omega who was wearing a bum short pants and a plain T-shirt decided to wear a big jacket that ended on his knees and he wore socks and boots.

He didn't think the meet-up will take a lot of time and he didn't want to dirty his long pants since his grandmother did laundry that day.

He made his way to Jungkook's car, the alpha was quick to get out of his car and opened the car door for him.

The Omega looked at him confused but the alpha just gestures for him to get inside as it was cold outside. The Omega decided to get inside and hear what the man had to say.

Once the Omega was settled, the alpha went to his seat and settled down. "Hi", Taehyung said making Jungkook smile.


"Hi", the alpha said looking at the Omega yet Taehyung was too shy to face him.

"You did well today, I'm proud of you", Jungkook said. Taehyung bit his lips, he wanted to look at the alpha but he wasn't sure he can control himself around him.

Truth be told, he missed the alpha in these past three weeks. And the fact that Jungkook didn't even contact him made him sad, extremely sad.

"Thank You. Was that all you came to say?". "Are you trying to tell me to leave?".

The omega suddenly felt guilty, "No, that is not what I meant. I'm just curious if it is the only thing that brought you here".

"Are you saying I'm not allowed to come to see you if I don't have a reason?". The omegas eyes moved to the alpha confused.

His heart started to beat slightly faster, "Don't look at me like that Tae, don't think I'm letting go that easily".

"You didn't call me". "Where you going to answer an international call that you don't know?".

The Omega sighed, Jungkook pushed his seat back a little to allow himself to fully stretch his legs.

His hand moved to Taehyung's hand, "Come sit on my lap". It was not a question but rather a demand which made Taehyung's spine crawl with a shiver and his stomach twist.

"We don't have all night Taehyung unless you planning on going home with me, and answering my questions" .

The Omega was quick to move, only to groan as his jacket was tight, preventing him from sitting in the alpha's lap.

While Taehyung was pulling the long jacket up, Jungkook unzipped the jacket and Taehyung finally settled on the alpha.

What he missed was the alpha's reaction. Taehyung was wearing a silk bum short sleepwear with a white T-shirt that was not too long to cover his thighs.


The T-shirt stopped above the beginning of the bum cheeks of the Omega.

"You know it's not fair of you to come out dressed like this?". Jungkook was having a hard time because of the sinful nature in front of him.

Taehyung was confused, but slowly looked down and that is when it dawned on him. He was wearing the silk bum shorts.

The Omega tried to hide it with his jacket but the alpha held his hand. "Don't, it's too late now".

"I didn't...", he never finished as Jungkook's left hand moved to the Omega's thighs rubbing them softly and his right arm under his T-shirt caressing it smoothly.

"Uhm, I didn't want to keep you waiting...Mmmm", his words are not being completed as Jungkook breathes on his neck making him shiver.

"I want to take you home with me Kim Taehyung. I want to ruin you so bad that you can't walk properly tomorrow. But overall, I want to make you feel the best pleasure in the world while ruining you".

If it wasn't for work tomorrow, the Omega would have allowed Jungkook to runi him that night. "Alpha", the Omega moaned after hearing Jungkook's words. He was starting to get aroused.

That was all it took for Jungkook to kiss the Omega like a hungry lion. The kiss started slowly but escalated very fast with the two males groaning and moaning.

The car was even foggy, if you didn't know you will think they were having sex. "Let's go out on dinner tomorrow", the alphas said after removing his lips from the Omega.

"Then after dinner, maybe go to my place if you can". The Omega couldn't even say 'No', he decided he will go with the flow instead of stressing himself about the possibility of Jungkook playing with him.

"Okay, you want us to leave from the office?". The Omega said looking down, still not facing Jungkook.

"No, I will fetch you here at home, carry a small bag for sleep over clothes and toiletries because you will only be coming back on Monday after work okay?".

Taehyung face was red but he nodded his head. He was blushing hard. Jungkook held his chin as he looked him in the eyes, "Do you still have wet dreams about me?".

"Jungkook", the Omega said hitting the alpha's chest embarrassed and the alpha chuckled as he held the omega's waist enjoying the moment.

"Your so cute when you're embarrassed, don't be embarrassed, I have wet dreams about you too every night". Taehyung's eyes became wide but his heart beat increased because he was happy that he was not the only one feeling in that type of way.

What the two males didn't know where the fact that there were three people watching them. Two were very happy yet scared and one was fuming with anger.


After such a difficulty, I managed to update. Until next time ✌️

Check out my drafts 🙈, I will probably change the names though

I have soo many drafts, I think 15 to be exact🤦‍♀️... Don't steal my ideas 😑🙄

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