《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 27



The two males spent around 2 hours in Jungkook's car as they made out and just talked about general things until Taehyung decided that it was late, and he needed to go back into the house.

The two males walked out of the car, standing next to each other. Jungkook moved closer to the Omega and started closing the Omega jacket by zipping it.

"I will see you tomorrow then?", the alpha asked leaning on the car door and holding onto the Omega's waist.

"Yes, tomorrow. Now let me go, my legs are freezing". Jungkook pulled him closer before the Omega can leave and hugged him.

Once he pulled away from the hug, he attached their lips making Taehyung moan into the kiss.

The kiss didn't take long as they pulled away. "Don't forget to dream about me", the alpha pecked his lips again.

The Omega blushed, "don't forget to dream about me too". Taehyung said with great difficulty as his hands were on his cheeks because he was embarrassed.

"Goodnight pup, go inside". "Please let me know when you get home", the Omega said. "I will pup, go in".

The Omega moved toward Jungkook and gave him a deep kiss until he pulled away and ran to his house, leaving Jungkook smiling like a fool.

On the other hand, a male was taking pictures and videos. "A slut indeed, he thinks I will allow him to be happy, never. No one is allowed to be with him, he must always be stuck loving me".


The next day Jungkook arrived at work to hear rumors about him and Taehyung. However, his confusion was quickly addressed as Jimin showed him the reason why there were rumors and it was a video of him and Taehyung last night.

He immediately sighed, regretting his decision of going to see the Omega last night.


He immediately made his way to the elevator knowing well that Taehyung was already making his way to the office.

You wonder how he knew, the two males were communicating via text since their passionate night in the car.

When the Omega arrived at the company, he saw people giving him weird looks. He just ignored it, Jennie was also not aware of what was happening.

"I have a meeting in 10 minutes, have a lovely day my sugar plum", Jennie said kissing the Omega's cheeks and she rushed towards her section.

"I heard that you opened your legs to Mr. Jeon for a position", Jin said leaning closing to the Omega, making sure everyone heard him as he smirked.

Taehyung sighed, he honestly can't get a break in this company. "What you want Mr. Kim?".

He was tired, his colleagues were surprised he didn't lash out at all. "You are not worried about the rumors of you sleeping with your boss?".

"Will anyone care about what I have to say?". "No". "Then what is the point of saying anything. Have a lovely day and please focus on yourself and your baby".

The omega said about to turn on his heels making his way to the stairs but stopped when the elevator opened and Jungkook was there looking at him.

"Are you getting in?", there were so many emotions written all over the alpha's face. It was also clear that he was nervous and angry. On top of that, he looked like he ran.

The omega nodded his head as he decided to join Jungkook and the other colleagues including Jin joined too.

"Mr. Jeon, have you been seeing videos of you and Taehyung circulating. I'm sure the news it's on the front cover of all the newspapers and magazines now".


"You worry too much about other people's life, maybe try to fix whatever that is left of your relationship and leave my personal life out of it".

The other employees were kind of surprised Jungkook didn't deny it. However, how can he deny when their faces were showing properly.

Since Jungkook's comment, Jin kept quiet until he reached his floor. Once Taehyung and Jungkook reached their floor, Jungkook walked out first followed by the Omega.

"Morning Mr. Kim and Mr. Kim", the Omega said to the Kim couple. They greeted him with a smile.

"Taehyung, my office please. Namjoon, please come after he leaves my office, it won't take long".

"Okay, Kook". The Omega greeted the paralegals and placed his stuff on his desk as he made his way to the alpha's office.

The moment he entered Jungkook's office, the alpha engulfed him in a bone-crushing hug. "Are you okay pup?".

"I'm okay, what happened?". Jungkook pulled out his phone showing the Omega headlines and Taehyung's eyes widen.

"Who did this?", the Omega asked confused. "I'm in the public eye Taehyung, It could have been paparazzi. It was my mistake to come out of the car".

The Omega sighed, Jungkook knew who it was. However, he was not going to tell Taehyung, it was already clear that the Omega was being stalked.

He will just make sure the Omega has bodyguards that he is not aware of. He didn't want to alarm him.

"Don't get worked out about it, I'm fine. Plus everyone will see the presentation today and they will see how good I have performed", the Omega said trying to calm his alpha.

"Okay pup, let me know if anyone gives you issues okay?". The Omega nodded his head, he pecked Jungkook's lips and immediately ran away making Jungkook sigh.


The hour for the intern's presentations to be shown to the rest of the employees and everyone gathered.

When the presentation started everyone still had that ideology that Taehyung seduced Jungkook for a position.

However, when the presentations ended everyone was impressed by the Omega. This made a certain someone bitter.

It was like everything was going well with Kim Taehyung and he hated it for some weird reason, or maybe because his life was miserable.


"Jin, how many times did I tell you that I am not the one who leaked the videos of those two?".

"If it's not you then who? Don't tell me you still hung up on that bit*. I am pregnant with your child and you're busy stalking that damn Omega?".

"How sure are you that it is my child, we all know you are the hoe busy sleeping around like bitc* in heat".

That made Jin's eyes widen, "Oh wow Hoseok. I guess I don't satisfy you enough, now you miss your chicken".

"Well that chicken was at least loyal unlike you", and the alpha left the office.

The alpha found out that Hoseok was sleeping with one of the interns during his pregnancy and someone else before he got pregnant.

Now he is doubting that the baby Jin was carrying was his, he was now regretting all the decisions he made starting with leaving Taehyung.

Taehyung was happy, happy with Jungkook and him well, his life was miserable.

Seasons change indeed,


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