《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Fireworks


You sit in the car and almost ate the whole box of pizza . "How many girlfriends?" you asked Joji again. "That doesn't matter!" whined Joji as he is about to grab a pizza but you stop him, "If it doesn't matter than you can tell me." you said with a serious voice. "Fine... only two..." whispered Joji. You let go of his hand, "So... You are not a virgin..." you joke. Joji almost chokes on his pizza, "We are not going into details like that!" Joji managed to scream. You laugh and help Joji not choke.

"So... What time is it?" you asked. Joji checks his phone. "It's only 8... But some friends invited us to go explode some things... So pull out and turn left." ordered Joji. "Wait what?!" you asked. "We are just going to have fun with some fireworks." explained Joji. "I better not die tonight." you pull out the car and follow Joji's directions.

You pull up to see so many people, "They are going to be in the store. So just follow me." ordered Joji as he took your hand. You see a group of three boys, "What's up, Joji!"they shouted as you guys got closer. Joji shakes each of their hands, "This is Sam." Joji pointed at a guy with brown hair and green shirt. "This is Jake." Joji pointed at a guy with black hair in a pink shirt. "This is Bob." Joji pointed to a guy with blond hair and blue shirt. "Hey." you smile. Each of them wave hello to you. "So... You like Fireworks?" asked Bob. "Not really..." you whisper. "Than... After this, you will love them!" shouted Jake. You laugh and follow the guys through the group of people.


"Where are we going?" you asked Sam. "We are going up to a hill. No one goes up there anymore. So that will be a great place." explained Sam. You nod your head. You guys finally make it to the top of the hill. "This is going to be a blast!" shouted Bob as he took out a few firework sticks. "Here." smiled Sam as he hands you one. You take it and slowly look at it. "God... This wouldn't burn me... Will they?" you asked Sam. "Do you know, to not touch fire?" asked Sam. You nod your head yes. "Than you won't get burn." smiled Sam.

You put the stick down and get out your camera and point it to yourself, "So... We are going to do Fireworks today... Hopefully... I don't die." you laugh as you set the camera down so everyone is in the frame. Sam comes over and lights your stick, "Just don't mess around." ordered Sam as he light up everyone's stick. Joji comes over to you. "It gets worst..." he whispered. "How?" you asked. The stick shaking in your hand. "We light some of them on the floor and watch them jump everywhere." explained Joji. You nod your head. The stick is about to finish and Joji helps you pull it out. "Now! For the Parade!" shouted Bob as he put many firework sticks on the ground. But this ones look different. "Back away..." whispered Sam.

You take a few steps back, Joji pulls you down to the ground. "Sit down." smiled Joji. You see the flames of fire jump everywhere. You try to run away but Joji holds on to you. "It's going to be okay." smiled Joji. You lay your head on his chest, "I better not die." you laugh. The firework stick clam down. Jake walks up to it, "That was an amazing firework stick." laughed Jake. Joji helps you up, "Please don't tell me you use to do this." you laugh. Everyone keeps quiet, "We actually did... So many times." laughed Joji as he high five Sam, Jake and Bob. You laugh.


"He must of had such an amazing childhood..." you think to yourself. "The camera!" you shouted and walked around to look for it. You finally found it.

"So.... You just saw the most craziest part of Joji." you laugh. You point the camera toward Joji and the guy, "Anything you guys want to say?" you asked. They just smiled towards the camera and waved, "Not really." whispered Bob. You put the camera down, "You guys aren't use to the camera?" you asked. "Actually... We are use to the camera. Joji always carried one around and filmed for his blogs." explained Jake as he grabbed some trash from the ground. "Why did you stop doing blogs?" you asked Joji. "They weren't relevant no more... They also took up too much of my time..." explained Joji as he helped Jake pick up some trash. You roll your eyes and put the camera away.

All of a sudden you see a police car pull up, "Oh... Crap!" shouted Jake as he started to run away. You put on your backpack and look at Joji, "What's wrong?" you asked Joji. Joji starts to run towards you, "Run!" shouted Joji as he took your hand. You get dragged along until you finally feel like you can run right. "What happened?!" you shouted as two police man are chasing after you and Joji. "The police!" shouted Sam right behind you. "They just don't like us using fireworks." explained Joji. Your eyes widen, "Than why did we?" you asked. Joji laughs and drags you behind an alley. Sam is right behind you guys.

The police runs right past you, "Joji! Explain!" you shouted. Joji laughs, "What do you feel right now?" asked Joji. You shake your head and look at Sam. "What do you feel right now?" asked Sam. You look back at Joji, "My heart... I feel my heart beating in my chest." you laughed. Joji puts his hand on your shoulder, "That is the way... You should feel your whole life." smiled Joji.

You walk back to the car, "Do you need a ride?" asked Joji. "No thanks." smiled Sam as he looked at the sky. "Thanks for an amazing time." you smiled at Sam. "Thanks for making Joji happy." smiled Sam as he walked away. You get in the car. "Home?" you asked. "Nah... Tower." smiled Joji. "Turn right after you pull out." ordered Joji.

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