《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Tokyo Tower


You park in front of a group of people walking all over the place, "Just follow me." smiled Joji as he got out of the car. You follow him out. You take his hand, "What time is it?" you asked. "10... We still have an hour so hurry." ordered Joji as he started to walk and pull you along.

You walk up the steps of the tower quickly. "You are so slow." joked Joji. "Ha-ha..." you mock. "Want to take the elevator?" asked Joji. "There is an elevator?" you look around. Joji pulls you along towards the elevator. You smile and you take a break from walking. You get out of the elevator to finally see every place in Japan, "It's so beautiful..." you whisper, this time you pull Joji out of the elevator.

You stand at the edge and than regret it quickly, "Oh my!" you shout pulling back. Joji laughs as he looks down. "You know... When I was so stressed... Coming up here and just standing... Helped me calm down..." added Joji as he looked beyond. You get close to Joji, "Why make the videos... If they stress you out?" you asked. "I don't know..." whispered Joji as he brushed some hair out of his face. "Do you enjoy... Making the videos?" you asked. Joji sighs, "Honestly.... Not really..." asked Joji. "Than why keep making them if you don't enjoy it?" you asked. "Because the world is a ball of poop... (Y/N) sooner or later you will find that out..." explained Joji. You laugh, "I have found out..." you whispered.

"How?" asked Joji. "Many people... They... Would treat me like a piece of poop." you smile. "Why are you smiling?" asked Joji. "Because... Even if the world is a ball of poop... You have to keep going..." you explained. Joji nodded his head. "(Y/N)... You make me see the world... From another different view..." laughed Joji as he rubbed the back of his neck. "What can I say.... There was a guy named Joji who gave me hope in society." you laughed as you lean close to Joji.


Your ear starts to hear a loud beating. "You okay?" you asked Joji. You lean back up to see Joji with red eyes and tears, "I... am..." but before Joji could finish he falls to the floor, "Joji!" you shout as you fall to your knees and look around for help, "Help!" you shout but no one understands you. You can hear Japanese words run from everywhere. "Joji!" you shout but all you can see is Joji jumping up and down. "Move!" you shout to everyone. You push people away.

You go back to Joji and roll him to his right side and keep him there. "Joji... Please...Calm down..." you whisper with tears in your eyes. Joji starts to get his breathing together, "I am not... Okay..." choked Joji. You smile, "No crap..." you whisper. Pushing some tears away. "No... Like... My whole life... It's." but before Joji could finish some police men came over and started to ask to many questions at once in Japanese. You freak out and pull away while they did their job.

The police men help Joji onto a bed. One of them manage to tell to you, "Please, follow." they ordered as they pushed Joji to the elevator. You follow behind very fast. "Please... Please Joji... Calm down..." you whisper.

You get onto a ambulance and take out Joji's phone from his pocket and call his mother, "Yes, Lily... Joji got a seizure. We are being taken to the hospital." you informed Lily. You hang up and put the phone in your backpack. You take Joji's hand, "You okay there buddy?" you asked. "Oh, so now I am buddy?" Joji managed to laugh. You lean back and laugh with him. "You are buddy right now because you scared the poop out of me." you winked at him. Joji laughed and closed his eyes.


You follow the people into the hospital and get taken to a small room. "God..." you whisper as you sit down. They carry Joji to his hospital bed. "He will be okay." smiled one of the nurses. "Thanks." you smile as you take out Joji's phone and call Lily. "Lily? Yeah... They just confirmed that he will be okay." you smile. Lily thanks you and hangs up.

You sit in the room til Joji wakes up again, "Wow." you say getting up and pushing him down slowly, "Don't get up so fast." you ordered. "But... I am okay." groaned Joji. "Stop lying." you rolled your eyes. "Fine.." whispered Joji as he laid back down. "What did they do?" asked Joji. "Not much.." you whisper holding Joji's hand. Joji smiled, "Good..." he whispered. "How were you stressed...?" you whispered. "My videos... I haven't uploaded in awhile..." explained Joji as he covered his eyes with one hand. You mess around with his hand, "Joji... I don't... Stress you out...Right?" you asked.

Joji sits up straight, "No! Not at... Ow!" shouted Joji as he was about to finish. You push him back down slowly, "I said to stay down." you repeated. "No, you said to not get up fast." mocked Joji. "Yet you got up fast still." you smirk. Joji rolls his eyes, "What I meant back there... I feel like my life is..." but before Joji can finish Ian storms into the room.

"Everything just needs to be about you!" he laughed as he got close to Joji. "You okay?" asked Ian. Joji smiled and nodded yes. Lily comes in next, "You had me worried!" she shouted as she hugged him. She mouthed "Thanks" and you mouth back, "No problem." Max is the next one, "Need a fresh pair of pants?" asked Max. You get a confused look and Ian answers it quickly, "Sometimes accidents happen when you get scared." explained Ian. Joji punches him, "We said we would keep this a secret..." hissed Joji. Ian laughed, "Sorry..." he whispered. "But no..." whispered Joji. Max puts the pair of pants back into his backpack.

The nurse comes back in, "We would like it if only one person stayed with him over the night." she explained. Everyone looks at you, "Ian and me need to finish a video." explained Max. "You need to finish your date." smiled Lily. You laugh, "Thanks mom." smiled Joji as he rolled his eyes. Ian and Max head out, but Lily stays and whispers something to Joji and walks back to the door, "Love you Joji." she smiled and went out of the room.

"Sorry about ruining the date..."whispered Joji as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Nah... It's not your fault." you smile. "So... Ever played the board games in a hospital." smiled Joji. "Bring it on." you get an evil smile.

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