《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Cure


The next day, You wake up to see Max, Ian and Joji in the kitchen drinking coffee. "Hey!" smiled Ian. You wave hello, "Today... I am going back to Australia." smiled Max. You frown, "That's bad... I get to see you and then you leave." you whine. Max laughs, he hugs you and steps back. You hear a car honk and see a taxi. "My stuff are all being sent to Australia... So don't worry Joji." informed Max as he opened the door and left.

"Where are you going?" asked Ian as you walk upstairs. "I have to help find a cure..." you whisper. Joji shows you a letter, "They sent this to you... You are invited to VidCon." smiled Joji. "When is it?" you asked sitting down on the steps. "In two weeks..." whispered Joji. You smile, "That's enough time." you smile standing up. "Really?" asked Ian. "Yup." you smile.

You enter your room and sit down on the bed looking at the letter, "Congratulations (Y/N) You are invited to go to VidCon this year!" you read over and over again. "I have two weeks.... I can do this..." you whisper to yourself as you go into your closet.

You go down and bring some folders with you, "Don't make a mess." you laugh. Ian smiles and waves good- bye. Joji hugs you tight, "Don't stress out too much..." whispered Joji. You laugh, "Look who is talking... What happened to your mother?" you asked. Joji shakes his head, "We can talk about that later." Joji pushes you out of the house, "Have a good day today in school!" laughed Joji. You stick out your tongue out at him and walked to the car.


You arrive at the hospital to see Dr.Howell, "Hello!" shouts Dr. Howell. You wave hello and move closer to her. "The kid's name is Jacob. Work with him and see if you can fix his Cancer." smiled Dr.Howell. You guys walk into the hospital and see a 15 year old boy sitting in your office.

"Is your name... Jacob?" you asked. He shakes his head yes. "How long with Cancer?" you asked. "5 months..." whispered the boy. "This will be easy..." you thought. "Did they take some blood when coming in?" you asked. The boy shakes his head yes. You sit down, "Nervous?" you smiled. "This is my third time... being tested on... I am sacred that it won't work..." whispered Jacob. "With me... It isn't tested on... It's being cured." you smiled. You check the blood test to see that it is going to be easy. You smile, "Let's go to the room where I can give you a shot." you smiled taking the 15 year old boys hand and pulling him along side you.

You sit him in a chair and throw medicine around and created a new medicine. "I will give you a little pinch." you smile. Jacob looks at your weird. You shoot him with the shot. Jacob jumps up. "Did it hurt?" you asked. "No, just surprised..." whispered Jacob. "This will only help with the hair and take some bad cells out. You need to come back tomorrow and the day after that. For me to look into this whole thing." you inform him. "Don't lie...Just tell me... That I am going to die and I am a waste of time..." whispered Jacob with tears coming out. You pat him on the back, "Have you seen FilthyFrank?" you asked. Jacob stops crying, "Of course!" shouted Jacob. "Just come to my office.." you whisper.


You call Joji. "Can you pretend to be FilthyFrank for a few minutes?" you asked Joji. You wait in your office with Jacob. "What video do you like?" you asked. "All of them... He did a blog... But... I haven't watched any new videos because of being to busy..." whispered Jacob. You nod. Joji comes in with a ukulele, "Hello motherfuckers." he smiled dumbfounded. Jacob jumps up, "What the hell?!" shouted Jacob. You stand up, "Let's watch some videos." you smiled taking your laptop from Ian and setting it next to Jacob. "My friend Frank will sit with you watching his videos while me and my friend Ian walk around." you smiled. Jacob nods while smiling. Joji sits next to him watching the videos. You take Ian out of the room.

"How did it go?" asked Ian. "Honestly... It will be easy to cure him... Just need him to clam down and be like any other kid..." you explain. "No other kid would hang out with Joji." laughed Ian. "Trust me... If he could... He would of had run away." you laugh. You guys sit outside your office.

Joji's point of View-- "This kid was great..." I thought to myself. "Anyway... Why blog out of nowhere?" asked Jacob. "My friend... Dr.(Y/L) wanted to make a video on her channel." I explained. "Show me..." whispered Jacob. I smile and type in a video and show Jacob. "She is good..." whispered Jacob. I smiled. "Zombie .Vs. Plants?" asked Jacob. "You haven't played?" I asked. "Nope..." whispered Jacob. I stand up, "Well... Now you are." I smiled helping Jacob up and walking out the room.

Your point of View-- "You guys are done?" you asked. "We are going to go play video games." said Joji all serious. "His mother would never let him." You explained. "Jacob... Are you all done?" asked Jacob's mother. "Mom! May I hang out with my doctor and her Friends?" asked Jacob all innocent. She looks at you, "I trust you with my baby boy." smiled Jacob's mom. "It's settle!" shouted Joji as him and Jacob run out the building. Ian and you walk slowly behind, "This is going to be a long day..." whispered Ian. You laugh, "No kidding..."

You guys finally arrive at the car, "To the arcade please." ordered Joji. You laugh, "Whatever the king wants." you smile as you pull out and head towards the mall. "This is going to be a fun day!" shouted Joji. Jacob follows Joji's lead and shouts. You and Ian look at each other and laugh.

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