《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Colorado


You arrive to Colorado, Denver. You walk towards two women holding a sign with your name on it, "Hello, (Y/N)?" they smile and you just walk pass them. They follow you, "Sorry... But we aren't going to your house first. We are going to the hospital first." one of them example. You frown but let them take you. "God... I never thought I would miss Calvin, Joji, Ian and Max this much..." you thought to yourself.

They take you in front of a building. "Please... Follow." smiled one of them. You follow her to Dr. Howell's office, "Hello (Y/N)." she holds out her hand for you to shake but you ignore it and sit. She takes back her hand and rubs it on her coat. "What do you want from me?" you asked leaning back. "I see you aren't that nice and sweet girl no more." frowned Dr. Howell. "You rejected my studies. You told me I wasn't good enough for the doctor career! What do you want from me? A girl who still looked up to you with sweet and nice eyes?!" you shouted. Dr. Howell looks down at her hands. "I thought so... Now what do you want to know?" you asked. "The studies... We got a kid with Cancer that would like to test out your experiment..." explained Dr. Howell. "Is he over 13?" you asked. She shakes her head. "Where is he?" you asked. Dr. Howell gets up, when her phones starts to ring.

"Hello?" answered Dr.Howell. "Joji? I don't know him..." whispered Dr.Howell. You stood up and took the phone, "This is a call for me..."You explain. "Can you put this Joji on the phone?" you asked. you soon hear Joji voice, "Where the hell are you?" asked Joji. "In a better place." you say hanging up. "Can we start this tomorrow?" you asked. Dr.Howell shook her head yes. "Do you have a back door?" you asked. "Your car is in area 5. The back door can be found on floor 2. Just go down a few stairs." explained Dr. Howell.


You get to floor 2 and see both Calvin and Joji running pass you. You stay in the corner waiting for Max and Ian to pass. The door is right in front of you. You breathe in and run for the doors. You push the doors but they come back and hit you in the head, "Stupid pull doors.." you whisper and you get up and pull the door quickly and run down stairs. When you get out you takes out the car keys and it describe the cars, 'BMW: Black'. You walk a few blocks to finally get to the car. You get in and see Ian and Max running around the outside of the building, "How did they even get in..." you whisper as you pull out and away. The GPS turns on and directs you to your new house.

You pull up to a house, "I ask for an apartment though..." you whisper. You walk up the front steps and see a note, "We know you asked for an apartment but you deserve a house." it was signed by Dr.Howell. You unlock the door and walk in. Everything is in place so you don't have to unpack. All you have to unpack is you clothes and the cameras with computers. You walk up dragging the box first then the clothes box.

You unpack and turn on the camera, "Hey, Owls! As you can see my background isn't the same no more! It is because I moved! Hopefully some of you are here and we can meet. But... I was accepted into becoming a doctor... Right now... I am helping more Doctors to cure Diabetes and Cancer." you explain. You sigh, "Due to this...Change... My videos might not always be up... But! We finally got the community up to 900,000!" you shout spinning in your chair. "I have read some comments saying about how... I don't have twitter or Facebook. I soon will!" you say with a huge smile. "Right now... I just.... I don't know where this whole thing is going to go.." you say with a frown looking at your hands, "I know some of you will unsub... I have to be honest... I would too if I were you... But those who will not... and have faith in me... Thank you..." you smile. "But before I get all emotional... I will see you soon Owls." you smile as you turn off the camera and take out the memory card. You edit and upload it.


You go down to see that it is raining. "This is such a sad day that even the sky is crying..." you laugh to yourself. You walk to the kitchen and make yourself some coffee. "This is so sad... If I was still in New York... I would only have to walk to the cafe.... Buy coffee and cookies..." you whisper when you hear a knock on the door. You walk over to the door and slowly open it.

You find Joji all wet from head to toe. "Are you okay?" you asked worried as you run to go get a towel but Joji grabs your arm and pulls you into a hug, "God... You had everyone worried!" cried Joji as he hugged you tight. Your eyes get wide. You see Ian and Max in the rain standing behind Joji. "Why are you guys here?!" you cry into Joji's shoulder. "Because... Without you... We won't be a family.." smiled Joji.

Joji's point of View-- I got that stupid Dr.Howell to tell me where (Y/N) lives. I can't drive and Ian or Max don't have a car so it was difficult. Also that stupid Calvin guy was getting in the way with all this, "Where could she be?" I was just running after Dr.Howell told us where my princess was. I couldn't live without her. I don't know how I feel when I can't see her smile. Not seeing her... Will be the end of.... Me....

Your point of View-- You invite Ian, Max and Joji in. You give them towels, "We have you now... Let's go back to New York.." whispered Max. "It is not that easy..." you whisper. "What do you mean?" asked Ian. "I am working... With the people... To cure Cancer... and Diabetes..." you explain. The boys nod. "I will stay... Max... Ian... You need to get back to Australia." explained Joji. Max smiled, "My parents need to see me too..." whispered Max. Ian shook his head, "I am not going until I know that this girl doesn't try anything to get rid of you." laughed Ian. You punch Ian. "Damn that hurts." laughed Ian.

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