《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Mom


It's the day that finally Joji's mother will come to New York. You walk to your closet when your phone starts ringing. You pick it up to read, "My mother will come around the time of 2:00. So don't worry." you laugh. You were really worried. You have never had anyone to hang out with expect Joji. You check the time to see that it is only 10. You walk back to your computer when you get an email. You check it and it reads.

"(Y/N) We have a job for you to work in Colorado. Please call us to this phone number."

You close the laptop and stand up, "No!" you shout. You stomp out of your room and into the kitchen. "Till now!" you shout.

Soon there is a knock on the door, "You okay?" asked Ian when you open the door. You shake it off, "Yeah... What's up?" you asked. "Where is Joji?" asked Ian. You look at the clock to read 11. "Well... I know that around 2 he should be at the airport because of his mother." you explain. Ian freaks out, "His mom is coming!! Max get the bags! Let's go to the park!" shouted Ian as he waved good bye and ran to the stairs. You close the door slowly and grab your phone.

You text a message to Joji, "Ian and Max were here for you." you send it and make yourself some breakfast. You than get a text from Joji, "I know... Don't worry." you put the phone down. "Today is not a great day..." you whispered to yourself. You get up and walk back to your room. You open your laptop to see five more emails.

Your read--

"We know we have taken too long to respond we are sorry but we have read your study and we think you might be getting somewhere."

"Please call the number we will explain more."

"You could cure both diabetes and cancer."

"Please call now."

"Please call now."

You slam the laptop and call the number, "What do you guys want?" you asked with anger in your voice. "(Y/N) please calm down. We would like to give you a chance to come... and cure some people..." explained the women. "I have no interest." you whisper. "You can cure people..." whispered the women. "You guys could of have cured many people years ago if you didn't reject me." you hiss. "We are sorry!" shouted the women. "If you guys gave me a chance this won't of had brought down my self esteem." You frown. "We are giving you a chance. Please accept we will let you think about it..." the women hanged up on you.


You sigh and see on your phone that it's 12. "I don't want to see anyone today..." you whisper. You walk to your closet to change your clothes.

You go back to see that is it 1. You sit on the couch when you hear a knock. Ian walks in with Max and they both fall to the floor. "What the hell happened?" you laughed. "Joji's... Mother..." whispered Ian. You help both of them up, "Isn't she coming at 2?" you asked. "To hang out with you. But she arrived this morning to catch up with Joji. He is so stressed trying to not be stressed and get a seizure." laughed Max. You smile, "So... why did you fall to the floor?" you asked. "She had me and Max get her everything and hold everything while she talked with Joji. Whenever Joji tried to help us... She would yell at him." explained Ian. "That's..." but before you could finish Joji and his mother walk in.

"Hey, (Y/N) My mother couldn't wait till 2... So she just wants to hang out with you.... Now..." explained Joji. You smile and see that she is standing behind Joji. You walk up to her with a firm grip, "Hey, my name is (Y/N) it's nice to meet you." you smile. "My name is Lily." She smiled. Joji looks at both of you. "Mom... Are you... Are you going to be nice?" asked Joji. Lily punches Joji's shoulder, "Did you see her handshake? That is what you call someone professional." smiled Lily. "Well.. I did come out of Harvard." you smiled Proudly. "You are full of surprises aren't ya?" laughed Lily. You laugh, "Actually... I do have a lot..." you whisper. Your phone rings, "I must pick this up... Be right back." you walk away and answer the phone.

"(Y/N) Please... You must come and help us." begged the same women. "I can't... That was way in the past... I don't remember nothing." you tried to come up with an excuse. "Stop lying and make your way to Colorado!" shouted the women. You hang up the phone and turn around to see Lily, "Who was that?" she asked. "Some... People from the past." you whisper. "It's okay... Well... I am hungry... You know where to go eat?" asked Lily. You smile and grab her by the hand. "Yes!" you smile and drag Lily out of the room, "Shall we?" you asked. "We shall..." smiled Lily. You go out to see that Ian, Max and Joji are already gone.


Lily pushes your hand away and looks at you with a mad face, "So! What do you want with my son?!" she shouted to your face. You fall to the floor, "Nothing..." you whisper. "I know who those people were are the phone. People who want you to go work and cure Cancer and diabetes! honestly you won't because Joji is here!" shouted Lily. You frown, because that was part of the truth but also not. "Please..." you beg as you get up and Lily pushes you back down, "GO! Go to the place they are begging you to go and leave MY Joji alone!" shouted Lily as she walked out and left you on the floor.

You stand up and look around. You take out your phone, "I like to get a free ticket and an apartment..." you whisper. You hear many people cheering. You hang up and walk to your room and get ready to pack.

Funny.... How only one person can change your mind.

You are duck taping a box filled with your computer and camera. "Maybe the YouTube thing was a joke." you whisper. You than get out your clothes and pack them up as well. You soon hear a knock at the door. You check the peep hole to see two men. "May I help you?" you asked as you opened the door. "(Y/N)?" one of them asked. You nod your head, "Here..." one of them hand you the tickets. "We understand you might need help moving some furniture as well." one explained. You let them inside and they grab the boxes and furniture that you want to transfer to Colorado. They have everything already out the door and all you have is backpack filled with books, papers, and money. You smile to yourself, "This was the right thing to do..." you whisper.

You walk to Joji's door and leave a note, "I am so sorry..." you whisper. You walk to the stairs. "So many memories but this is the right thing to do..." you whisper. You get a message from Joji. "What the heck? You left my mother all by herself. Now I really want those pictures back." you read. You laugh next, "To bad Lover boy... I am already leaving.." you whisper. Tears are running down your cheeks.

You are out of the building when you see Ian, Max and Joji walking down your way with Joji's mother crying. "Hey! (Y/N) what the heck?!" shouted Max. You wave good bye and blow a kiss to Joji. You hop into the car they left you, to drive to the airport. "Hey! Hey! Where are you going?!" shouted Joji as he ran to the window of the car.

You turn it on but Ian gets in the front and Max in the back. Joji is slapping the car down. You roll it down a few centimeters, "What?!" you shout. "Where are you going?" asked Joji. "Where I should of had been!" you shout as you start to drive the car without caring about Ian. Of course he gets out of the way. You see that they are still looking at you with Joji's mother smiling.

Joji's point of View-- "Did.. Did she just slip out of my hands..." I thought to myself. My mother grabbed my arm and dragged me inside. When I get to my doors that's when I read,

"They called me to go to Colorado... I didn't want to go but... Your mother can really change someone's mind. Thank you Lily. I will always love you Joji but maybe it wasn't meant to be. -Love (Y/N).

I drop the note and run pass my mother, "Where are you going Joji?!" shouted my mother. "Just go back home! You have done enough!" I shout running down the stairs.

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