《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Lunch


You walk into Joji's apartment without knocking. "What?! No knocking?!" laughed Joji.

"You never knock to come into my apartment so... No!" you shout.

Joji laughs, "It will be ready in 15 minutes..." informed Joji.

You sit on his couch and look around. That's when you see a series of pictures of Ian, Max and Joji as little kids. You get an evil smile and walk towards them. 

You pick one and look at it for awhile, "He is so.... Adorable..." you whisper to yourself. Joji throws a dishtowel at you. "Ew! What the heck Joji?!" you shout as you push the towel away. "Stop looking at them! They make me cringe!" ordered Joji. You laugh, "God... how can something so adorable turn into filth." you laugh. That's when Joji throws another towel. "Ew! okay, no. Stop." you laugh. "You were asking for it..." muttered Joji. 

You look at the pictures for one more time, "How can something so beautiful be so... Wrong..." you whisper. Joji comes out, "It's done. You can stop stalking my pictures." laughed Joji. "I won't deny that..." you whisper as you walk to the sink to wash your hands. 

"It... Smells so good..." you whisper. "My specialty.... Ramen." smiled Joji as he showed you to the kitchen table. "You... You are a great cook." you say sitting down. Joji shakes the compliment off, "Honestly I could do better but oh well." You get a mad face, "Accept the damn compliment jerk." you smile. "Fine!" shouted Joji as he passed a plate to you. 

You finish the lunch and put the dishes into the sink, "I will help because you cooked." you said pushing Joji aside and cleaning the plates. "Thanks." smiled Joji. "I be right back..." whispered Joji. You clean for a while and finally finish. Joji is in his room checking some things out. You sit on the couch when Joji's phone vibrates on the table. You lean over to see "Mom". You stand up with the phone and run to Joji's room, "It's your mom." you inform showing him the phone. He takes it away from your hand, "Damn... Oh, hey mom." smiled Joji. 


You make your way to the bed, "Mom... I don't think that it necessary...Ian! He told you! Well, I have a friend... Mom... Just... Mom! Please listen to me!" shouted Joji with a red face. You look away and out to the window. "Fine... I understand... Father won't of had done this." added Joji as he hanged up. 

"I won't ask." you say rising up your arms. Joji smiled, "My mother is coming in two days..." whispered Joji as he covered his face and laid on the bed next to you. "That... That's cool..." you whisper. "No... It isn't... It's annoying..." whispered Joji. You laugh, "She is only looking out for you...So... Want to go shopping.." you say putting out some money. "Sure... Let me get my wallet." Joji gets up and you grab his arm, "It's a favor... For cooking. I will pay." you smile. Joji smiles, "I will pay you, when I can." added Joji. "That won't be necessary." 

You walk out, "Hey... I wanted to buy... some computers... For the videos..." you whisper as you guys make your way out of the building. "Best Buy?" asked Joji. You smile and take Joji's hand, "Best Buy." you agree. 

You guys make your way to Best Buy, where you pay two more computers. "This are light for two computers." said Joji confused. "Come on Joji. Let me carry at least one bag." you whine as you try to steal one bag but Joji pulls them away, "So... I like a car." smiled Joji. "How much?" you asked. Joji gets a shocked face, "You won't?" asked Joji. "Want a bet!" you get all defensive. "No! Besides... I can't drive..." whispered Joji. You look away. "But... I would love it... If you hang out with my mother... SO she doesn't focus on me." ordered Joji. "No way!" you shout. "Come on!" begged Joji. "I will... I just need a... Joji mini picture." you get an evil smirk. "Done." said Joji.


You guys arrive to your place, "Where should I set them?" asked Joji. "Over on the couch." you order. "Why are you still at the door?" asked Joji. "I still need my picture." you smiled. Joji covers his face, "Damn... I thought you would forget...." whispered Joji as he walked passed you all slow. 

Joji comes back with three pictures, "Which one?" asked Joji. You smile, "This one..." you take all three instead and slam the door on Joji and lock the door, "(Y/N)! This isn't funny! Give two of them back!" shouted Joji. You laugh, "Thanks again!" you shout. You run to your room and close your door to block the shouting from Joji. "Old trick in the book." you smile to yourself. You open your drawer and hide them underneath everything. "Just in case he gets any ideas..." you whisper to yourself. 

You walk back to the living room and get the two computers and bring them back to your room. But you notice a note under the door, "You little rat! I want my pictures back! -Joji" you laugh to yourself, "Never!" you shout so Joji can hear you. "You better!" shouted Joji back. You walk back to your room and set up the two computers. 

You go back to laying in bed, "I wonder how Joji's mother looks like... Or how she will act..." your mind goes to a dark place, "Crap... What if she hates me.... Or makes Joji hate me...I didn't think about this...?!" you shout. You walk around your room thinking about how to get out of this. "What if... I give the pictures back... Ugh no they are to cute to just give back..." you breathe in, "I will see how the future goes..." you whisper. 

You check out the comments from your channel.

"It was Joji!" you could read every comment say. 

You sit up, "Wow... This people know their stuff..."

That's when you see FilthyFrank saying, "It was me!" 

"You cheater!" you shouted so Joji could hear you. "I don't play by the rules!" shouted Joji. You laugh, "Such a bad boy!" you shout. "What can I say!" shouted Joji. You look around the comments, "This is going to be hard..." you whispered. 

You walk back to your desk and turn on the camera. "Hello, there owls!" you wave hello, "I got so many comments and FilthyFrank cheated... So... I will pick three winners now." you close your eyes and scroll around till you land on three different people. "If you saw your name, please email me to this link." you point to your right hand corner. "Give some evidence to know that you are those persons, I choose and for FilthyFrank, better watch your back you filthy Cheater!" you laugh to yourself. "That's all the news for today. Soon a give a way will happen but that is in the future. For now! See you next time! You beautiful Owls!" you shout and wave good- bye to the camera. 

You edit some of the video and upload it, "I will give them 24 hours to respond back..." you whisper. That's when you hear Joji yell, "I am not a cheater! I am a rebel!" You laugh to yourself. 

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