《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Arcade


You pull the car into the parking lot and you guys get out, "Okay! Let's do this!" shouted Joji as he grabbed Jacob's hand and dragged him along. You stay back hanging out with Ian. "How did it go with the kid?" asked Ian. You smile, "It went great!" you say all proud. "That's good..." whispered Ian as he pulled out a 20 dollar bill and exchanged it for change. "I am guessing that you would like to play too." smiled Ian. You roll your eyes and stick out your hand. Ian gives you a few coins, "Have fun!" smiled Ian as he ran to a game.

You walk around and look at the games, "None of this... Look good..." you whisper to yourself. You walk up to a computer with a few games. You look around to see Plants .Vs. Zombies. You smile to yourself as you enter a quarter into the machine and you start to play.

You get to level 25 and take a break. You turn around in your chair is see four boys, "Are you Coconutowl?" asked one of the boy. You smile and shake your head. One of them takes out a notebook and shows it to you, "Can you sign your name on four pages?" begged another one of the boys. You laugh and sign your name on four pages, "You are good at the game." smiled one of the boys. "Thanks." you blush. "Are you going to make more videos?" asked one of the boys. "Of course!" you shout. "Good... Anyways, see you around." the four boys walk away.

You turn around the play the game, "This was always easy..." you whisper as you plant a sunflower. Jacob sits next to you, "Hey." smiled Jacob. "What's up?" you ask without looking away. "Joji went to go get snacks... You are good at that game." smiled Jacob. You laugh, "It's easy... My cheat is to plant 5 sunflowers and the rest can be whatever you want." you explain setting up your 4th sunflower. Jacob and you sit staring at the screen. "You are on level 45 and acting like it is nothing." Jacob said rolling his eyes. "Ever got to level 70?" you asked. "Of course not!" shouted Jacob. "Than you haven't seen anything yet." you smiled.


Joji comes and sits with a few drinks and food, "What are you doing?" asked Joji as he looked at the computer. "Playing... Plants .Vs. Zombies." you whisper. "She is on level 50!" added Jacob. "Nice." smiled Joji. "That's incredible" added Ian. You laugh, "honestly guys this is nothing." you add. Joji laughs, "Anyways, we got you water and a few snacks Miss. Plants." Jacob follows Joji away. "Just be safe." added Ian as he went inside the mall to shop.

You sit there for a few more minutes when you feel like something stabs you from behind, "What the..." you try to turn around but a hand stops you. "Just follow us outside..." whispered the voice. Your eyes widen and you stand up. No one in the mall when going outside seems to care about where you are going. You are walking towards the exit and try to look for Joji or Ian. But they are no where to be seen. "My days just seem to get worst and worst..." you whisper to yourself. The guys take you out to the parking lot. "You will put on this bag to cover your eyes. You will not say a single word inside the car..." ordered the man. You feel a bag on your head and it slips right on.

You get inside the car and sit still. "Joji...Ian...Jacob!" you scream inside your head. "So... You sure this is the girl?" asked one of the men. "Pretty sure... Joji told us she looked like this." you hear Joji's name and instantly start to freak out, "Jacob! Jacob! Please be safe..." you think. Joji could be... Dangerous.

"Don't worry boys... This is the one." you heard a familiar voice. "Max!" you shout. "Shit..." you hear Max whisper. "Max! How could you?!" you shout. "You got this all wrong!" shouted Max. "Shut up!" you hear an Irish voice. "Jack... I mean... Sean...?" you asked. "Can we all just shut up!" shouted a guy in a low voice. "We already fucked up..." you hear another guy say. You try to make the voice familiar but nothing comes to mind. "God... Please tell me Jacob is safe.." is all you could think.


"Where did Ian want this to happen?" asked Jack. "Shut up!" shouted the low voice guy. "You guys are idiots..." you whisper. "We are sorry we can't hide our accents!" shouted Max. "You actually can..." you whisper. "Shut up!" shouted the low voice guy. A phone starts to ring, "Joji... It's Joji..." whispered Max. "Answer!" shouted Jack.

"We have her... yes... Fine..." You can hear Max say. "You betray me all the damn time!" you shout so Joji can hear you. "Please... You are getting the wrong..." but before Max could finish you yell, "Shut up! To think I trusted you!" you kick around and finally kick a leg, "Ow! That hurt!" shouted Jack . You laugh and go back to thinking about Jacob.

You hear the car stop and the door opens, "Everything is ready." you heard Ian. "Not you too!" you shouted. You can feel Ian frown. "There is no way you are sad...." you whispered. Someone helps you off the car. "(Y/N)!" You could hear Jacob shout. "Oh my god! Jacob you are okay?!" you shout trying to get out of the hold of the guy but he won't let go. "I am okay... Don't worry..." whispered Jacob. You clam down. "He is safe at least..." you whisper. "Not for long." whispered the guy behind you. You try to find out the voice but can't could up with one. You just kick the guy, "Ow! Those kicks do hurt!" shouted the guy.

You finally sit down. You feel darkness all around you. "This is all Joji's fault..." you whisper. You try to find out what is around you till someone puts their hand on your shoulder, "Don't worry..." You hear Joji whisper. You kick his knee. "Damn! That hurts!" shouted Joji. "You always betray me! That's how I feel!" you shouted. Joji laughs, "You can thank me later..." he whispers.

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