《Call Me Cute》Chapter Sixteen
Frankie bounced around on the balls of her feet just outside the school's gate waiting for Dakota.
She hasn't heard much from him and she was getting worried. The most she got was just a thumbs up emoji. Just what did that mean?
Was it 'Yes! I'm all good.' or 'Yup ok definitely screwed' or 'Okay they decided to beat me to death.'
She cringed the last one being taken away by her wild imagination and fear.
She tried replying asking what he meant but she got no response and the messages were left unread. She tried calling as well but nothing.
She didn't know his friends personally so she couldn't even contact them.
She pulled her phone out to check one last time.
She looked around as students began entering and checked the time.
8:30 AM
As if to cement the time into her soul the shrill shriek of the schools bell went off.
He still wasn't here.
Frankie stood at the entrance contemplating her decision. She could either go to school and worry the entire day or go look for Dakota.
It was obvious which one she chose to do.
Running back to her car, she got in and drove off, she felt fear crawl up her spine and gripped the steering wheel harder.
She didn't know what kind of people his parents were and she's heard horror stories of how those different from society's norms would be abused during the process of telling family.
Her heart slammed against her chest once she reached his house, and saw that the car from Saturday was still parked there.
It was so unnatural seeing it.
She parked off to the side and got out leaving her bag, she hesitated wondering if she should bring the pocket knife she had in her car.
A soft voice reminded her that maybe she could be overreacting and just assuming the worst.
She faltered at that, quickly realizing maybe Dakota lost his phone or something? Maybe it fell in the toilet or it just stopped working. A coincidence really....
She sighed and walked up the front door; shocked to see it was open.
Ah that's not good....
She looked around feeling like a thief She went to back away and maybe try calling Dakota again when suddenly she heard him scream.
Her eyes widened and her heart stopped.
She immediately pushed the door, opening it wider and ran inside the house. She looked around in a panic to see Dakota's school bag on the floor, with his discarded top, it looked to be torn.
Anxiety slammed into her, and soon it was hard to breathe.
Oh no...oh no....
She could her him screaming for them to stop and ran up the stairs from where the sound was coming from. It was muffled but loud enough for her to hear.
"DAKOTA?!!" She yelled throwing his room door open only to freeze in her advance.
She looked at the scene before her.
Two adults stood in the room holding clothing that seemed to belong to Dakota, they weren't beating him or anything but the other woman present, who she figured was his mother; was currently forcing her son into a very frilly dress. The Dad stood off to the side holding a sheer top.
Clothes, shoes and wigs were thrown all over the place, his room was a mess. They both wore business attire as if they were on their way to work.
She looked to Dakota who had tears in his eyes but he looked totally fine.
"You know her?" The man asked looking to Dakota who now flushed red.
Frankie coughed standing up straight.
"Uh... He-Hello?" She wasn't sure what was going on, just seconds ago she thought her boyfriend was being murdered now she was meeting his parents.
"Wait, is this the Frankie you mentioned?" His mother asked looking between them delight already shining in her eyes.
Frankie felt awkward.
What the hell is happening??
"Really! Are you Frankie Bennett?" The Dad asked tossing the sheer top he had to stride over to her holding his hang out for a greeting.
Frankie immediately backed away just as Dakota rushed forward to hold his dad's hand and block Frankie from him.
"Dad no. Remember I told you she...can't..she can't touch men."
Dakota still had whatever garment his mother was forcing onto him around his neck but he was virtually still topless. Frankie went red, the back muscles on Dakota's body on full display. She wasn't even concerned with what was currently going on.
He was shirtless.
His creamy skin was right in her face, she felt the need to bite him, an odd urge to have but one she welcomed. She stared at the many beauty spots he seemed to have. She's never noticed them before.
"And yes... This- this is my girlfriend." She could her him confess to his parents.
She licked her lips and without thinking, ran her fingers down to curve of his back. Dakota yelped and shivered not expecting her touch. His parents flinched at his sudden movements; He turned to glare at her but she only stared back with innocent eyes.
Ah. She's trying to kill me.
Dakota was already a red tomato in the face from having been caught in such a weird situation.
"Ah. Yes of course. My apologies Miss Bennett."
Frankie peeked around from Dakota trying to keep her fascination with his back at bay as she took in the older asian man. He looked just like Dakota with a few bags under his eyes and a beauty spot by his clean shaven chin. She smiled and waved at him. This seemed to be enough and the man grinned accepting her greeting.
Frankie tensed quickly remembering why she even came here.
She pulled her hand back and slapped Dakota in his back the sound echoing. Dakota screamed falling to his knees, Holding where she hit him. Frankie could care less that his parents were present and from the amused look on their faces they weren't going to intervene.
"Oi. You said you'd tell me how it went.... Where's the update?" She asked looking down at him.
"Dear, why don't we leave these two to.... talk..." Dakota's mom prompted reading the room.
Frankie smiled sheepishly and thanked her. She nodded pulling her husband away who seemed like he wanted to stay back for the drama.
Dakota looked up just as Frankie closed the door and locked it. He tensed hearing the lock.
Looking down and refusing to get up he prayed she had mercy on him.
"Subhuman swine." She spoke slowly nudging his ass that was high in the air with her foot, he still hasn't moved from her hitting him.
"I know you can hear me, turn around."
Dakota blushed but did as told to sit politely on his knees his hands on his lap.
"I'm very sorry!" He yelled immediately, once he settled, as if he was doing a drill.
Frankie glared wanting to hit him but as she did so already she bent down to face him, to see he looked guilty enough.
She lifted her hand to his face watching him close his eyes tightly probably expecting her to slap him and smiled. She pulled at his cheek being sure to pinch him.
"ah! Ah!"
He winced, and she let go, and kissed where she had just injured, Dakota eyes flew open to look at her in shock.
"Don't break your promises!" She huffed standing up. Dakota followed pulling her into his arms.
"Ahh no you're naked!"
She yelled pushing him back. He blushed quickly covering his nipples.
"Pervert" he teased watching her roll her eyes, her cheeks pink.
"Explain! What just happened!." She frowned wanting answers.
Dakota chuckled, pulling a shirt from his bed to put on and patted the spot beside him as he sat down.
"So....uh... Good news. They accepted me."
"Well yeah...they didn't seem to be hurting you." Frankie remarked recalling what she first saw walking in here. Dakota scratched at his neck awkwardly.
"Actually my Dad apparently crossdressed?" He laughed sounding baffled by what he said. Frankie's eyes went wide and she pulled back.
"Nooooo really??"
"Yeah, crazy right?"
"It is, wow that's...what are the odds?"
She smiled.
"They even saw me once! Ugh it wasn't even my best outfit." He chuckled shaking his head, Frankie turned to him feeling a lot better than she did coming into this house with fear.
"I was scared...." She whispered looking down at her hands.
"...I thought they'd hurt you or something. I feel bad for thinking like that, they looked pretty nice."
Dakota turned to face her and ruffled her hair that was in the style of fine twists.
"It's okay. I'm glad you worry over me."
She pinched him on the hand making him pull back.
"Don't! You're giving me health problems."
He laughed and nodded.
"So then what happened to all this...."
She asked looking around the room.
"Ah.... Yeah. I was leaving this morning when they dragged me up stairs saying I should wear something cuter." He laughed shaking his head, a fond look in his eyes.
"I kept trying to tell them I don't do it at school but they were too excited. That's when you walked in."
Ah... Oh. But-
"What about the text. You didn't text me."
Well he did but his text made no sense.
Dakota turned to pull something from his bedside table draw.
"I was so nervous that day that I dropped it, the only thing I could access were the emojis." He blushed looking down.
Frankie didn't bother to push or list the many other ways he could've easily contacted her. She didn't know how his confession went, what was said, or how he felt having to finally come clean to his parents about who he really was. She smiled watching him, ruffling his hair as he previously did her.
"You're very brave and I'm glad you did it."
Dakota felt his heart swell and stomach fill with butterflies from being praised so highly by her.
"Thank you." He whispered.
"Uh help me clean up..." He chuckled looking around.
"Pfft. Sure."
They got up and began putting clothes away, during this time Dakota's parents came to bid them a goodbye and invite Frankie over for dinner. She accepted of course not wanting to be rude.
She stepped back putting up Dakota's wig, wondering how he managed to hide all these for so many years. She figured he locked his room and never allowed his parents to enter. He didn't have siblings so there was no risk of being found out through them either.
She turned going back into the room only to freeze at Dakota who sat on the bed in a small red dress with a long sleeved white shirt underneath. He wore a cute fluffy bunny headband as well. He laid out on the bed obviously posing for her to notice, so she ignored him. She went to pick up his shoes and place them where they needed to go.
She smiled to herself at the silence behind her. He was no doubt glaring at her for ignoring him and pouting wanting attention.
She stood and went to collect his make up the last things to put away.
"Frankieeeee!" He whined cutely. She laughed putting them away.
"Look....I want you to look."
"I know you do."
"Ugh then stop teasing me."
She chuckled and turned to finally face him.
"I completely forgot I had this! Honestly if Dad didn't find it it would've gone to waste." He grinned pointing at the bunny ears, Frankie smiled and walked over to touch them.
"Why do you even have this?"
"Mmm. I was still trying to figure out my style at the time, so I thought this was it...." She watched him remove it smiling fondly at only a memory he had.
He turned to her suddenly making her flinch.
"Wear it."
Frankie glared.
"No way!"
"Come on! It'll look cute."
She blushed knowing he's right, so she took it to gently place it on her head. Dakota smiled and lead her to the large mirror to show her what he saw.
"Yup. Definitely cute."
She hummed nodding not being able to deny that she looked pretty good.
"Maybe I should start wearing fake ears."
She mused as a joke; her eyes shifted to Dakota's in the mirror and they stared at each other the room going quiet.
"Ahem.... Let's uh... Are we done?"
She turned around to avoid his eyes, wanting to still her already racing heart. It's like if she looked at him too long it began to act up. Dakota grinned pulling her to him to flush her against his body. Frankie tensed and looked up at him to see he had that look in his eye.
She moved to leave his embrace but he only held her tighter.
She blushed finally being aware of his body. It was very firm, even if he was wearing a dress he still felt like a male.
"You don't expect me to ignore you when you look this cute do you....?" He whispered lowly. Frankie blushed rushing to hide her face in his chest.
"Ah. Don't talk like that."
She could feel her stomach clench in excitement at the tone he used, his boyish edge getting to her.
She felt his hands travel up her back and she pressed into him the sensation from his touch pushing her body to react.
"Can I kiss you...?"
He whispered moving to caress her face with his other hand. Frankie shivered knowing she didn't want to refuse him, even if she could. She glanced at his lips, her eyes trained on his cupid's bow, for some reason it was sexy to her. She bit her lip and nodded wanting to taste him.
"Yes..." She whispered already breathless.
He didn't hesitate and smiled diving into the pleasure he craved from her.
They kissed softly, wanting to feel every bit of the other person. Dakota smiled seeing how much more confident Frankie was now than before. His hands went lower on her back and he felt her flinch, he went to pull away when she suddenly nibbled on his bottom lip.
He moaned into her mouth not expecting it but it sent shocks through his body.
He didn't know when he started to move her back to guide her to the bed, but in seconds she was under him; their lips never parting.
The soft sensual kiss quickly got hotter; they gasped for air pulling back to lock lips again. Dakota moved from her lips to her neck and hummed loving how soft her skin was.
Her smell got stronger, the scent of her perfume hitting him hard.
He shivered as her hands ran through his hair, biting and nibbling he groaned loving how Frankie whimpered from the smallest things he did. She was breathing just as heavy as he was.
He went back to kiss her when he felt it.
He immediately pulled back his face heating up.
It was expected, considering what he was doing with the person he liked but he tried his best to keep it at bay while he kissed her.
"Dakota....?" She asked in worry her face flushed and her uniform messy. He felt his lower half harden more at the sight of her being so disheveled.
"Uh... We.. we should stop. I got too excited."
Frankie sat up on her elbows to look at where he was holding. She blushed realizing what he meant.
"Yeah....I'll go take care of it." He mumbled rushing to leave, but Frankie grabbed him. He looked back at her in confusion.
She hesitated not sure what she wanted to say or how to say it but she knew she didn't want him to go right now.
"I... Think I can handle it." She stated truthfully; she knew Dakota was trying to be considerate after knowing about her condition and she appreciated that but she's seen and even touched it once and she was fine. Dakota went flaming red, matching his dress.
"D-Don't say stuff like that... you're only making it worse." She could hear the amusement and shock in his voice. She smiled taking his hand and sitting him back on the bed.
Dakota didn't fight her and laid down his heart going haywire. She sat by him and gave him a gentle peck.
"Are you sure I don't-"
"I'm sure."
She stated trailing her hands down the center of his body. Dakota bit his lip his breathing going shallow the closer she got to his bulging area.
Frankie stared at it feeling excitement fill her, rather than disgust.
Yes....I can do this....
She let her hands pass by where she knew he really wanted to be touched and caressed his inner thigh. She smiled hearing him suck in a sharp breath; she moved her hands upward under his dress to finally stroke him. He moaned closing his eyes from the brief contact.
"Aughh.... please." He whispered.
Frankie grinned and got closer to kiss him softly, this time she took the lead.
She could tell that he wasn't wearing boxers but panties instead, it was cotton. She didn't know how it looked but that only made her feel more eager. Just as she introduced her tongue to him she touched him where he desperately wanted.
He moaned into her mouth opening his legs wider, obviously wanting more. She obliged caressing him and holding him fully.
He gasped moving against her hands.
Frankie felt her lower half dampen and twitch. She shivered knowing exactly what that reaction meant, not having felt the sensation in years.
She could feel Dakota's heat in her palm and it made her hands tingle.
"Aughh. Ahh. We should ss-stop Frankie...." He moaned biting his nails, shamelessly bucking into her hands.
"I don't want to." She whispered loving this feeling, of having him behave in such a way just for her. She pulled him fully from his panties, the outline of his erect cock pushing his dress and shaping it into a tent.
She began to stroke him, with the very tip of her fingers, the precum showing through his dress. She played with her speed, her eyes glued to Dakota's red and panting face. He kept moving, arching his back the faster she went. She grabbed him tightly at the shaft and he groaned his eyes rolling back.
Frankie felt her own underwear become increasingly wet and whined leaning into to bury her face in Dakota's neck, his body heat reaching her.
Pushing faster, Frankie shivered as Dakota grabbed onto her reaching his climax. He was shaking and his grip was loose but having him cling to her made her heart leap from her chest.
"Aughh fuck...." He hissed fully thrusting forward to release his load. Frankie slowed down her entire body shivering as if she was the one experiencing his climax. She mindlessly moved to lick and nibble at his neck as they both slowly cooled down.
Dakota hummed moaning sweetly loving the attention he was getting.
She gasped finally feeling something warm run over her fingers. Looking back down, she stared as the red of his dress got particularly darker in a specific spot.
She made him soil his dress.
She pulled her hands from him to see a white thick liquid coated her hand. She stared at it in fascination, she's only ever seen this in pictures or videos.
She looked to Dakota who looked extremely exhausted and sweaty.
"Look what you did." She smiled watching him look away bashfully.
"I thought you've never touched a guy before" he mumbled still trying to get his voice back.
"You were very...skilled....." He finished looking jealous.
"I hate touching men, but I'm quite knowledgeable. I did need to know in case Nathan and I worked out." She grinned watching him turn to glare at her with a pout.
"Don't mention your dumb ex crush."
She smiled moving to kiss him, he happily accepted and she moaned loudly, only to gasp as her lower half brushed against her now soaking underwear.
Dakota pulled back to look at her and looked down to see she was fidgeting.
"Frankie are you....."
She blushed but nodded slowly. Dakota tensed feeling himself harden again. He quickly got up and took her by the wrist. She whimpered having to move so quickly.
"Ah! Ah! Sorry! Wait right here."
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