《Call Me Cute》Chapter Fifteen
Entering the Cafe they smiled at the employee at the front who handed out fliers.
"Ew it's so cute.... Didn't know you liked this stuff." Lewis remarked standing behind Frankie. She ignored him and took in the adorable decorations. Most things were brown or cream colored with pops of candy colors.
Almost everything was cat themed, from the workers cute cat ear caps to the the paw prints on the floor.
"Wow this is so cool...." Dakota gushed, Frankie smiled turning to Dakota who's entire face lit up with the more things he saw.
They sat down and ordered something to eat, most things on the menu were cat themed as well.
"Ugh. Guys actually come here?" Lewis asked looking to a group of three males who were casually eating and chatting in a booth near theirs.
"And what's wrong with that?" Frankie glared leaning back to fold her hands. Lewis frowned watching her.
"You really gotta ask? Obviously they're fucking weirrr- " he trailed off as Frankie narrowed her eyes at him.
"Ahem... nothing....I guess...."
"It's fine isn't it? The food is just cute, how it looks doesn't matter." Dakota shrugged leaning on the table. Lewis glanced at her for a moment.
"So how'd you know Frankie?"
"School." Frankie quipped immediately.
"How long you guys been friends?"
"Long enough." She replied again. Dakota bit his bottom lip to stop from smiling at her responses.
"You got a boyfriend Daisy?"
"She does. Why are you asking?"
"I'm asking her. Not you."
"Too bad, I overheard."
Dakota looked between them feeling awkward.
It was his suggestion to just let him come as he didn't want Frankie arguing in the middle of the mall, but arguing in the cafe wasn't any better either.
Their food was soon delivered, Frankie having cute cat shaped pancakes, Dakota eating sweet bread sticks with various cat shaped fruit toppings and Lewis ordering the only none-cat shaped thing on the menu a slice of lemon cake with black coffee.
"Oh. This is pretty good. Try it." Dakota cheered dipping a bread sticks in thick chocolate and then cat shaped fruit.
Frankie didn't hesitate to take it from him. Dakota watched her take a bite and pull away with a little mess. She hummed chewing.
"..mmm. you're right...it's kinda savoury. I thought it'll be sweet." She chuckled lightly.
"Hold on...." He grabbed a napkin to clean her face and Frankie blushed feeling embarrassed.
"You eat like a baby." Dakota mocked watching Frankie glare at him.
"You know I don't."
"I like teasing you, you get all pouty." He smirked watching her do exactly that, he poked her on the cheek watching her turn red..
"Shut up!" She grumbling slapping his hand away to mess up her face again by eating a pancake.
Lewis watched them in confusion.
Were girls usually this..... flirty?
"Ah. It was good!" Frankie cheered stretching. They were now in the parking lot, not a lot of people were around but a few couples loitered taking pictures as the area was quite beautiful.
"Definitely! I thought it would be hella sweet. I'm coming back next time, oh! I should get a cat themed outfit." Dakota suggested.
"You just want to dress up." Frankie laughed watching him shrug unbothered.
"What other reason is there to go out?"
She laughed pushing him playfully.
"I actually need a new phone case. Help me pick?" Dakota smiled showing his already expired case, it had scratches All over and the color faded long ago.
"Sure! We can go watch a movie after this too if you want. My treat." Frankie wiggled her eyebrows making Dakota laugh. They moved to enter another side of the mall.
"Holy shit. Look!" Lewis yelled pushing to stand between them as he pointed something out in the crowd. Frankie dodged his touch so he ended up with his arm only on Dakota. She moved to kick the shit outta him until his next words made her chest fall and kept her rooted in place.
"That guys wearing a skirt. Shit that's nasty."
Frankie immediately looked to Dakota who froze, the color already draining from his face.
"Woah he has a girlfriend too?" He whispered oblivious to the cold atmosphere he just created. Frankie turned to see the couple, and the male was in fact wearing a long skirt with a hoodie and some combat boots; his girlfriend had on a small floral dress, as they posed to take photos.
"Lewis shut-" Frankie started.
"Damn she must be sick in the head to date him. Wonder who wears the pants in the relationship, it's pretty obvious right? Hahaha!" Lewis laughed standing up from Dakota.
She frowned looking down.
.....was she....sick too...?
"I swear some people's tastes are fucked up. Good thing you don't like guys anyway, you might run into one a those girl wanna be's." He shook his head turning to smile at Frankie.
She looked past him to Dakota who's head was now down in what was obvious shame.
Frankie eyes widened.
She felt her anger immediately flare and without warning she yanked her bag from around her and swung it full force to hit him square in the face, the weight of her belongings causing Lewis to stagger and scream from the hit.
"AAH! what the fuck Frankie?!"
She kicked him in the shin, watching him loose his balance and he fell on the asphalt with a thud.
"SHUT UP!!!" She roared her blood boiling.
That was the last straw. She knew Lewis saw nothing wrong in all that he said, having ideals as old as time.
It was Lewis after all, he was selfish, stupid, insensitive and all possible horrible traits rolled into one. He was one of her main reasons for hating men as she grew older. If most of them would be like her brother then what was the point of them being alive? If they would be like her brother why get close to them? If they were like her brother....
She stood over him breathing heavy and lowered herself to stare him in the eyes, the hit from her bag already forming a nice purple bruise over his eye. her voice came out calm and steady inspite of her raging anger.
"Don't you dare open your mouth around him again, or I'll personally see to it that you loose the ability to have children."
"What the fuck are you-"
She stood and stomped down hard onto his little friend crushing it as she stepped back. He howled it pain screaming for her to stop. She pulled back and watched him squirm.
She walked over to Dakota and grabbed his hand.
"Let's go." She whispered softly pulling him away.
Lewis groaned gritting his teeth together as he held his crotch. He was pissed off but knew he couldn't hurt his little sister. He huffed trying to breathe as a particular part of what she said rang out in his ears
"Don't you dare open your mouth around him again"
Him? Who was him?
Frankie sat Dakota down on a bench in the lot. The tree near by providing some shade. She looked down at his hand that still held hers. He was shaking and it felt cold. She rubbed his hands trying to let him understand that even though what he just experienced was frighting she was still present with him. She was still here.
She felt her heart sink as she looked up to meet his empty eyes that held nothing but fear and discomfort.
She swallowed thickly feeling worse the longer the silence stretched between them. She gave him time to collect himself and waited patiently for when he was ready to talk.
Most people in her town weren't exactly prejudice so there was some comfort in just being able to freely be you. So even the couple they just saw, the most they'd get were curious stares but no one would bother them.
However there were of course people like her brother who felt the need to loudly voice their comments even though it had nothing to do with them.
"Frankie...." Her head shot up so fast she blacked out for a second, blinking she focused on Dakota's sad smile.
"Are you okay?" They asked simultaneously.
Frankie sighed and pulled him to her for a hug. Dakota tensed before relaxing.
"I'm so sorry...." She whispered into his neck, sounding strained.
"I'm so sorry....I'm sorry...." She whispered over and over again, like a broken record. Dakota closed his eyes and hugged her tighter.
"Frankie it's okay... I'm okay..." He whispered softly. She pulled back to shake her head.
"No... I- you shouldn't have to hear that." She looked down not being able to directly face him.
Dakota saw this and guided her to look at him.
"I know, but it wasn't the first." He admitted a sad expression on his face.
"I lied...I'm not okay." He chuckled leaning his forehead against hers.
"Of course you're not. That was horrible, I'm so so-"
"No more apologizing. You're not the culprit." He scolded. She quickly closed her mouth and nodded. They stayed still, their heads still touching. Dakota had his eyes closed while Frankie stared at him.
"Close your eyes....let's just....for a second please." He pleaded. Frankie complied and they sat there for another minute.
"Do you think he's right?" Dakota finally asked pulling back.
"Of course fucking the not!"
"Hahaha. What kind of English is that?"
"Franglish! And he's wrong!"
Dakota sighed.
"He called you sick.... I can't believe he'd say that to you." He mumbled.
Frankie tensed her doubts from then rushing back, Dakota stared at her with a frown. Granted Lewis didn't actually know she fell into the group he badmouthed but Dakota wasn't wrong either.
He did call her sick.
"Frankie... You're not-"
"I- I know.... Um.. kind of..." She mumbled feeling guilty that she let her dumb brother's words get to her.
"Frankie; There's nothing wrong with you! It's me that-"
"Shut up! If you're wrong then I'm wrong!"
"You won't even let me talk bad about myself haha" he laughed at the irony.
"So you shouldn't either." He finished caressing her face. She leaned into his hand, the warmth comforting.
"Then we'll be wrong together" she teased already feeling a little better. He laughed, smiling widely.
"I like how that sounds."
He smiled watching her, his eyes dropping to her lips, his heart racing as that urge resurfaced again.
"My heart hurts." He whispered looking back up to see she was blushing pink
"Okay.... So..."
"Kiss me to make it better."
Frankie went red her heart slamming in her ears.
"Th-that...why would you as-ask me to do that so suddenly? How do those two even relate??"
"Doesn't matter, I'm in pain." He pouted pulling attention to his lips. Frankie glared squeezing the hand she was still holding.
"Ah ah! Hey that hurt!"
He winced pulling back to hold it.
"Geez I was only half jok-"
Frankie held his face in her hands and locked their lips together. She thanked him silently for not wearing lipstick and only lip balm.
Dakota's eyes widened feeling her lips on his. He hummed closing his eyes and took the lead. He started to move slowly knowing she's never kissed a male before, much less been this intimate with one, he didn't want to overwhelm her.
He took her hands to place them on his waist and instead held her, trailing his hands from her face down to the nape of her neck to caress her there. He smiled as she gasped from the feeling, her body breaking out in goosebumps as her spine tingled. He pulled her closer to open her mouth and really started kissing her.
He could feel her lips tremble and smiled from the butterflies erupting in his stomach.
Aughh... I love this....
She whimpered softly as he bit her bottom lip playful. The sound made him groan from pleasure taking pride in knowing he caused that reaction. Their tongues moved slowly, taking in the taste and feel of each other. Dakota could feel his lower region get bigger, the kiss he shared being more sensual than he expected.
He pulled back to look at her, both breathing heavily Frankie more so than him. He stared at her hooded eyes that glossed over with need and a high she's never experienced before.
She shivered staring back him, her entire body feeling chilled but hot, the odd combination made her extremely sensitive.
"Is this what kissing a boy is like?" She asked innocently.
"No... It's what kissing me is like." He smirked pulling her back to lightly peck her lips, loving how soft and firm they were. She gasped and grabbed his waist thinking he was about to kiss her deeply again.
"Haha... you're so cute." He whispered smiling fondly.
"You're cuter." She remarked watching him blush red.
"I just kissed a boy."
"Ah. Correction, You just kissed your boyfriend."
Frankie ignored him too caught up in what she just did. They were walking back to her car no longer wishing to continue the day and just go home.
They felt better after talking to each other but no doubt, once alone it would come back to them.
Frankie got in the front seat and Dakota the passenger side.
She started the car and quickly pulled out of the lot and onto the rood.
She figured Lewis was back home and wondered how she'd deal with him, she was exhausted as it is having to see him for half the day. Why did he even come to the mall??
She glared not understanding his logic or his actions at all. Honestly if he was patient she would've suggested going out next weekend or the other time he visited. She hated him but he was still her blood. She glanced at Dakota to see he had a smile on his lips.
She blushed recalling her kiss with him.
It wasn't her first, gourmet bar made sure to steal that. She's only ever kissed two women before realizing it wasn't her thing.
Kissing a man wasn't different from a woman though, it's just there weren't any boobs touching yours, or the smell of perfume.
Dakota typically didn't smell very 'manly' however but he didn't smell entirely 'feminine' either. He just smelled nice.
Girls were softer, and their hands were smaller. Dakota's were large and felt.... comforting.
She smiled, she's never felt so breathless after a kiss before, it was something she'd have to get used to when kissing him.
She pulled up to his house to see a car was out front.
"Ah crap. They're back."
Frankie's eyes widened and she turned to him in a panic
"You can change back at my house! I can go borrow some of my brother's clothes and-"
Frankie frowned watching a thoughtful look form on his face.
"I think I'm going to tell them."
"Wah?? Wa-wait! Right now?? What? Why?"
"I've been thinking about it. It doesn't make sense I keep hiding it. I keep having to-" he sighed smiling.
"I keep having to hide and I want to stop lying" he turned to Frankie a big grin on his face. Seeing this Frankie let go of any plans to stop him. He made up his mind to do this and while it was unexpected for her, he seemed to have given this a lot of thought.
"Should I come with you?"
"No... I'll do it alone." Dakota chuckled seeing her big brown eyes fill with worry.
"Relax. If anything I can always be a run away." Frankie hit him and he winced.
"Don't say that! You'll jinx it!"
They chuckled and Dakota took a deep breath in before releasing it.
"Ahh this is crazy!" Frankie groaning leaning forward onto the steering wheel. She looked up to see he was staring at his door but hasn't moved.
She took his hand in hers pulling his attention back to her.
"You can do this." She stated firmly.
Dakota smiled softly and leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead. She closed her eyes accepting his affection.
"Can I get one more?"
Frankie laughed, pulling him to her to kiss him on the lips.
"Now go! Make sure you tell me how it goes okay?" He nodded and got out.
"You should go." He whispered trying to look strong. Frankie didn't want to leave but knew it was best to do so.
She nodded and drove off, she glanced up to look behind her in the rearview mirror to see he was waving. She grinned and continued the ride home.
He'll be okay.... He'll be okay.
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