《Call Me Cute》Chapter Seventeen
Lewis stood outside Frankie's school his phone to his ear.
"I'll send you the pictures, you owe me one."
"Thanks, and sure thing."
He hung up and opened his emails to see the files were already sent. He quickly downloaded the pictures feeling anxious.
'Daisy isn't real, haven't found any connections to the school or community. The only connection is the kid Dakota.'
He recalled his friend saying when he first started the investigation. He's got a friend of his who lives a bit on the outside of the law to tail the kid.
His guy followed him for few days and stalked his social media. Lewis wanted to be sure he wasn't mistaken before he blew his top.
He was a hot head but he knew when to be patient.
He knew what he was doing was a bit extreme but he needed to protect Frankie from fucking perverts like Dakota. How sick is he to dress like a woman?
Especially to get to his little sister? No way was he going to allow it.
He smiled seeing them download and quickly opened it.
They were images of Frankie and Daisy, it was recent and they seemed to be at a park. He felt his blood boil seeing this but skipped past it anyway.
The other images were just Dakota, or Daisy his brows pulled together as he examined them carefully. Daisy had Dakota's phone in one picture, in the next she went into Dakota's house but never came back out.
He knew the kid didn't have any siblings from asking around so the Daisy chick wasn't his sister.
He grinned finally having proof.
Dakota sipped on a juice box as it hung from his lips without having to hold it.
He was currently leaning against the wall humming to himself.
He's been pretty happy recently, having to no longer hide who he was to his parents and having Frankie by his side. She seemed to glow everytime he saw her, almost a stark contrast to his first impression of her.
She was a lot more gentle and caring than he thought she'd be.
He smiled to himself thinking about her.
"Damn what's got you smiling like a mad man?" He looked up to see Dylan and Garrett.
He hasn't told them he has a girlfriend as yet but he wasn't exactly hiding it either. He smirked deciding to just tell them now while he had them here.
"My girlfriend." He stated proudly, he's gotten a lot better at calling her that now and it felt good!
"The tiny girl?" Dylan asked gesturing to her height with his hand. He nodded and Garret smiled punching him.
"Yeah yeah! The one with the big brown eyes?" Garrett asked elbowing Dylan.
"Look at that! Didn't think I'd actually see you get a woman."
"Why not?"
"You ignored everyone before so..." Garret shrugged turning to walk down the halls with Dylan. Dakota hummed thinking about this, he didn't talk a lot but did he really ignore people?
Dakota shrugged not caring as it was in the past.
"We got class later?" Dylan asked as they passed through the front of the school yard.
"Nah. The teacher is out sick so we gentleman are free!" Garret cheered throwing his hands over their shoulders.
"Sweet! Wanna go up to the room?"
"Naturally!" He grinned turning to Dylan.
Dakota kept quiet.
Frankie had class so he wouldn't see her, he decided he'd wait for her outside of her class later. He let Garrett lead him when suddenly someone ran into him; instinctively he reached out to grab her before she fell.
"Oh no! I'm sorry."
They quickly rushed to pull back and look up at him. He stared down at the small girl, she had dirty blonde hair and green eyes.
Garrett and Dylan pulled back, watching them.
"Ah yeah. It's fine." He gave her a quick smile watching as her entire face flushed, he chuckled awkwardly from her reaction.
"Th-Thank y-you..." She stuttered putting her hair behind her ear.
"....Dakota." she whispered his name with an odd tone. He raised a brow at this.
"Um....would you mind going on a da-"
"Let's go." He smiled cutting her off as he looked over her head to his friends who waited for him. They cheered pulling him back with them and walked off.
"Damn cold much?" Dylan teased.
"If I'm not they don't get the point." He winked making them howl from laughter at his cool attitude. While they teased and cackled his smile fell as what just happened ran through his head. It was annoying but he knew he couldn't do anything about it, some people were just shameless. Many people still thought he was dating Frankie and while he managed to finally make that rumor true it didn't stop the women and some men from confessing to him.
It burdened him.
If they knew he was taken why would they confess to him?
It was insulting, it's like they expected him to cheat and get into a relationship with them.
He looked up then to the school's gate and stilled to see Lewis; the large man's gaze intimidating him.
Why's he here??
Lewis wore a look of expectancy, that left Dakota feeling pressured. He quickly turned back before his friends could see what he was looking at.
"Hey! I'll catch up."
They nodded oblivious to his reasons and stalked off. Dakota watched them leave before turning to go over to Lewis. He placed his hands in his pockets clenching his fists, he was admittedly nervous the closer he got to him.
He glanced to the security guard who watched them passively and took a deep breath.
"Ah you remembered me...." Lewis teased smirking.
"Your mama never told you not to talk to strangers Dakota?" His eyes widened hearing his name and Lewis grinned.
How did he...-
"I got a bone to pick with you. Meet me here, later after school." He ordered tossing him a folded note.
"If you don't show up...." he trailed off taking out his phone to show him the photos he just got.
"....I'll be sure to cover the town in this shit." Lewis teased a nasty look in his eyes.
Dakota's eyes went wide once he realized what Lewis was showing him and made a mad rush to grab the phone from him. Lewis stepped back to shake his index finger in the 'no no' gesture.
"Relax kid....as long as you follow instructions all will be good, catch yah later pretty boy."
Dakota looked down the photo burned into his memory, taking in a shaky breath he recalled what he saw, it was a photo of him entering his house in his 'Daisy' persona. He looked back up to where Lewis stood almost as if to yell at the man who already left. He swallowed nervously.
Most people in town knew him and his parents, they also knew he was a single child and their family didn't visit much. He glanced down at his shaking hands, if you looked closely at the photo you could easily tell it was him. He scrambled opening the sticky note that lewis gave him to see an address was written on it.
It was a bar in town.
Dakota sighed running his hand through his hair in frustration. He didn't know what Lewis wanted with him but he couldn't risk embarrassing both himself and his family like this, even though what he did was nothing to embarrassed about or anyone's business; but that's not how the world worked.
His mind ran to Frankie, knowing she'd stand by him if he told her. She'd probably even fight her brother for him. He chuckled bitterly, not wanting her to know of this dark side of her brother and besides maybe it was nothing.... he tried reasoning wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt. He stuffed the note in his pocket and went to meet his friends.
I'll meet him and see what he wants first....
Dakota rested his head against the taxi as it drove him to his possible doom.
He hasn't told anyone where he was going which might've been a bad idea. Lewis was pretty.... Frightening and he didn't trust him at all. If anything he could be setting him up to get beaten or something more terrifying.
He went home immediately after school and changed into something that didn't scream "I'm a highschool student!" He wore a simple gray hoodie, some large black pants and white sneakers.
The closer he got to the bar the faster his mind seemed to be processing the information around him; from the subtle smell of a half burnt cigarette on the driver, to the thundering skies that promised rain and the gravel littered road he took to reach his destination.
He hopped out once they arrived, paid the guy and put his hands in his hoodie jacket. He entered easily, passing by the bikers who loitered outside not even giving him a second glance.
He figured the inside would be noisy but it was relatively empty minus an old man snoring in a booth near by, the bartender arranging a few bottles and a couple college kids playing pool quietly.
It wasn't dimly lit but it wasn't bright either.
He quickly found Lewis who was thankful by himself, off to the back by a window.
Dakota entered fully and made his way towards him.
"Why meet here?" He asked sitting down.
Lewis looked up, and it's here he realized he was drinking something. It looked like a creamy liquor.
"I'm comfortable here and I don't want anyone seeing me meet a fucking pervert." He grunted turning the glass to his head to finish it.
Dakota flinched at the word pervert but quickly reminded himself that there were worse labels to be called, still it hurt. He might've called himself one as a joke, and even Frankie too, but Lewis' carried hatred and a sting he couldn't fully explain.
"I'll get to the point.... you're Daisy aren't you?"
"Answer me." Lewis sighed sounding unnatural calm.
"....I...am." Dakota whispered almost feeling ashamed. He clenched at his pants fabric in frustration. He wasn't ashamed! But Lewis made him feel that way.
"You have fun playing around with my sister?"
"What..? I wouldn't play with -"
"Stop lying! You're running around in a dress without Frankie knowing! Of course you're playing around!"
"She knows and I'd never play with Frankie!"
Lewis paused at this to look at him,ba skeptical expression on his face.
"You're joking."
He didn't know...?
"I'm not." Dakota grounded out in annoyance. Lewis sighed considering this for a moment.
"Whatever, doesn't matter. Stay away from Frankie."
Dakota looked at him owlishly as if he didn't hear what was said.
"Why you looking like you got shot?"
"Why should I-"
"Cause you're sick."
He flinched, Lewis' words hitting him more than he wanted them to.
"You think my parents would like that shit?"
"But they said-"
"You're not a man kid, men don't wear skirts or wear fucking wigs! Men don't want to be girls."
"No!! I don't want to be girl, I just-"
"Just what? No matter what you want you're just gonna embarrass Frankie anyway. You want people to think she's a freak too? How selfish, you wanna force her to carry the same baggage."
He spat staring him down, his eyes blazing with frustration, disgust and dislike.
Dakota slowly lowered his gaze as his words sunk to the bottom of his chest. He felt tears well up in his eyes.
He didn't want Frankie to suffer like he might, he's already been in company where others bashed people like him without knowing he was one of them. He's seen the way people react to something different, and there were many more people like Lewis out there. Frankie was strong but was she strong enough? Being labelled a pervert, a psychopath, a Freak, being called much worse things.... Could she handled it?
He took in a shaky breath, his stomach turning in knots.
He felt sick.
Doesn't matter if she could handle it.
He'd be cruel to let her.
"I didn't think.... about it..."
"Of course you didn't! Your head is probably filled with fucking butterflies and pink glitter."
Dakota could feel his body slowly go numb as his hands began to shake. He felt weak and vulnerable, almost detached from the current situation. He kept silent as Lewis carried on.
"Get a fucking clue. Leave Frankie alone or I'll make you regret it."
Lewis stood up, pulling his leather jacket with him. Dakota's mouth opened in hopes to stop him, to plead? To ask why? To say anything that'll change his mind about Frankie but his hesitation already had Lewis out the bar. Hearing the bar door close, he felt something heavy crash down on him.
He gasped reaching up to hold his chest, it felt like it broke. As if it would fall from his body.
The tears he held in his eyes began to fall as he quickly came to understand this feeling.
He wasn't courageous enough to simply let Lewis out him and just continue on with life. He was too prideful. He considerate to tell Frankie what her brother did to him and was forcing him to do but....
A part of him... believed he deserved this, he was too happy to begin with.
So he did what he could. He sat there and cried silently.
This must be karma for blackmailing Frankie....
He chuckled bitterly as his jacket sleeve went damp having to dry his tears.
Ah.. I hate this....
Frankie sighed feeling distressed.
Dakota is dead.
At least he will be if he didn't answer her calls!
Frankie hasn't seen him for four days now, it was almost the end of the week.
"Still nothing?" Swan asked looking worried.
Frankie rested her head on her hands as she looked over the crowd in the cafeteria.
"Did you go to his house?"
Frankie nodded at Cammy's question, however when she went, his parents turned her away.
They had a guilty look in their eyes but they also looked tensed. She figured it was best not to push it. She tried asking why but they wouldn't answer either.
"Apparently he called in sick for most of his classes...." Swan mumbled relaying what she heard in the teacher's office.
"This is pretty weird. I wonder what happened."
Frankie kept quiet.
She could feel Swan's worried looks and Cammy glances but she didn't respond to any of it.
She even went to ask his friends and they said they haven't seen or heard from him either.
She didn't get what was happening.
"Hey. Cheer up..... Maybe he just needs a break?" Swan suggested
"A break.... I'll break his damn leg." Frankie spat already pissed off.
"No violence with our loved ones!" Cammy teased and Frankie rolled her eyes in annoyance.
Swan scrolled through her phone before bringing it up to Frankie's face to show her a poorly made poster.
"This is tomorrow. We don't have classes this Friday due to the school having a half day. So we can skip, get drunk and have fun. You in?"
Frankie stared at the brightly colored poster, it was a themed party, a 2000's fashion party.
She groaned the theme already annoying her.
It's like everything annoyed her since Dakota's disappearance.
Despite her feelings however, Swan was spot on. She's been so tense and worried that a party was just what she needed.
She loved them and with this horrible theme she could judge the crap outta people to make herself feel better. She was a bit of a bully and she didn't mind it.
"Aite I'm in."
Cammy smiled watching her friends feel a bit better. Frankie stood suddenly grabbing her bags.
"I'm skipping last period. I feel I'll blow a fuse."
They nodded letting her go. She hasn't been able to focus on classes and as a result she's usually fussy or snappy.
"Who knew Frankie would have regular boy troubles?"
"I would've never seen it coming" Cammy answered honestly as they watched the retreating back of Frankie.
Frankie entered the house, passing by her brother who quickly came from the living room once he saw her.
"Oh damn. Why are you home?" She ignored him and threw her bag onto the corner, entering the kitchen. She went I to the fridge as usual and took out some fruits to munch on.
"Hey! Wanna hang out?"
"Leave me alone." She muttered bitterly. Passing by him again to go into the living room, until she remembered he practically turned the room into his man cave for the day.
She glared at the messy snack filled floor, blankets and t-shirts he had laying around; pushing a few aside she sat down and mindlessly watched whatever show her brother was currently viewing.
Her brother had so graciously extended his stay for whatever reason, and her parents were furious but allowed him to stay either way.
"Oh! Check it out." He grinned pulling up the same poster Swan showed her, as he sat a bit further from her, she appreciated it.
"I know you like parties so let's hang."
He smiled his eyes shining. She considered telling him to fuck off, respectfully; but she was already planning to go anyway so what was the harm?
"Sure. Swan and Cammy are going so why not?"
"Oh that so....what about your friend Daisy?" Frankie froze, the name reminding her of her sour attitude. She glared at nothing, the pain and anxiety of having to wait and knowing nothing slapping her in the face.
"She's not coming." She grounded out bitterly. She didn't look at her brother while she answered him but she was sure she saw him smile which confused her due to what he said next.
"Awh. That's too bad"
Mm? He didn't look sad.....
She ignored it, thinking nothing of it and continued to watch the program wanting to distract her mind from something..... someone... she yearned for a little too much.
Where did you go.... Dakota....?
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