《Call Me Cute》Chapter Four
Dakota groaned turning in bed, he sighed feeling the heat from the sun touch his skin through the window, and sat up.
He looked around to see a few more people were also asleep in the room, some on the floor and others in a chair nearby. This was normal for big parties, most people ended up crashing anywhere on site.
Thinking nothing of it he got up and collected his heels off the floor. He went to the bathroom and pulled his hidden backpack from under the sink, it had his regular clothing and things he's need to get back to looking less of a woman.
He turned to his reflection ready to remove his makeup, when his blood ran cold.
Huh?....The wig, it's gone!
His eyes widened staring at his bald (not really) head.
My wig?? Huh? What? Where??
He looked around frantically.
This has never happened before, he would never lose one of his wigs much less at a party. He's always careful!
That's when the memories of the night before came rushing in, and one person stood out.
Frankie Bennett.
He stilled in fear.
Why was she here???
He remembered, she was there with him while he emptied his stomach. There was no mistaking it, it was definitely her. He heard her voice!
He remembered her holding onto his wig... Did she steal it?
What? no! She has her own hair that doesn't make sense!
Dakota bit into his fake nails, his worry growing.
If Frankie has his wig, if Frankie saw him without his wig, then there's no doubt that she might know his secret.
Dakota fell to his knees, the possiblity of being outted leaving him weak.
Of all people to know!!
Of all places to be....
Frankie Bennett!
Dakota covered his mouth, as a soft whimper escaped his lips as his eyes filled with tears.
Oh no....what am I going to do..?
Dakota watched Frankie from a distance as she chatted with her usual group of friends. They entered the school halls and disappeared into the crowd. He stood outside, feeling sick.
He was terrified to go into school. He didn't know whether or not she already outted him.
He wanted to be nice and give her the benefit of the doubt but this was a woman who looked at him like he was an unfortunate soul and hated him more than wet socks on a rainy day.
She'd definitely do anything to ruin him.
She hated him and Dakota knew this all too well.
He nibbled at his bottom lip, his mind running a mile a minute.
"Oh Dakota!"
Dakota fell to his knees for the second time that day. He clutched his chest, as his heart slammed violently against his rib cage.
He looked up at his friends who stared back at him in worry.
"Wow dude, you could make a sound like that?"
He felt tears well up in his eyes and stood up to glare at them.
"Ah... Are you crying?"
"Shut up! You idiot!" He yelled before running off.
"You think he's on his period?"
"Bro what....?"
Dakota sighed miserably.
He hasn't gone to any of his classes, he's just been hiding around the school just waiting for someone to call him a pervert or a f*g.
For them to start ostracizing him and mocking him.
He sniffled wiping his tears.
He couldn't help crying, he felt so overwhelmed and terrified right now. He didn't know what to do, or how he'd handle people hating him for something he loved. He might be popular now but his popularity wouldn't be able to save him.
"Hey are you Okaaaaa- uhhhh...."
Dakota looked up to see none other than Frankie infront of him.
"Ahem oh wrong person!"
She immediately went to run away but Dakota grabbed her by her wrist. He stood up to hold her in place by her shoulders and force her to face him.
"You...." He glared at her disgusted expression.
Christ....did she hate him that much?
Frankie swallowed thickly unable to move due to fear and nausea.
Is he gonna hit me? Does he know I saw him??
Dakota stared at her quizzingly. Usually by now she'd hit him or curse him for touching her, but she wasn't even saying anything just avoiding his eyes, with a fearful look.
...then...does that mean she knows?
"Do you know abo-"
"I didn't know it was you! I just heard someone crying!"
She yelled closing her eyes tightly, seeming to expect something. Dakota stared down at her in confusion.
"What are you doing?"
"Aren't you going to hit me..?"
"Huh? Why would I do that?" He yelled his voice cracking due to his crying session earlier.
"Don't guys hate when people see them cry? Then they get all violent and defensive?"
"Wha- you-...." he stared at her, a complete loss for words, she said what she said with her whole chest. Not a single doubt in her eyes.
They held each other's gaze, trying to understand what the other was thinking.
Just what happened to her to make her think like this?
He sighed releasing his hold on her shoulders to sit back down on the wall by the corridor.
He looked back up at her to see she was hurriedly brushing away his touch. For the sake of his ego he ignored what she was doing.
"Frankie...." He paused, how would he ask her?
'hey did you see me crossdressing yesterday?'
No that's too straightforward and he'd be outting himself. 'so yesterday, did you take my wig?' sigh accusing her of theft might piss her off... besides she doesn't know that I know she was there.
He looked up to meet her light brown eyes.
It doesn't look like she told anyone, usually when assholes out someone they like to brag about it right? besides I haven't been called to the office for the 'we support you' speech or given odd looks by the janitors yet.
In that case....
"Let's go!"
Dakota stood up, taking his bag with him.
"What? Go where?"
"To class obviously."
"What weren't you skipping? Why are you coming to class?" She asked hurriedly as she walked behind him.
"You don't want me to?"
He chuckled ignoring her protest and made his way to the classroom.
He needed to know whether or not she knows, and he wants to know without having to ask.
Maybe she herself forgot, maybe she was drunk at the party too; if he ended up triggering her memory that'll be messy.
"Just go back to crying! Don't come to class!"
She yelled glaring up at him, he stopped and turned to her, leaning down to get extremely close to her face, their lips practically brushing. He moved so fast that Frankie couldn't step back and froze in place, he smiled being a little too close for her comfort.
"They say you should keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
He grinned watching her panicked expression, his face quickly went red however as he realized how close he was to her.
Ah.... She's average....but she's still kinda cute...
He pulled back covering his lips, trying to recover from his sudden thoughts. They tingled even though they didn't touch hers.
He wanted to intimated her, maybe even sound cool but he ended up feeling embarrassed.
"Ah whatever, just shut up and let's go."
He huffed walking away.
"Ahhh. You're so annoying!"
Frankie glared at Dakota who sat across from her in the Library, not a single care in his world.
She grumbled in annoyance. It was currently self study so most students were in the library, it was midday and for whatever reason this leech keeps following me.
They've had three other classes since morning and for each one Dakota was right by her.
It was starting to get to her, she wondered how she hasn't ended up in the nurse's office yet from how she was fuming. She's sure she popped a blood vessel already.
"Just ignore me, unless you.... want to have a conversation? Anything you want to say to me?"
"As if. Disappear."
"Cold, can't you be nicer to me?"
"And why the hell should I be?"
"Mmm....cause I'm cute?"
Dakota gasped at her looking utterly offended.
"Did you just figuratively spit on me?"
Frankie ignored him, as he laughed in disbelief sounding hurt by her actions.
She sighed quietly to herself feeling uncomfortable with him near her. She looked around to see people were staring at them and whispering; naturally seeing the sexy brooding kid hanging with a non popular student wasn't common.
Ahhhh, he's just a walking spot light!
He kept drawing attention to her, attention she didn't want. She looked at him again trying to understand his reasoning for following her.
Was he planning to attack me because I know his secret?
She glanced up at his displeased face to see he was muttering away to himself. She looked back down feeling nervous.
She wanted to avoid him today but knew of course that wasn't going to happen, as history has so blatantly made it so.
She didn't care what odd hobby Dakota had but she didn't want to get any closer to him.
Sharing and keeping secrets was one of the main ways people got closer, she refused to do this with Dakota, if he knew she knew; He'd probably end up being grateful to her and then start hanging around even more.
She shivered at the mere though of having to see him more than she needed to.
Ugh. Leech.
Naturally she'd still be keeping the secret but she'd be doing it involuntarily as she couldn't tell anyone but if she played dumb she could avoid that bonding moment. For now she'd act like she has no idea what she saw last night.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Swan spat, her shades hiding her obvious hangover.
"Tell you what?"
"That you're dating Dakota Song." Cammy supplied nonchalantly.
"HUH?!" Frankie stood up horrified by what she just heard.
D-D-Dating??? Me?? And much less that waste of space? That leech???
"Are you trying to insult me?"
Cammy burst out laughing at the serious expression Frankie had as she asked the question. Swan rolled her eyes at her friend before facing Frankie with concerned eyes.
"Really? They said they saw you guys kissing this morning, and you were pretty close recently..."
Frankie fell back into her seat feeling defeated.
Oh no! If Nathan hears this...
Rumors in this school were damaging and the hardest things to clear up. She knew it was over for her the minute it reached Nathan.
"Am I dead? Did I end up going to hell?" She asked staring down at her hands blankly.
Cammy howled slapping the table having quite the riot with this turn of events.
"Frankie stop it!"
"Why would I ever date a subhuman like Dakota??!" She yelled back feeling her very being shrivel up into dust.
This wasn't real. It was all a joke.
She felt bile rise in her stomach at the idea of dating that wretched crossdressing-- ah.
The image of Dakota's crossdressing persona came to mind, his long lashes, his dark pinkish red lips, his smooth skin....
Well...... He was pretty.....
The nausea she felt minutes ago slowly faded at the thought, she frowned blinking in confusion.
Did I just think that parasite was pretty?
She sighed miserably not wanting to think about it.
"I'm gonna use the bathroom" she muttered ignoring the worried gaze of Swan.
Frankie went inside, opening the door to let another student out. She went to the sinks and splashed her face with water. She sighed feeling unsteady.
what is happening..... It's like everything is going wrong suddenly.
Granted she wasn't the type who had their entire school life planned out but this sudden twist was getting to her. She's avoided men skillfully for the half her life so why was Dakota Song becoming a constant?? Why was he always around?? and why does she need to hear his name almost every week?
Ah.... He's so annoying....
She thought, her emotions becoming darker as she came from the bathroom. She subconsciously dodged the males in her path and rounded the corner to enter the cafeteria again until she saw her angel. She gasped and hid behind the wall instinctively.
"So what you think?"
Oh they're talking.....
"It's not our business who dates who Mack."
"But it's crazy right? Dakota's like the mysterious loner in our school bro, to think he liked someone like Bennett."
"Then she should be happy."
They're talking about me...?
"Isn't Dakota your friend bro?"
"Of sorts...." She heard Nathan answer.
"Dude are you trying to be an asshole right now just because you're popular too?"
"Don't laugh! And you know how many girls trip over themselves for the brooding tree trunk"
"You got a crush on him?"
"Shit if I wasn't straight I might!"
Frankie listened to them laugh as they walked away.
She slid down the wall feeling her feet give out from under her.
She trembled as her heart began to ache.
She could feel tears running down her face, unaware about when she started crying but she couldn't stop.
No...he heard about it....
Her worst fear was realized, she knew it was just a baseless rumor but he seemed to believe it and that was enough to break Frankie's spirit.
She hiccuped feeling more tears rush down her face.
Her one chance at love, was ruined by a stupid rumor!! The only guy she could stomach, literally.
She felt stupid reacting so emotionally but she didn't even get to confess to him, if she tried to clear up the rumor would he even believe her? Would he think she's just two timing and trying to cheat?
"Frankie? I been looking all over for you."
She looked up eyes blazing.
Why...?..... This- this is all Dakota's fault!!
She glared marching towards the very thing she hated the most in that moment.
She watched Dakota's eyes widen in shock as he said something to her, but her ears were ringing and she could barely see past her tears.
She pushed him with all her might causing him to fall on his ass.
She roared, her anger echoing in the corridor. It was said with so much venom and pain that it left Dakota frozen on the floor.
He stared up at the tears running down her face and felt his chest tighten. She looked completely distraught.
Without another word she turned and ran off back in the direction of the bathroom, no doubt to cry her eyes out.
Dakota sat there for a moment hearing the whispers around him.
"Woah trouble in paradise?"
"Damn she could cry like that?"
"You think they broke up?
He sighed covering his face in his hands.
He made her cry.
Standing up he brushed off his clothes and quickly glared at those around him, they immediately shut up and scrambled away. He looked down at his feet feeling guilty.
What happened to make her cry like that? And why did she hate him...?
Ahhh!! What the hell happened??
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