《His innocent BiWi {Completed}》Part 5


"You didn't tell me that you were coming today" complained that girl pulling away from the hug.

"I had to come because of the meetings" said Krishna smiling.

"At least try to change your work schedule now. You are a married man now , spare some time for your wife as well." warned that girl.

"Sure Madam" said Krishna saluting her.

"Where is your biwi, mister? " asked that girl looking around.

Shruthi stood there as she doesn't know what to do. She never thought that she would witness Krishna hugging other girl. Unable to see their closeness Shruthi marched towards them. The girl noticed Shruthi and smiled at her while Shruthi glared at her for hugging her Kittu and stood beside Krishna.

"Shruthi, right? " asked that girl smiling.

Before Shruthi could answer , Krishna pulled Shruthi close to him by her waist and answered for her. This time Shruthi felt happy seeing him pulling her close to him that too in front of that girl .

"Shruthi, this is Suma. Suma, this is my wife Shruthi " Krishna introduced them to each other.

"Hello Shruthi, finally glad to see you" said Suma and hugged Shruthi affectionately.

"Hello " Shruthi replied returning her hug as she doesn't want to be rude to the guest.

"Who is she Kittu?"Shruthi asked turning to Krishna.

"Biwi, she stays in the opposite flat and is a very good friend of mine." told Krishna.

"Oh..." before they could talk further Suma's phone rang.

"Hello hubby, coming.... I'm outside our house" saying that Suma disconnected the call and turned to Shruthi to talk something.

Few seconds later, the opposite door opened and a man came out carrying a baby boy in his arms.

"Suma, here hold him. He has been crying from the last half an hour. I tried a lot to make him stop crying but he is not stopping " complained that man and handed the baby to Suma. Suma took the baby and tried to console him.

"Hey Krishna. When did you arrive?" asked that man seeing Krishna.

"Just half an hour back, Vamsi" replied Krishna.

"Is this your wife?" asked Vamsi pointing Shruthi.

"Yeah" he then introduced Vamsi to Shruthi as Suma's husband while Shruthi politely wished him.

"Why did you disturbed them at this time, Suma?"

"I was coming home but saw lights switched on in Krishna's house. So thought to check whether he came or not " explained Suma rocking the baby in her arms to make him stop crying.

Seeing the baby, Shruthi instantly fell in love with him though he was crying, he was so adorable.

"Is he hungry? Where is his milk bottle? Did you feed him milk?" Suma asked Vamsi.

"Yeah I fed him but after drinking the milk he started crying more. May be he is missing his Mom like his father." said Vamsi wrapping his arms around Suma's shoulder while Suma blushed whispering 'Shut up' and elbowed him on his stomach.


Krishna laughed seeing the duo. While Shruthi stood there not knowing what is happening.

"Coming from hospital? At this hour?" Krishna asked Suma.

Suma is a doctor(Gynecologist), she works at a famous hospital in the city. Vamsi and Krishna are friends , previously they both worked in same company too but now Vamsi shifted to another company but Krishna continued working in the same company. Suma and Vamsi had a love marriage. The baby boy is 10 months old, after Suma's delivery she took 6 months leave but now she goes to hospital whenever there is an emergency case.

"Yeah, a delivery case. Took 6 hours" said Suma tired looking at her son who is not gonna stop crying anytime soon.

Krishna smiled and looked at Shruthi, She was looking at them confusedly.

"She is a doctor, biwi" clarified Krishna.

"Oh..Shall I take him?" Shruthi asked Suma opening her arms to give her the baby.

"It's ok Shruthi, he will calm down in a bit" replied Suma as she doesn't want to trouble Shruthi.

"No problem" saying that Shruthi tried to grab the baby attention and the boy willingly went into Shruthi's arms, crying.

"What is his name?" Shruthi asked turning to Suma.

"Sunny" replied Suma.

"Hey Sunny....why are you crying ?" asked Shruthi in a baby voice and walked out of the house carrying Sunny and started pacing in the corridor.

Suma and Vamsi smiled at each other seeing Shruthi trying to console the baby. Then they continued talking about Krishna's wedding. After few minutes, Shruthi walked into the house carrying Sunny who had slept peacefully in her arms.

"He slept off?" asked Vamsi astonished while Shruthi nodded her head as yes giving the baby to Suma.

"Thank you so much Shruthi, he is not sleeping and also not letting me sleep peacefully." said Vamsi sighing.

"Thanks Shruthi" said Suma smiling and Shruthi smiled back.

"Let's us move Suma, they just came home. We can talk to them later" said Vamsi.

"Okay, let's go. Bye" said Suma to Krishna and hugged Shruthi bidding her bye.

"Sorry forgot to wish. Happy married life buddy" said Vamsi giving Krishna a manly hug.

"haha thanks man" replied Krishna punching him on his arm.

After closing the door, Krishna turned towards Shruthi who was glaring at him.

"What?" asked Krishna walking towards her.

"I don't like her but I like her son" stated Shruthi.

"She is a very nice girl, biwi."

"Why did you hug that girl?"asked Shruthi ignoring his words.

"It's just a friendly hug, Shruthi. Why are you so grumpy?" asked Krishna.

" It's not a good habit to hug girls, right?"

"You won't let me hug you but when I hug other girl you are getting angry." told amused seeing her jealous side.


"I don't like it when she hugged you. Don't hug her again, Kittu" Shruthi told him looking down.

"Okay, I won't hug her again and for that matter I won't hug any other girl other than you. But in return will you give me a tight hug?" asked Krishna.


"What no? You want me to go and get a hug from Suma then ok, stay like this I'm going" saying that Krishna took two steps. Shruthi looked at him shocked and hurriedly took few steps and hugged Krishna tightly which made Krishna lose balance but he stood in position by taking the wall support.

"Don't go Kittu" Shruthi pleaded him.

Krishna laughed and removed her hands on his stomach and turned around to face her.

"I was just joking, biwi. I promise I won't hug her again. Now give me a proper hug" said Krishna opening his arms for her. Shruthi nodded her head negatively but Krishna pulled her by her wrist and hugged her tightly.

" She is like a sister to me , biwi. She saved me when I met with an accident."

"Accident!! When ,Kittu" asks Shruthi shocked coming out of the hug.

"Two years back biwi, a car knocked me and went away, I was lying unconscious on road, Suma was passing by that road. She saw me and took me to hospital. As it was an accident the hospital authorities denied to treat me until police files a case but as Suma was working in the same hospital, she talked to her colleagues and made them treat me at correct time. The accident was not that major and after treatment ,when she asked about my family details to inform them about me. I gave her my friend Vamsi's number as I don't want to scare you and dad by informing about the accident."

"But you should have informed us Kittu" said Shruthi with tears in her eyes.

"This is why I didn't tell you both" said Krishna pointing to her tears which are flowing down her cheek.

"Shhh, biwi. This was happened two years before. Why are you crying now, it was over. I'm perfectly fine " consoled Krishna wiping her tears and Shruthi nodded her head.

"Vamsi came and took care of all the formalities but that idiot fell in love with Suma and after 6 months they got married. Now they have Sunny and are happy. Before their marriage me and Vamsi used to stay in the opposite flat but after their marriage I moved into this flat. " explained Krishna.

"Did you liked the house, biwi? Last one month after our marriage date got finalized, Suma helped me getting all the necessary items and also arranged this house neatly. She is a very nice girl, biwi"

Hearing his words, Shruthi started walking towards the main door.

"Where are you going?" asked Krishna confused.

"I going to thank Suma."

"For what?"

"For saving you and also for arranging the house so nicely" said Shruthi smiling.

"Not now biwi, it's just 6'00 clock, they must be sleeping. You can thank her later." said Krishna checking the time.


"Few minutes back you said you don't like her but now what a change biwi" said Krishna chuckling.

"After listening to your words I think I like her now, Kittu." said Shruthi smiling.

"I know that you will like her " said Krishna and kissed her forehead.

"Are you tired? Do you want to sleep?" asked Krishna yawning.

"I'm not sleepy Kittu, I slept throughout the journey. I think you need sleep as you were the one who drove the car without sleeping. You go and sleep, I will set the kitchen and cook something for breakfast." said Shruthi.

"Okay, I'm going to bed room. If you need anything call me." saying that he walked to bedroom while Shruthi went to Kitchen.

After 3 hours, Krishna got a call from his office asking him to come to office immediately as there was an urgent meeting. After having a shower, Krishna came to kitchen fully dressed to go to office and saw her cooking something in the kitchen.

"Biwi, Is breakfast ready?" asked Krishna.

"ha Kittu" said Shruthi turning around hearing his voice.

"Okay, serve me. I'm going to office as there is some important work"

"But yesterday you said that you won't go to office today and also you told me that you will take me out." says Shruthi sadly.

"Sorry biwi, it's important. In the evening I will take you out, promise"

"Okay." saying that she served him breakfast.

"Now desert time." said Krishna wiping his washed hands with napkin.

"I didn't prepare any desert, Kittu" said Shruthi.

"You have it, don't lie."

"Promise Kittu, I prepared breakfast only " said Shruthi placing her palm on her head. Shaking his head Krishna pulled her close to him and wrapping his hands around her waist, he kissed her on her lips and released her after biting her lower lip.

"This will be my dessert after having breakfast. See you in the evening, be ready at 6'O clock. Take care bye" saying that Krishna hurriedly rushed out of the house.


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