《His innocent BiWi {Completed}》Part 4


"What!! I won't go anywhere" said Shruthi and rushed to her bedroom.

"Shruthi" Venkat called her sadly.

"I will talk to her dad, don't worry." assured Krishna and followed her.

Krishna walked into their room and saw her standing near the window looking outside. He stood behind her and heard her sob. Taking a deep breath, this is going to be very hard he thought inwardly.

"Biwi" he called her and placed his hands on her shoulders to turn her around so that they could face each other.

"Why are you crying?" asked Krishna calmly.

"I won't come without papa, Kittu" said Shruthi sobbing.

"shhh..ok, I get that you don't want to come with me. Stop crying" consoled Krishna.

"Then few minutes back, why did you all said that I should go with you."

"Shruthi, tell me one thing. You don't want to come with me or you don't want to come with me without papa?" Krishna asked seriously.

"If I come with you, papa will be alone here. Who will take care of him?" Shruthi asked innocently looking at Krishna. Krishna felt happy seeing her care for his father, her words made him love her more.

"Who said papa will stay here forever. He will come and live with us." pacified Krishna.

"Really!! Then why are we going tomorrow, we will go along with papa"

"No Shruthi, dad has some important things to settle here. After few weeks he will shift to Mumbai. Until then we will stay there as I can't skip my office anymore."

"But Kittu, you go. I will stay with papa, after completing his works I will come along with him."

"No Shruthi. I have been staying there alone since 8 years eating hostel food during college and now hotel food. If I continue eating outside it will affect my health. Do you want me to fall ill?" said Krishna acting sadly.

"hmmm but what about papa?"

"Just for few weeks only, Karuna Maa will be here for few more weeks na. So, you don't worry. " said Krishna placing his right hand on her cheek.


"Also he told me that he can't come and stay with us until we give a grandchild to him. So don't worry about him, he will definitely come and stay with us. Till then we will try our best to give him a kid. If you stay here how will we give him a baby." told Krishna shyly looking at her .

"Oh, after that he will come right?"

"Yeah and Don't ask me how we get a kid." said Krishna realizing what he said few minutes back.

"I know Kittu, after few months of marriage every married couple will have a kid."Krishna relieved as she at least knew this and is not asking him any further questions.

"Kittu, what will I do there alone as I don't know anybody. " asked Shruthi pouting.

"You will get to know, biwi. I will be there with you right? You can watch TV when I'm not home and in the evening when I come home I will take you out. You always wanted to see a beach right?" asked Krishna trying to change the topic.

"Will you take me to beach?" Shruthi asked excitedly jumping up and down.

"Sure, I will take you wherever you want" promised Krishna.


"Ok then, I will come with you to Mumbai"

"That's like my biwi" saying that Krishna kissed her on her cheek while Shruthi blushed. Thank god!! finally she is ready to go with me thought Krishna.

Later that night, Krishna was eagerly waiting for Shruthi in their room hoping to at least make this night a memorable one to both of them. He waited for one hour but his biwi didn't come to their bed room.

Cursing himself and his fate he came out of his room in search of his biwi. He first checked kitchen thinking that she might be there but to his disappointment she was not there. He then went out and searched in the living room but didn't find her anywhere.

When he was about to go his room and he thought of asking Karuna once. He went to Shruthi's previous room where Karun is staying . He knocked on door and waited for few seconds. After few minutes, Karuna opened the door.

"Maa, Shruthi didn't .....come ...to our room. Do you know where she is?" Krishna asked her awkwardly.

"Come in Kittu, she is here " told Karuna

"She is with you?" asked Krishna confusedly.

"Yes, my legs were paining and she was giving me a massage. I denied and told her to go and sleep but this girl didn't listen to me and insisted on massaging. "

"Are you fine now Maa?" Krishna asked her concerned.

"It's just that I was tired due to all the wedding works, that's it Kittu . " Karina told smiling.

"Where is Shruthi?"

"Come in Kittu and see for yourself." told Karuna and stepped back to give space for him to enter the room.

When he entered the room he was surprised to see Shruthi sleeping at edge of the bed. He turned to Karina and looked at her confusedly.

"When she was massaging my feet, I slept off. I woke up hearing the knock and she too must have dozed off after I fell asleep" Karuna said with a smile.

"Oh" Few minutes back Krishna was frustrated and now he was irritated seeing Shruthi asleep in her room without coming to their room whereas he has been waiting for her in the other room. But he when looked at her face who is sleeping peacefully with a cute smile on her face, he forgot his irritation and smiled at her lovingly.

"She must be tired as since morning she didn't let me do any work. She prepared lunch and dinner by herself saying 'Masi I know how Kittu likes his food, i will prepare his favourite food items today for him' " said Karuna imitating Shruthi's words which made Krishna laugh and shy at the same time.

"She was so happy and excited while cooking for you. She likes you so much Kittu" said Karuna.

Hearing her words his lips twitch into a curve and he looked at his innocent biwi lovingly.

"Maa I will take her to our room" said Krishna after few minutes.

"Ok, wait. Let me wake her up." said Karuna.

"No Maa, don't wake her up. I will take her." said Krishna

"as you wish" without any delay Krishna carried her in his arms without disturbing her sleep and he walked out of the room leaving a smiling and blushing Karuna behind.

While walking towards their room Shruthi shifted to a comfortable position in his arms and placed a hand on his neck. He entered their room and gently placed her on the bed. After closing the door, he got on the bed, supporting himself on his elbow, he stared at her face stoking her cheeks with his thumb lovingly.


"You look so adorable when you are asleep, biwi. All the day I have been waiting eagerly for night but when it is night you disappeared somewhere and I found you asleep in some other room. I want to be angry on you for spoiling my second night as well but seeing you sleeping so peacefully I couldn't be angry. Why do you look so innocent, biwi ? I was badly waiting to make love to you but you...never mind , you don't realize my feelings." said Krishna and closed his eyes and opened them after few seconds.

"Previously I somehow managed to stay away from you but now after our marriage I'm unable to spend a minute without you by my side. You always do this to me. Your innocence, childish talk, your care and love everything, every single thing about you drive me crazy, biwi. You have no idea how badly I want to wake you up now and make you mine but I can't do it as my heart is not allowing me to disturb your beauty sleep. I guess I have to wait for some more time. Hope next time luck would be on my side. I'm scared that may be I will die without making love to you. You are making me wait for one more day. Hmph....I can't blame you too as I guess you too don't have any idea how much I waited for this time to come in my life. " said Krishna and kissed her forehead , cheeks and finally placed his lips on hers lightly like a feather touch. As he know she would freak out if she realize him kissing her.

Sighing, he hugged her close to his chest, almost pulled her on him and closed his eyes hoping to have a nice life with his biwi in Mumbai.

Next day everything went in blur as they were busy packing Shruthi's stuff and after bidding good bye to everyone Krishna and Shruthi started to Mumbai in car at night. While leaving the house she cried a lot but Venkat assured her that he will come and visit them soon.

While travelling Shruthi kept looking at the window while Krishna felt happy and content as he is taking his biwi with him but other part is sad for leaving his father alone but he knew that his father won't come with them as he has so many memories of his mother in their home and that's why his father is not ready to go with them immediately.

They reached Mumbai next day early morning. He took her to his flat, it was not an apartment but a building of 5 floors with 2 houses in each floor. They both entered the elevator and Krishna pressed 5 button. After few seconds, they reached their floor and Krishna led her to their flat. He took out the keys from his pocket and opened the door for her. Both entered the house, Krishna switched on the lights as it was still dark. Shruthi looked around the house with excitement and seeing her face he knew that she liked their home. Previously it was just a house for him a place to come and sleep but now it is home as his biwi will be there to take care of him and waiting for him when he goes to office.

Krishna closed the door and took her hand in his and showed her the entire house. Lastly he took her to their bedroom. Shruthi was looking around the room while Krishna moved towards Shruthi and hugged her from behind.

"Finally, we are alone in our bedroom" Krishna said happily.

"Leave me Kittu" said Shruthi pushing him.

"Nope, i will leave you if you give me a kiss ."

"What!!Cheee... no way. I won't kiss you."

"What Cheee... I'm your husband. Ok if you don't kiss me then i will kiss you" said Krishna as a matter of fact and turned her towards him.

Before she could react he claimed her lips gently and started kissing her. Shruthi was totally distracted with the gentleness and she fisted her saree in her both hands trying to control the urge to kiss him back. Her irresponsiveness irritated him and he started to kiss her hardly turning the gentle and sweet kiss to a rough and hard one. Shruthi stood there like a statue and was almost in gaze. He moved his right hand on her stomach and started to tug the drape of her saree .

"Kittu" Shruthi called him breathing heavily unable to tolerate his torture. Her heart beat increasing with each passing second.

He just hummed and moved to kiss her throat and neck. Shruthi without her knowledge tilted her head to give him better access to invade her. Krishna moved his hands on her exposed waist and squeezed it a little making her gasp. When he was about to pick her up in his arms, Shruthi came out of her daze hearing the knock on their door but Krishna didn't heard it as he was so engrossed in his passion.

Shruthi pushed him aside and stepped back.

"What biwi?" he groaned seeing her moving away from him. Before she could say anything he heard the door knock and realized that she pulled away because of it.

Sighing, he moved close to her again and placed his lips on her kissing her one last time, he stepped back.

"Adjust your saree biwi, I will go and see who it is." saying that he walked out of the room.

Shruthi then looked at her appearance and stood there shocked as the drape of her saree came off and she didn't even realize when Krishna managed to pull them off, remembering what happened few minutes back, she realized that she neither pushed him nor stopped him. She cursed herself for letting him do all those things to her. She remembered Jyoti's words and slapped herself for forgetting her words. She decided to stay away from him as whenever he touched her she couldn't think properly and moreover his touch was affecting her so much.

Shruthi adjusted her saree and came out of the bed room. She fumed at the scene in front of her. Her Kittu was hugging some other girl and that girl hugged him back and giggling, she smacked his shoulder.


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