《His innocent BiWi {Completed}》Part 6


Shruthi doesn't know how to tell Krishna to stay away from her. With each passing day, he is trying to get more intimate with her and more than that it is being difficult for her to control herself and not to kiss him back.

Shruthi spend some time arranging the house neatly and watched TV for some time and then when she got bored. She decided to go to Suma's house as in the morning she didn't talked to her properly and also she wanted to thank her. She went to kitchen and prepared a sweet dish to give it to Suma. After packing it in a box she locked her flat and rang the door bell of opposite flat.

Suma opened it and smiled seeing Shruthi, invited her into the house. She thanked her and gave the sweet dish to Suma. After talking for sometime both the girls became very close and Shruthi started to feel Suma as her sister and liked her very much. Shruthi spent hours in Suma's house , talking and playing with Sunny. In the evening she came to her flat to get ready to go out with Krishna.

Krishna started to his home happily to see his wife and spend time with her as whole day though he was busy he kept thinking about her but couldn't get a chance to call and talk to her. He stopped in the mid-way and purchased few things for Shruthi. Today I will take her out, we will have dinner outside and after coming home we can do ahem ahem and I will make her mine without any disturbances thought Krishna happily. He rang the door bell, after few seconds the door was opened and Shruthi came to his view looking pale.

"What happened, biwi?" asked Krishna worriedly seeing her face. She opened her mouth to speak but immediately covered it with her hands and rushed to bedroom.

Krishna followed her inside and found her in the bathroom. As the bathroom door was open, he rushed inside and found her emptying her stomach. He rushed to her and covered her ears with his hands.

After helping her clean her mouth, Krishna took her to the bedroom and made her lay on the bed.

"What happened, Shruthi?" Krishna asked restlessly. Without answering anything, she clutched her stomach, closing her eyes she went to unconscious state.

Krishna was scared not knowing anything, he patted her cheek but Shruthi didn't open her eyes.

Krishna took out his phone and asked Suma to come to his flat immediately. Few seconds later, Suma came.

"Why did you call me, Krishna?" asked Suma.

"Shruthi vomited and she fell unconscious clutching her stomach. I don't know what's wrong with her. Please check her Trish, I'm scared"


"Wait, let me check her. You wait outside."

Krishna walked out of the bedroom after glanced a look at Shruthi's pale face.

Few minutes later, Trish came out of the room. Krishna immediately asked what's wrong with Shruthi's health but Trish remained silent.

"Tell me Trish, what happened to her? You are scaring me more with your silence" shouted Krishna.

"Krishna, she is perfectly alright. Nothing to worry" assured Suma.

"Nothing to worry, she is vomiting her guts out and fell unconscious. You are telling me not to worry" asks Krishna frustrated.

"It's common Krishna , nothing to worry. It's just that she is...she is....on her mo...monthly." replied Suma awkwardly.

"Oh Is she in pain? But why is she vomiting?" said Krishna relaxing a bit.

" She is sleeping now. Sometimes few feel nauseous during this time, maybe she was tired with the journey and all. Don't worry I will give a medicine, the pain and nausea feeling will reduce a bit after having that."

"Okay, no need to worry right? Is it good to take her to hospital?" asked Krishna worriedly.

"First of all stop worrying, it is common and did you forget that I'm a doctor and that too a gynecologist" asked Suma.

"Sorry....can you please bring the medicine? " requested Krishna.

"Sure" saying that Suma walked towards the main door before stepping out she turned back.



"Did she had dinner?"

"I don't think so, I told her not to cook as I thought of taking her out for dinner. It's ok I will cook or order something. "

"Oh I forgot, she told me that you both were going out tonight. No need, I already cooked dinner. Will bring food for you both." saying that Suma went to her flat to bring food.

Later, Suma brought food and medicines for Shruthi. She offered help in taking care of Shruthi but Krishna denied and thanked her for her help.

Krishna made Shruthi eat the dinner and gave her medicines, soon she drifted to a peaceful sleep . He sat on the bed beside her and after making sure that she was no more in pain he too drifted to sleep.

Next day he woke up with someone shaking him. He opened his eyes and saw that Shruthi was standing near the bed, looking fresh.

"How are you feeling?" asked Krishna getting up from the bed.

"What happened to me? I'm good, Kittu. " said Shruthi smiling.

"Yesterday you scared me Shruthi, I thought something happened to you"

"Nothing happened na"

"Do you suffer like this every month?"


"Not always but sometimes " she said shyly. Seeing her shy, Krishna cursed under his breath.

You ruined my last night plans and now smiling at me shyly muttered Krishna.

"Did you say something, Kittu?" asked Shruthi. Shaking his head Krishna as no, he walked towards the bathroom.

After having a bath, he got ready and came out of the bed room holding a cover.


"ha Kittu" says Shruthi coming from Kitchen.

"Here, this is for you." said Krishna handing her the cover.

"What is this?" saying that Shruthi opened the cover and as soon as her eyes recognized the things that Krishna bought, her face lit up and she looked at him smiling.

"You got chocolates for me Kittu" says Shruthi happily.

"Yeah, you used to love them when we were kids" said Krishna smiling seeing her happy after last night.

He walked close to her and cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead lovingly.

"Last night I bought them but you were not well. Don't scare again like you did last night"

"sorry Kittu, I'm perfectly fine now." she said smiling seeing his care for her.

"Will you take me out today, Kittu?"

"I would love to but your health is not good right? so you take rest when you are healthy then we will go"

"I had medicine na, I'm fine Kittu. Please take me out" asked Shruthi cutely pleading him.

"Ok, as you wish. You get ready and after having breakfast, we will leave in two hour"

"Okay" jumped Shruthi excitedly.

Two hours later both of them got ready and came to parking lot of their building.

"Kittu, how will we go?" asked Shruthi confusedly.

"On that "replied Krishna pointing to a bike.

"You have bike?? Then what about the car in which we came from our home?"

"That was Vamsi's car, biwi. Yesterday I returned it to him"

"oh, this bike is also very nice. " said Shruthi happily but he could see that there was a flash of disappointment when he said that the car was not theirs.

"Soon we will buy a car too"


"When we have kids then we will buy a car. As for now, bike is enough for us"

"Okay" she said shyly.

He started the bike and Shruthi sat on the back. She was scared that she might fell down but she didn't tell it to him. Krishna started the bike and when they came out of the main gate he sensed that Shruthi was moving slightly, so he parked the bike aside. Shruthi looked at him confusedly but he stretched his hand back and took her right hand, wrapped it around his waist. He smiled at her who is looking at him through the mirror.

They reached a shopping mall and both went for shopping. Shruthi was so excited to go out with him, also she never visited Mumbai. Krishna made her buy few things for her and for him. They had their lunch outside and again roamed around the city. In the evening, he took her to beach without telling her their next destination as she loves beaches but never visited one. First time she was going to beach that too with Krishna after their marriage.

They both walked hand in hand along the shore and played like kids with sand making castles. Krishna enjoyed watching her playing like a kid he missed her so much in those years when he was away from her. After spending some time in the beach ,she told him that she want to eat Panipuri. They both went to a nearby stall.

Shruthi couldn't stuff the pani puri into her mouth properly, seeing her struggle to eat it Krishna laughed.

"here , have this" saying that he placed the puri near her mouth. Shruthi without any hesitation opened her mouth and he feed her the puri.

"You still can't eat panipuri properly, biwi" teased Krishna while Shruthi pouted sadly. Since child hood she loves panipuri but can't eat properly everytime he used to feed her whenever they went to eat panipuri.

After eating chat, they visited a nearby park and after that they both started to their home.

"Do you want to go anywhere else, biwi?" asked Krishna sitting on his bike.

"hmmm...I want to watch a movie in theatre" said Shruthi suddenly as if she remember this now.

"Now" he asked shocked while Shruthi nodded her head.

Krishna checked the time and saw that there is still one and half more hour to start the second show. so he agreed happily. They first went to their flat to keep all the shopping bags and after freshing up Krishna took her to a mall to watch the movie.

He thought of taking her to a romantic movie but the tickets for that movie were already sold out. So he opted for a normal family entertainer. Shruthi stood near entrance watching Krishna as went to counter to get tickets. After taking tickets Krishna walked quickly and called two guys who just stood before him in the queue and he was asking them something. After exchanging his tickets with them he walked towards Shruthi.

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